节气“小满” 来了,它的英文很美!
Grain Buds
小满未满 万物初盈
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小满(英文名:grain buds)——其含义是夏熟作物的籽粒开始灌浆饱满,但还未成熟,只是小满,还未大满。是二十四节气之一,夏季的第二个节气。小满时节,太阳达黄经60°,于每年公历5月20-22日交节。小满节气意味着进入了大幅降水的雨季,往往会出现持续大范围的强降水。小满反映了降雨量大的气候特征:“小满江河满”(南方)。
In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production. But the solar term culture is still useful today to guide people’s lives through special foods, cultural ceremonies, gardening and even healthy living tips that correspond with each solar term. Let’s see what we can do during the “Grain Buds” period.
A good season for eating fish
A good season for eating mulberries
A Chinese farmer proverb/ˈprɑːvɜːrb/(谚语、俗语) says, “Mulberries become black during the Grain Buds period.” Thus it is a good season to eat mulberries.
Tips on health preserving in Grain Buds
High temperatures and humidity are common during the Grain Buds period. The increase in temperature over this season may also give rise to sweat /swet/ (汗) spots, and other skin diseases.
It is also important to exercise to keep healthy during the hot summer days. Walking, jogging and practicing tai chi is popular.
Celebrating silkworm deity birthday
Silkworm rearing/ˈrɪrɪŋ/养育 is a traditional byproduct for people in regions south of the Yangtze River. During the Grain Buds season, silkworms have cocooned/ kəˈkuːnd/ 包裹的. People begin to cook cocoons and prepare the spinning wheel for reeling/ˈriːlɪŋ/ silk.
Eating herb of common sow thistle
Grain Buds is a season for eating the herb of the common sow thistle/ˈθɪsl/野菜, which is one of the earliest edible potherbs(煮食之蔬菜) in China.