日课|英文故事:Big Mouth



Big Mouth

Once there lived a frog named Big Mouth. Big Mouth lived in a pond with many other frogs. He got his name because he loved to gossip about his friends.

Gossip happens when you talk about someone behind his or her back. Big Mouth told everyone that Freddy Frog couldn’t hop very high. All the frogs laughed and laughed at Freddy Frog when they saw him. This made Freddy feel sad. But Big Mouth laughed and laughed.

One day Phil Frog got fed up with Big Mouth’s big mouth. He said, “Don’t gossip, Big Mouth. How would you like it if I told everyone your secret—that you don’t like the taste of flies?”

Then, Big Mouth’s eyes got big. His big mouth opened into a round “O.” “I wouldn’t like that at all,” he told Phil. Big Mouth never gossiped again.






  1. big mouth 多嘴的人;嘴不严的人

  2. gossip 说长道短;说闲话

  3. laugh at 嘲笑

  4. fed up with 受够了;厌烦

  5. How would you like it if... 如果……,你会怎么想?

Gossip is . . .
a. a nice thing to do.
b. a mean thing to do.
c. only done with frogs.
d. fun for everyone.
Now it's your time to open your mouth and follow me! 张开嘴巴跟着录音练起来!


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