Immigration to Slovenia

Migration is a way of life in the modern world. Like other Member States of the European Union, Slovenia supports the integration of foreigners holding a residence permit. Slovenia adheres to the principles and values of equality, freedom and mutual cooperation. As the personal circumstances of immigrants are different, we devote special attention and care to each individual. We encourage and facilitate their inclusion in cultural, economic and social life.Entry and residenceTogether we resolve the most common issuesFollowing their arrival in a new country, immigrants are faced with many practical issues, for example how to officialise their move to Slovenia or which requirements they must fulfil, how to register temporary or permanent residence, and who is entitled to Slovenian citizenship.  They will need detailed, clear and concise information to make all the necessary arrangements for their life in Slovenia.  To this end, an informative brochure covering all the basic topics was published. It provides foreigners with information on education and employment possibilities, health insurance, social assistance, free legal aid and other important information about Slovenia.  Knowledge of the basics of the society, language, history and social order in Slovenia is very useful for successful integration and are warmly welcomed by Slovenians.Entry into SloveniaCitizens of the Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA) may enter Slovenia with a valid identity card or a valid passport and do not require a visa or a residence permit.   A more favourable treatment upon entry and for the acquisition of a residence permit is also accorded to family members of the citizens from the EEA countries. Before their arrival to Slovenia, third country nationals must acquire a visa or a residence permit from Slovenia's diplomatic mission abroad.International protection granted by SloveniaAs a signatory to the Geneva Convention and a Member State of the European Union, Slovenia grants international protection or asylum to persons not provided such protection in their countries of origin. Slovenia grants the status of refugee to persons who submit well-founded and credible proof of being persecuted in their countries of origin for reasons of their political opinion, religion, race, nationality or ethnic affiliation, and whose return to said country of origin would pose a threat to their lives or freedom or expose them to torture and inhuman treatment.Regular Migration Procedures DivisionMINISTRY OF THE INTERIORMIGRATION DIRECTORATELitostrojska cesta 541501 Ljubljana+386 1 428 43 02gp.mnz@gov.siConsular DepartmentMINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRSDIRECTORATE FOR INTERNATIONAL LAW AND PROTECTION OF INTERESTSŠubičeva ulica 101000 Ljubljana+386 1 478 23 05konzularne-zadeve.mzz@gov.siOffice hoursMONDAY09.00 - 12.00WEDNESDAY09.00 - 12.0014.00 - 16.00FRIDAY09.00 - 12.00Office hours by phone are during business hours.Information for foreignersUseful information for foreigners entering Slovenia.Information for foreignersTYPES OF RESIDENCE PERMITtemporary residence permit: you apply for this permit when you have a provable purpose of residence in Slovenia. When you meet the conditions, a permit is issued for a fixed period (not more than one year). You extend it under the same conditions as it was issued to you,permanent residence permit: you apply for this permit after a fixed, continuous and lawful period of residence in Slovenia. It is issued without limitation of duration, and in the application you also do not need to show the purpose of permanent residence in Slovenia.HOW MUCH DO I NEED TO PAY WHEN SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION?Price in EURRequest, application, form (filled in Slovenia)4,50Application, form (filled abroad)13,00Issue of a single permit (filled in Slovenia)*70,00Issue of a temporary residence permit (filled in Slovenia)50,00Issue of a temporary residence permit (filled abroad)102,00Issue of a permanent residence permit90,60Issue of residence registration certificates for EU citizens and residence permits for family members of EU citizens residing in Slovenia or Slovenian citizens9,10Price of the residence card12,00* If a single permit is issued on the basis of a previously issued work permit under an international agreement (e.g. Agreement on employment between Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina), you do not pay these fees.Example 1: You wish to obtain a temporary residence permit for study purposes and you file an application in Slovenia. You pay EUR 4.50 for the application and EUR 50.00  for the issue of a temporary residence permit for study purposes and EUR 12.00 for residence card.Example 2: You wish to obtain a temporary residence permit for study purposes and you file an application abroad. You pay  EUR 13.00 for the application and EUR 102.00  for the issue of a temporary residence permit for study purposes and EUR 12.00 for residence card.E-visaSlovenia advocates an update of the visa system at the EU level. The idea is to simplify different phases of the visa procedure and make it more user-friendly. The first step was the introduction of online visa applications, which are available in third countries where the application procedure goes through visa centres.In the coming years, the system should become available for all countries. In step two, Slovenia is planning to update the procedure itself by discontinuing visa stickers and using electronic visas. This decision must receive support by all the countries in the Schengen Area and by EU institutions.Until further notice, applicants must print out the visa form and lodge it at embassies or visa centres.Filling the applicationEnter your e-mail address to proceed.Fill in the application according to the instructions. Make sure to read all the instructions carefully and provide as much information as possible. Avoid typing errors.After completing the visa application, you will be provided with the number of your visa application and the filled form will be sent to your e-mail address as a pdf file.After completing the online application, the form must be printed out and signed before submitting it, together with other required documents to a Slovenian foreign representation for processing. Only a signed application is valid for applying for a visa! NB! In case information on the visa application is incorrect, you should fill in a new application form, print it and sign it againApplicant’s personal e-mail addressInsert your e-mail address. After the confirmation of inserted data a filled in application will be sent to you on this address. If you have no personal e-mail address, you would need to request of somebody's assistance who has their own e-mail address.Visa D or a national long-stay visa gives a permission to enter and stay in Slovenia for the duration of more than 90 days and less than one year. This visa may be issued to certain categories of third-country nationals, which are defined in Article 20 of the Aliens Act if there is:the existence of an economic interest for the Republic of Slovenia which the alien proves by submitting an opinion issued by the Slovenian ministry responsible for the economy;the existence of an interest for the Republic of Slovenia in the field of higher education, which the alien proves by submitting an opinion issued by the competent Slovenian ministry;to an alien who is a sports trainer, professional athlete or private sports operator whose intention is to conclude a contract of employment or other work with a club or sports organisation with its head office in the Republic of Slovenia;to an alien who works as a reporter for non-Slovenian media or is an international correspondent accredited in the Republic of Slovenia;to an alien who intends to work as a clergyman in a registered religious community or to an alien who intends to perform charity or humanitarian activities for an established humanitarian organisation or registered religious community;for the purpose of participating in a training course or other similar forms of education or training, where the alien is not required to hold a residence permit for study purposes.Visa D may also be issued to an alien who already resides in the Republic of Slovenia and who was exempted from the visa requirement upon entry, but is obliged to extend his three-month legal period of stay in the Republic of Slovenia, as specified in the second paragraph of Article 14 of Aliens Act, for any of the following reasons:urgent hospital treatment;death or the serious health condition of a family member residing in the Republic of Slovenia;natural disaster;urgent prolongation of a business trip due to unforeseen circumstances in order to prevent the occurrence of major economic damage or devastating environmental consequences;the obligation to participate in proceedings conducted by a state authority of the Republic of Slovenia.Visa D can not be extended. The holder of a visa can apply for a residence permit directly at an administrative unit in Slovenia.

