

印度卫生部数据显示,印度周三报告了 27,176 例新增冠状病毒病例。在 24 小时内,与新冠病毒相关的死亡人数为 284 人。

到目前为止,印度的累计病例数为 33,316,755,死亡人数为 4,43,487。

该部表示,活跃病例数已下降至 3,51,087 例,占感染总数的 1.05%,而印度康复率记录为 97.62%。

在 24 小时内,活跃的新冠病例减少了 11,120 例。

由于喀拉拉邦迅速控制了感染的传播,印度的每日新增病例连续第四天保持在 3 万以下。

昨天,喀拉拉邦报告了 15,876 例新冠病例,该邦的活跃病例数降至 20 万以下——确切地说是 1,98,865。

喀拉拉邦的测试阳性率 (TPR) 从上周的 19% 下降到 15.12%。

但是,与周一的病例量相比,马哈拉施特拉邦的新冠病例有所增加。该邦周二报告了 3,530 例新病例,而周一该邦报告了 2,740 例。孟买地区昨天报告了 724 例新病例。

昨天,德里报告了 38 例新增病例。此外,德里9 月仅录得 1 人因感染而死亡。

迄今为止,在疫苗接种计划下,共接种了 7.589 亿剂疫苗。根据印度卫生部的数据,57,41,31,961 名受益人接种了第一剂疫苗,18,40,67,370 名受益人接种了第二剂疫苗。





The richest 10% of Indians own over half of the country's physical and financial assets while the bottom 50% own less than 10%, a recently released government report shows. The All India Debt & Investment Survey, 2019, conducted by the National Sample Survey shows the richest 10% owns 55.7% of the total assets in urban areas and 50.8% in rural areas.
Assets were calculated by putting a monetary value on everything owned by households, including physical assets like land, buildings, livestock and vehicles as well as financial ones like shares in companies, deposits in bank, and post offices, etc.


“对于下一次疫情,我们将在印度拥有巨大的 mRNA 工厂”。
比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)联合主席比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)说,德尔塔病毒变种将使世界难以在2022年之前结束疫情,这偏离他去年的估计。

'For the next pandemic, we’ll have gigantic mRNA factories in India’

Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, says the Delta variant will make it difficult for the world to end the pandemic by 2022, missing his last year’s estimate.



新德里:一项调查显示,在美国、日本和新加坡接受调查的 1,200 名商业领袖中,约有 44% 计划在印度进行额外或首次投资,近三分之二的首次投资将在未来两年内进行由德勤咨询公司承担。


NEW DELHI: About 44% of the 1,200 business leaders surveyed across US, Japan and Singapore are planning additional or first time investments in India and nearly two-thirds of first-time investments will be made within the next two years, according to a survey undertaken by consulting firm Deloitte.
The survey, conducted during the peak of the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in India this year, found that a large proportion of international business leaders remain confident in India’s short- and long-term prospects and are readying plans to make additional and first- time investments in the country.


周三,印度政府启动了对负债累累的国有航空公司印度航空(AI)的财务投标程序,航空部长Jyotiraditya Scindia明确表示,9月15日的日期已经确定,不会改变。



The government has initiated the process of financial bids for the debt-laden national carrier Air India (AI) on Wednesday as Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia made it clear that September 15 date for the process is fixed and will not change.
After failing to find any buyer for a 76 per cent stake in Air India in 2018, the government is expected to complete the sale of the national carrier with at least two buyers expected to submit financial bids by September 15.
"The Tata Group, through its holding company and SpiceJet chairman Ajay Singh, is likely to make its financial bid for the airline in his personal capacity," an industry source told ANI.



上市后监督 (PMS) 研究于 2020 年 7 月开始,以评估法匹拉韦在轻度至中度新冠病毒患者中的安全性和有效性。共有 1,083 名患者参加了前瞻性、非盲、多中心、单臂研究。

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals  announced the successful completion of its Post Marketing Surveillance (PMS) study on Favipiravir (FabiFlu) in India.
The Post Marketing Surveillance (PMS) study commenced in July 2020 to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Favipiravir in mild to moderate COVID-19 patients. A total of 1,083 patients were enrolled in the prospective, open label, multicentre, single arm study.
The results showed no new safety signals or concerns with the use of Favipiravir, and already-known side effects such as weakness, gastritis, diarrhoea, vomiting etc., were found to be mild in nature. The time for fever resolution was 4 days, while time for clinical cure was 7 days.




SEOUL: The foreign ministers of South Korea and China held talks in Seoul on Wednesday amid concerns over North Korea's recent missile test and stalled denuclearisation negotiations between Pyongyang and Washington.

On Tuesday, the chief nuclear negotiators of South Korea, the United States and Japan met in Tokyo, during which they agreed on the urgent need for dialogue and diplomacy to resume denuclearisation talks, according to South Korea's foreign ministry.




“根据昆尼皮亚克大学对成年人的全国民意调查,美国人对乔·拜登总统处理总统工作的方式的看法变得黯淡,42% 的人赞成,50% 的人不赞成,”周二发布的新闻稿解释了这项民意调查。

WASHINGTON DC: A majority of Americans disapprove of how President Joe Biden is handling his job as president after the United States withdrew from Afghanistan, a new poll revealed.
"Americans' views have dimmed on the way President Joe Biden is handling his job as president, with 42 per cent approving and 50 per cent disapproving, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll of adults," a news release explaining the poll on Tuesday.



NEW DELHI: Foiling a sinister plan hatched by Pakistan spy agency ISI and 'D Company' to carry out serial blasts and target killings across multiple cities, the Indian intelligence establishment and Delhi Police's special cell arrested six alleged terror operatives in an elaborate multi-state operation.



Microsoft Corp on Tuesday said it will conduct an up to $60 billion share buyback program, raise its quarterly dividend by 11%, and appoint company President Brad Smith as vice chair.


北京:国家统计局周三表示,零售销售增长较上年同期大幅放缓至 2.5%,低于彭博对经济学家调查的 7% 的估计。

工业产值增长 5.3%,而预估中值为 5.8%。今年前八个月固定资产投资基本符合预期,增长8.9%。失业率维持在 5.1% 不变。

BEIJING:Retail sales growth slowed sharply to 2.5% from a year ago, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Wednesday, lower than the 7% estimate in a Bloomberg survey of economists.

Industrial output rose 5.3%, versus the median estimate of 5.8%. Fixed-asset investment in the first eight months of the year was largely in line with projections, rising 8.9%. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.1%.

