初中英语每天学一点(2021.4.3)only hard work can make you a better person




1. Today Zhang Jun is late _____ school.

2. Can we listen ____ music ____ the classroom?

3. We can't eat _____ class.

4. They are all _____ school today. No one goes out or stays ____ home.

5. Don't fight ____ each other. we are good friends.

参考答案:for, to, in, in, at, at, with



If you're fighting with someone in your family, you may feel angry, nervous or sad. 1._____(what) your feelings are, what you probably want most is 2.______(sto) fighting.

It's normal for people to disagree and 3.a_____ with each other. People may fight sometimes, 4. ______ it doesn't mean they're going to stay angry for long. Just think of the last time you and your 5.______(old) brother or sister got into a fight. You may have sworn(发誓) that you would not talk to him or her anymore. But often a few days later, you were 6.______(friend) again.

When you're in a family fight, try to keep cool. Go to your room, count to 10 and breathe slowly. And then try 7.______(explain) and communicate with each other. Or try coming up with a 8.p_____ way to solve the problem. You can also ask your family members 9.______(offer) some advice. It's not always easy to stop family members from fighting, but by working together, things will work 10.______ in the end.

参考答案:Whatever, to stop, argue, but, older/ elder, friends, to explain, proper, to offer



1. --Who's knocking at the door?    -- ____ me, Jim.

A. I'm        B. This is    C. That is    D. It's

2. We think ____ necessary for you to wash your own clothes.

A. it        B. that        C. that is        D. we are

3. ____ have known each other for many years.

A. He, you and I        B. You, I and he

C. I, you and he        D. You, he and I

4. On his way to the school, he saw an old friend of ____.

A. him    B.he        C. his        D. himself

5. --Excuse me, is this _____ new camera?    -- Yes, it's ____.

A. your, my        B. your, mine    C. yours, my    D. yours, mine

6. Don't worry about your broken pen. You can use ____.

A. my        B. mine        C. yours        D. myself

7. -- Could I speak to Jerry, please?    -- ____ Jerry speaking.

A. This is    B. That is    C. I am    D. She



