
我最喜欢的作家之一是英国作家Bill Bryson,他被《泰晤士报》称为“目前活在世上的最有趣的旅游文学作家”。除了写游记作品外,他还写一些科普和语言有关的作品,比如《万物简史》(A Short History of Nearly Everything), 还有我之前和大家分享过的写作手册Troublesome Words。他的文笔简洁流畅,字里行间中蕴含着博学、睿智和幽默,读他的作品是一种享受。

今天和大家的分享的是他的Mother Tongue: The Story of the English Language, 讲的是关英语的故事。语言是怎么来的?英语是怎么长成今天这样的?其中我们可以了解到一些有趣的事,例如:

  • 为什么Child的复数是children而不是childs?

  •  fuck和O.K这两个“万能词”是怎么来的?

  • 英文中有哪些好玩的文字游戏(例如anagram, palindrome)?

  • Samuel Johnson, Noah Webster, James Augustus Henry Murray是谁?

  • 美国前总统布什的英文有多差?

Observer评价这本书是"A gold mine of language-anecdote, information, curiosity. A surprise on every page...enthralling." 我建议读英语专业(尤其是语言学有关)的朋友们读一读这本书,涨姿势的同时学点英语表达,等到你上语言学课的时候,可能就不会觉得太枯燥了。


1. 发音

Language, nevre forget, is more fashion than science, and matters of usage, spelling, and pronunciation tend to wander around like hemlines. People say things sometimes because they are easier or more sensible, but sometimes simply becausethat's the way everyone else is saying them.

美音学习网站Rachel's English的主人Rachel在她的语音书中说: Pronunciation is not an exact science, and there are differences of opinion. 例如often这个词有人会念成“奥芬”,有人会把t读出来(电台“Roundtable”中的赫扬就读成“奥扶ten”),例如winter平时听起来和winner几乎是一样的,prints和prince也差不多;used有时候会读成/juːst/,有时候是/juːzd/.





2. 用词

In the late 1970s, President Jimmy Carter betrayed a flaw in his linguistic armoury when he said: "The government of Iran must realize that it cannot flaunt, with impunity, the expressed will and law of the world community." Flaunt means to show off; he meant flout.

The day after he was elected president in 1988, George Bush told a television reporter he couldn't believe the enormity of what had happened. Had President-elect Bush known that the primary meaning of enormity is wickedness or evil, he would doubtless have selected a more flattering term.


例如disinterested是啥意思?不关心查查字典就会发现disinterested的意思是“impartial” "unbiased",即“公正的”意思,如果要表示“漠不关心”,最好用uninterested。


除此之外我们还要注意有些词在某种语境中的口语用法。例如在从《中国有嘻哈》中学点英文中,我和大家分享了beef可以表示“吐槽”,dope可以表示“傻x”,也可以表示夸人的“牛X”。Bad是“坏”的意思,口语中也可以表示“好”; sick是“生病的”,口语中可以表示“太燃了” “太牛x了”,和dope差不多。我们熟悉的shit本是污秽之物,也可以用来表示“极好的东西”(something is the shit)。

3. 学会查字典

By virtue of their brevity, dictionary definitions often fail to convey the nuances of English. [...] A dictionary will tell you that tall and high mean much the same thing, but it won't explain to you that while you can apply either term to a building you can only apply tall to a person. On the strength of dictionary definitions alone a foreign visitor to your home could be excused for telling you that you have an abnormal child, that your wife's cooking is exceedingly odorous, and that your speech at a recent sales conference was laughable, and intend nothing but the warmest praise.

在上面这段话中,Bill Bryson提出了字典的局限性,例如tall和high意思差不多,但是字典一般不会告诉你不能用high来形容人“高”。后面的三个词abnormal, odorous, laughable用的不对,例如abnormal是“不寻常”,但是这个“不寻常”不是用来夸人与众不同的不寻常,而是使人不快或焦虑的“不正常”。说人家的孩子abnormal是说“你家孩子好像精神有问题...”

Bill Bryson这本书是1990年首次出版的,如今的字典和那时候有很大不同。例如我在朗文字典中搜high这个词,它就会提醒我:


4. 语法

English grammar is so complex and confusing for the one very simple reason that its rules and terminologies are based on Latin -- a language with which it has precious little in common. [...] Making English grammar conform to Latin rules is like asking people to play baseball using the rules of football. It is a patent absurdity.


英语语法很多时候是不讲逻辑的 -- There's no inherent reason why these things should be so. They are not defensible in terms of grammar. They are because they are. 例如在18世纪前,如果you是表示一个人的话,you was是正确的语法,那为什么现在语法中无论you是表示“你”还是“你们”后面都要用are呢?因为“语法专家”Robert Lowth不喜欢这样...








