二十四节气中的中华文化之夏至(中文版) 夏至 夏至时节的太阳为北半球带来了一年中最长的白天,也给予了生活在这里的我们最密切的普照。至,极也,夏至似乎意味着一个顶点,虽然还不是一年中最炎热的时候,但太阳已开始毫无避讳地释放着热能,北方大部分地区气温明显上升,俨然一派赤日当空的夏日景致。夏至(油画)刘仁杰 属于孩子们的纯真夏日是无忧无虑的,或许也伴随着成长的烦恼。刘仁杰的《夏至》中,孩子抬着头,若有所思,是在感叹天气炎热,还是在忧虑玩伴的缺席我们不得而知。身后的老人埋头劳作,屋檐下酣睡的黄狗正享受着夏日的宁静。高明度的色彩与流畅的笔触强调了夏日的光感效果,使整幅作品呈现出明快的暖黄色调。画面中,地里的菜叶、盛开的花儿、飞舞的蝴蝶以及孩子的脸庞都沐浴着日光,闪耀着温暖的光芒。正如画家所描绘的,夏至的阳光热烈地拥抱着大地,给每一寸土地带去炽热关怀的同时,也照进了每一个孩子的童年,给了他们热情与希望。 与北方强烈的日晒不同,南方大部分地区的夏至则是另一番景象。因为地面受热强烈,空气对流旺盛,常有骤来疾去的雷雨天气,江淮一带也因湿热空气的交汇而导致连绵数周的“梅雨”。夏至的景象仿佛有了清晰的色彩区分,北方赤黄耀眼,南方青绿雅致,截然不同又各具精彩。曲湘建的油画作品《夏至梅雨》细腻地描绘了湖南湘西山村的烟雨时光。近处池边的野草绿意萌萌,中景的池水与远景的树木在云雾缭绕中更显静谧、深沉,远山与天空的界限模糊于云雾之中。画面整体色调清冷,展现出的是典型的南方夏季湿热、黏稠的空气质感。 夏至正是莲花初放的时节,“赏莲”便成了夏日里一项极具风雅的活动。莲花素有“水宫仙子”的雅称,以红莲、粉莲最为常见,而文人则更偏爱洁净的白莲。大家熟知的宋代文学家周敦颐就在其府署栽种了莲花,千古名篇《爱莲说》应运而生,“出淤泥而不染”的名句更是传诵至今。夏塘风轻花落迟(中国画)陈孟昕 赏莲既要看莲花娇艳,也要看荷塘碧绿。“红粉笑隔盈盈水,碧叶羞含渺渺情”的荷塘美景确实赏心悦目。然而,离开了骄阳,夏日夜晚的莲花也同样娇媚可人。陈孟昕的工笔画作品《夏塘风轻花落迟》就描绘了一片夏夜的莲池幻境。画面中,蓝紫相交的夜空、女子素雅的粉红衣衫、白净通透的莲荷,似有皓月普照,清透明亮。画家以独特的色彩表现,传递出日退暑散后的清凉之感,呈现了充满诗意和无限遐想的夏夜画面。 夏至之景,有阳光熠熠,有疾风骤雨,更有宁静闲适的温柔面孔,它交织着多样的情绪,也是生活热度自然的延绵。二十四节气中的中华文化之夏至(英文版)Summer Solstice Summer solstice brings the longest day of the year to the northern hemisphere. The sun is radiating heat with its full force. Temperature in most parts of the north rises significantly, and high summer is with us.Summer is a great time for kids. In Summer Solstice, an oil painting by Liu Renjie, a Chinese painter, we see a boy, head raised, is lost in thought. Behind him, an old lady is busy with her work, and a sleeping dog under the eaves is enjoying the peace of the summer. In the picture, vegetable leaves, flowers, butterflies, and the boy’s face are all basked in the sun.Unlike the strong sunlight in the north, summer solstice in most parts of the south presents a different scene. While the north is under bright sunlight, the south is a scene of elegant green. Although different in scenes, both the north and the south have their distinct appeals. An oil painting entitled Rain in Summer Solstice by Chinese painter Qu Xiangjian, vividly depicts a misty and rainy day in a village in west Hunan Province. Green grass near the pool is sprouting. Water in the pond and trees are shrouded by clouds and mist, which also make distant hills and sky indistinguishable. The underlying color of the painting is light green, depicting a humid summer day in the south.Summer solstice is a good time to watch blooming lotus. Lotus is known as the fairy of the water palace in China. In the Song Dynasty, lasting from 960 to 1279, renowned writer Zhou Dunyi loved growing lotus in his water garden. “How amazing that lotus flower, with its roots in the mud, grows pure and beautiful!” This famous line in his essay Ode to Lotus is still widely cited today. Watching both the lovely lotus and green pond is a refreshing experience. The nightly summer scene of the lotus pond is equally fascinating. In an elaborate Chinese style painting, painter Chen Mengxin depicts a lovely scene of lotus pond on a summer night. In the picture, you can see a young lady in pink with white lotus under a bright moon in the blue and purple nightly sky. With distinct strokes of colors, the painter conveys a touch of coolness after sunset, evoking poetic thoughts at a tranquil summer night.During summer solstice, there are not only bright sunlight and hailstorms, but also scenes with a gentle touch. This solar term, describing a natural extension of heat and warmth in life, gives full rein to our imagination.随着夏至到来一年中最热的时候也要到了稻田里蛙声一片树上,蝉鸣声声响盛夏已至愿你我都平安喜乐 出品:光明日报&中国传媒大学文字素材:《光明日报》2020年06月21日11版责编:王远方编辑:张雪瑜 邢妍妍