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Chronic Calcineurin Inhibition via Cyclosporine A Impairs Visuospatial Learning After Isoflurane Anesthesia
方 法
结 果
麻醉前用环孢素A处理的小鼠与假处理组和仅环孢素A处理的小鼠相比,表现出明显的视觉空间学习障碍(n=10/组,P=.0152,Tukey 事后检验 )。环孢素A并不能对视觉空间学习障碍的诱导和发生产生改变。海马蛋白表达分析显示,异氟醚处理后,GAD5GABA A型受体亚基的表面表达增加(P=.019,Dunnett事后检验),以及GAD67的表达降低。环孢素A不能逆转这两种效应。
结 论
Iris A. Speigel, Christopher M. Ma, Edyta K. Bichler. Chronic Calcineurin Inhibition via Cyclosporine A Impairs Visuospatial Learning After Isoflurane Anesthesia[J].Anesth Analg 2019;129:192–203.
BACKGROUND: Clinical studies implicate the perioperative period in cognitive complications, and increasing experimental evidence shows that the anesthetic agents can affect neuronal processes that underpin learning and memory. Calcineurin, a Ca2+-dependent phosphatase critically involved in synaptic plasticity, is activated after isoflurane exposure, but its role in the neurological response to anesthesia is unclear.
METHODS: We investigated the effect of chronic calcineurin inhibition on postanesthetic cognitive function. Mice were treated with 30 minutes of isoflurane anesthesia during a chronic cyclosporine A regimen. Behavioral end points during the perianesthesia period were quantified.
Visuospatial learning was assessed with the water radial arm maze. Total and biotinylated surface protein expression of theα5β3γ2γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptors was measured.Expression of the GABA synthesis enzyme glutamate decarboxylase (GAD)-67 was also measured.
RESULTS: Mice treated with cyclosporine A before anesthesia showed significant deficits in visuospatial learning compared to sham and cyclosporine A–treated mice (n = 10 per group, P = .0152, Tukey post hoc test). Induction and emergence were unaltered by cyclosporine A.Analysis of hippocampal protein expression revealed an increased surface expression of the α5 GABA type A receptor subunit after isoflurane treatment (P = .019, Dunnett post hoc testing), as well as a decrease in GAD-67 expression. Cyclosporine A did not rescue either effect.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm the work of others that isoflurane induces changes to inhibitory network function and exclude calcineurin inhibition via cyclosporine A as an intervention.Further, our studies suggest that calcineurin mediates a protective role in the neurological response to anesthesia, and patients receiving cyclosporine A may be an at-risk group for memory problems related to anesthesia.

翻译:余晓旭 编辑:何幼芹 审校:王贵龙