虽然见过国内招商模式的火爆但也见到了Katerra的倒下(他们在轻钢房屋的投入也不少)轻钢房屋的生意到底怎么做?这是我曾经的思考轻钢笔记《一个5888元的菜篮子》现在看来还是太世俗这些是别人的思路新西兰女孩把爱好做成生意,完美人生逆袭女大学生自己做了一个可移动房车,拖到湖边做民宿,赚翻了那些“逃离北上广”的人,过得到底怎么样?类似的故事很多……如果没有灵活的商业头脑但是热爱生活在这个自媒体时代把爱好和专业结合获得具有相同价值观的人关注打造自己的私域流量其实也可以优雅的生活We are Eugenia and Pepe, two spaniards that moved to Portugal to self build our first home and a small boutique hotel, where we will welcome you one day.两个西班牙人,搬到葡萄牙生活,准备自己建个酒店……
In 2012 we moved to Los Angeles (California) after completing our University studies. Eugenia in Medicine and Pepe in Architecture.2012年在加州毕业,一个学医,一个学建筑
While in Los Angeles, Pepe gained experience over 7 years as project manager, designing and coordinating the construction of several high end residential projects with LSF. His experience also reaches the manufacturing side, since he was in charge of the production of the LSF structures for all the projects.在洛杉矶生活期间,pepe做了7年的项目经理,对冷弯薄壁型钢结构很熟悉
At the same time, Eugenia, designer by trade, started the fashion brand CUERO&MØR that after 5 years was found in luxury boutiques worldwide.同时,Eugenia做奢侈品设计
In 2019, pursuing a more alternative lifestyle, we quitted everything and self built our campervan to travel around Europe. Looking to live a simpler life, grow our own food and build our dream project brought us to Portugal.2019年,他们为了追求生命的价值,放弃所有,自驾房车环欧洲旅游。最后选择在葡萄牙定居。