
KONGFRONTATION: The Reigning King of Universal's Lost LegendsKONGFRONTATION:环球传奇失落的传奇之王

It's been a long day at work. You come home, kick up your feet, and turn on the TV. But wait... your regularly scheduled programming has been interrupted by a blaring warning from the Emergency Broadcast System. Natural disaster? Severe weather? An act of war? No, no, and no. Would you believe that a raging 40-foot tall ape is rampaging through town leaving a trail of destruction in its wake? Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, and this unimaginable scenario played out day after day in the streets of New York at Universal Studios Florida with you caught in the middle of the mayhem.

For years, you’ve been helping us build a library of in-depth stories behind the most fabled, fan-favorite closed attractions of all time. Every month, our library of Lost Legends grows as we ride through the complete stories of closed classics to preserve their tales before they’re lost forever. We’ve asked you to help us by reliving your memories, all in hopes of helping a new generation of theme park fans understand why these lost rides matter.

Hopefully, you’ve read and shared your memories in Lost Legends features on Maelstrom, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, the original STAR TOURS, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Test Track, and so many more. But today, we return to a park that’s all-too-familiar for fans of closed classics: Universal Studios Florida, where an aggressive agenda of keeping the park current has seen the sacrifice of some all-time favorites.



希望您已经阅读并分享了您在Maelstrom,20,000海底联赛,原始STAR TOURS,Toad先生的Wild Ride,Test Track等等的Lost Legends功能中的回忆。但今天,我们回到了一个对于封闭经典的粉丝来说非常熟悉的公园:佛罗里达环球影城,在这里,保持公园潮流的激进议程已经成为一些历史上最受欢迎的牺牲品。

We recently chronicled the in-depth stories of two of Universal’s best rides ever in itheir own entries, Lost Legends: JAWS and Back to the Future: The Ride – both must-reads for industry fans. But today, we have an even bigger fish to fry. We’ll make our way through the ravaged remains of New York City and tackle the might of the king on KONGFRONTATION, the ride whose closure literally changed Universal Studios Florida forever. Today we’ll trace the tale that leads to that closure and ask you to share your thoughts on the “sequel” that replaced this awesome '90s classic.

Universal Studios Hollywood

Frequent readers know the story of any Lost Legend is shaped by events that came years or even decades earlier. Lucky for us, the story of Kongfrontation begins in a spot familiar to many of Universal Orlando’s closed classics: the Studio Tour at Universal Studios Hollywood.

我们最近在他们自己的作品“失落的传说:JAWS和回到未来:骑行”中记录了环球公司两次最佳游乐设施的深度故事 - 这两个都是业界粉丝必读的。 但是今天,我们还有一条更大的炸鱼。 我们将穿越纽约市被蹂躏的残骸,并在KONGFRONTATION上解决国王的威力,这次旅行的封闭彻底改变了佛罗里达环球影城。 今天我们将追溯导致关闭的故事,并请你分享你对“续集”的想法,取代这个令人敬畏的90年代经典。


经常读者知道任何失落的传说的故事都是由几年甚至几十年前的事件所塑造的。 对我们来说幸运的是,Kongfrontation的故事始于奥兰多环球影业的许多经典之作:好莱坞环球影城的工作室之旅。

The eldest of Universal’s parks worldwide officially opened in 1912, but its rededication as a “theme park” is more recent – July 15, 1962. Even since that time, it’s important to note that for most of its life, Universal Studios Hollywood has been a “theme park” only in the loosest sense.

That’s because Universal Studios Hollywood is one of the only “studio” theme parks on Earth to actually live up to its name… it’s a real studio. First and foremost, Universal’s Hollywood property is an actual, working movie studio filled with soundstages, backlots, and historic sets where actual productions were filmed and are still filmed today!

世界上最年长的环球公园于1912年正式开放,但其作为“主题公园”的重新推崇更近期 - 1962年7月15日。即使从那时起,重要的是要注意到它的大部分生活,好莱坞环球影城一直 只有最宽松的意义上的“主题公园”。

这是因为好莱坞环球影城是地球上唯一能够实现其名称的“工作室”主题公园之一......它是一个真正的工作室。 环球影业的好莱坞物业首先是一个真实的,有影响力的电影工作室,里面充满了声场,后台和历史场景,拍摄的实际作品仍在今天拍摄!

So even when the property re-opened as a deliberate “theme park” in 1962, its bread-and-butter – the reason to visit – was the Studio Tour. This tram-tour through the working backlot and past historic sets and soundstages was the main attraction, and unlike Disney’s faked versions in Orlando and Paris, the studios and backlots of this Studio Backlot Tour are actually real.

Eventually, Universal began to add shows, demonstrations, attractions, and outright rides to the property, but even still, the Studio Tour was a revered and world-famous experience and, up until last year, was the park’s headlining ride.

因此,即使该物业于1962年重新开放作为一个刻意的“主题公园”,它的面包和黄油 - 参观的理由 - 是Studio Tour。 通过工作场地和过去的历史场景和声场的电车之旅是主要景点,与迪士尼在奥兰多和巴黎的伪造版本不同,这个Studio Backlot Tour的工作室和后台实际上是真实的。




As the years progressed, the Studio Tour became as well known for its staged events and special effects encounters as it was for its real sets and the chance of seeing a star in person…

In 1968, the Studio Tour added a stop in a Mexican village where the tour guide explained the movie-magic behind rain-on-demand, demonstrating the technology and an ensuing flash flood as it races downhill and through town before resetting.

In 1974, a rockslide, a close encounter with a runaway train, and a spinning, dizzying avalanche tunnel joined the lineup. In 1976, a run-in with the hideous great white from Steven Spielberg’s 1975 film JAWS left Tram riders screaming in terror.

随着岁月的流逝,Studio Tour因其舞台活动和特效遭遇而闻名,因为它的真实场景和亲眼看到明星的机会......


1974年,一个滑坡,一个与失控火车的近距离接触,以及一个旋转,令人眼花缭乱的雪崩隧道加入了阵容。 1976年,斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)1975年的电影“JAWS”(JAWS)中可怕的白色大片让电车车手惊恐地尖叫着。

These staged disasters and close calls would become the signature elements of the Studio Tour, blurring the line between the making of movies and being inthem.

But just as the Jaws encounter on the Studio Tour debuted, a new blockbuster was proving to be a rebirth for a fabled cinematic icon deserving of his ownspotlight.



In 1933, the debut of King Kong took the world by storm. Released in the briefwindow between the 1929 advent of sound in “talking pictures” and the 1934 adoption of the Motion Picture Production Code moral guidelines, King Kong was a landmark film… unprecedented special effects, unthinkable sets, unspeakable sensuality, and astounding scale.

The story follows famed filmmaker Carl Denham and his crew as he charters a boat to the remote lost Skull Island, allegedly home to a legendary entity known only as “Kong.” When they arrive, they find a towering ancient stone wall constructed by natives, who promptly capture the beautiful Ann Darrow to sacrifice her to the massive beast.

1933年,金刚的首演风靡全球。 1929年“谈话图片”中声音的出现和1934年采用电影制作规范道德指南之间的简短窗口发布,金刚是一部具有里程碑意义的电影......前所未有的特效,无法想象的场景,无法形容的性感和惊人的规模。

这个故事讲述了着名电影制片人卡尔德纳姆和他的船员,他租船前往遥远的失落的骷髅岛,据称是一个只被称为“孔”的传奇实体的家。当他们到达时,他们发现了一个由当地人建造的高耸的古老石墙, 谁迅速抓住美丽的安达罗,将她献给那巨大的野兽。

Though the entire first act takes place on Skull Island, the most fabled elements of the film occur once Kong – billed as “the Eighth Wonder of the World” – is transported back to New York City for a public showing before he escapes, ravaging Manhattan, capturing Ann, and climbing to the summit of the Empire State Building – a scene forever transfixed in American history.

The original version of King Kong was met with rave reviews. Even today, it’s celebrated as one of the greatest films ever made. But our story picks back up in 1976, when a modern Hollywood remake brought the character back to prominence and introduced the world to Jessica Lange. In fact, though it was released with only 13 days left in the year, King Kong was the seventh highest-grossing film of 1976. Then it went on to top 1977’s year-end box office charts.

虽然整个第一幕都发生在骷髅岛上,但电影中最具传奇色彩的元素一旦被称为“世界第八大奇迹”,就被运回纽约市,在他逃离之前向公众展示,肆虐曼哈顿 捕捉安,并爬上帝国大厦的顶峰 - 这一场景在美国历史上永远黯然失色。

金刚的原始版本得到了好评如潮。 即便在今天,它仍被誉为有史以来最伟大的电影之一。 但是我们的故事在1976年重新出现,当时一部现代化的好莱坞重拍让这个角色重新崛起并将世界介绍给杰西卡兰格。 事实上,虽然它在今年仅剩下13天发行,但金刚是1976年票房收入最高的第七部电影。然后它继续登上1977年年底票房榜首。

From that moment on, fans would write to Universal Studios Hollywood wondering why they couldn’t see Kong at the Studio. So Universal’s executives began asking around town if anyone could convincingly bring a 40-foot ape to life in a staged event for the park’s Studio Tour. You won’t believe who said yes…从那一刻开始,粉丝们就会写信给好莱坞环球影城,想知道为什么他们不能在工作室看到孔。 所以环球公司的管理人员开始询问周围是否有人能够令人信服地将一只40英尺长的猿人带入公园工作室之旅的舞台活动中。 你不会相信谁说的是......

Bringing Kong to Life

Of all people to bring Universal’s starring creature to life, Universal turned to Bob Gurr, living Disney Legend. Bob is a household name for Imagineering fans, instrumental in the design of Disneyland from the very earliest days. He’s often known to say, “If it moves on wheels at Disneyland, I probably designed it.” That includes Tomorrowland’s Flying Saucers, the Omnibuses on Main Street, U.S.A., the Autopia cars, the Matterhorn Bobsleds, the Monorail, and more.


在将环球影业主演的生物带入生活的所有人中,环球影业转向生活迪斯尼传奇的鲍勃·古尔。 Bob是Imagineering粉丝的家喻户晓的名字,从最初的日子起就是迪斯尼乐园设计的重要组成部分。 他经常会说,“如果它在迪斯尼乐园的车轮上移动,我可能会设计它。”其中包括明日世界的飞碟,美国主要大街上的Omnibuses,Autopia汽车,马特宏峰雪橇,单轨列车等等。

But Bob retired young from Imagineering and joined with two former Disney designers to start Sequoia Creative Inc., with whom Disney often consults to this day. Universal approached Gurr and his associates with crude plans for a giant Kong figure made of gigantic gears and improbably heavy mechanics. Gurr instead began toying with a way to bring Kong to life in a simpler, smarter form.但Bob从Imagineering退休,并与两位前迪斯尼设计师一起创办了Sequoia Creative Inc.,迪士尼经常与他们进行咨询。 环球公司向Gurr和他的同事们提出了一个由庞大的齿轮和不可思议的重型机械制成的巨型孔形图的粗略计划。 相反,Gurr开始尝试以一种更简单,更智能的形式将Kong变为现实。

As part of David Oneal’s astounding look at Hollywood’s Kong Encounter, an interview with Bob Gurr includes an unbelievable look at a scale model showing just how simple the final design of Hollywood’s figure is. Topping 30-feet tall and covered with 660 pounds of fur, the astounding figure even included two speakers (one for guttural growls and another for high pitched, directed screams), flashing eyes, and banana-scented breath.

On June 14, 1986, Kong was ready for his off-screen debut. And what guests found now along this new segment of the Studio Tour was enough to leave them raving!

作为David Oneal对好莱坞的Kong Encounter的惊人看法的一部分,对Bob Gurr的采访包括对比例模型的令人难以置信的看法,展示了好莱坞人物的最终设计是多么简单。 顶部高30英尺,覆盖着660磅的皮毛,令人惊讶的数字甚至包括两个扬声器(一个用于喉音咆哮,另一个用于高音,定向尖叫),闪烁的眼睛和香蕉气息。

1986年6月14日,Kong已经为他的幕外首演做好了准备。 现在客人在Studio Tour的这个新部分找到的东西足以让他们疯狂!

As the tram enters into a soundstage, we’d find ourselves driving along an elevated roadway through New York City’s Lower East Side. The first indication that something’s amiss would be the 50-foot tall geyser of water streaming skyward from a fire hydrant, smoldering wrecked vehicles littering the roadway below. Glancing into the second story apartments, adjacent guests would see televisions all tuned to the local news and overhear the broadcast… Something about a “path of destruction?” “Military units rushing to the scene?”

WWOR-TV host Rolland Smith then turns the feed over to field reporter Kelly King, who’s broadcasting live from a helicopter hovering over the L-train.  “The helicopter beside us is searching for – Wait! There’s a tram load of people down there! We’ve got to warn them!” She grabs the helicopter’s bullhorn. “Attention people on the tram!” Her voice is now amplified, coming from the television andfrom above… Wait… is she talking to us? “You’re in danger! I repeat, you’re –“ She looked ahead in shock, then screams.


WWOR-TV主持人罗兰史密斯然后把饲料转交给现场记者凯利金,他正在直升机上空盘旋在L火车上。 “我们旁边的直升机正在寻找 - 等等!那里有一大群电车!我们必须警告他们!“她抓住了直升机的扩音器。 “关注电车上的人!”她的声音现在被放大了,来自电视和上面......等等......她在跟我们说话吗? “你有危险!我再说一遍,你是 - “她震惊地向前看,然后尖叫。

Directly to the side of a tram, a helicopter comes screaming from the sky, landing in a tangled net of electrical wires and bursting into flames as the TV cuts to static.

Making a sharp left, the tram would approach a suspension bridge, but just as the tram begins to cross, a helicopter’s searchlight and a burst of fire reveal the 30-foot Kong to the right!



His fingers are laced into the suspension cables, his eyes glowing like embers. As he shakes the bridge, the roadway rumbles and he roars. With a final pull, the tram slides 3 feet sideways and right toward his gaping jaws!

At the last moment, the tram accelerates away and back into daylight. But not before a final burst of banana-scented breath from the oversized ape.

他的手指插入悬挂电缆,他的眼睛像余烬一样发光。 当他摇摇桥时,巷道隆隆声响起,他咆哮着。 最后一次拉动,电车向侧面滑动3英尺,向右侧滑动!

在最后一刻,电车加速并重新变为白昼。 但不是在超大猿的最后一阵香蕉气味之前。

Moving to Florida

1986’s King Kong Encounter was a massive hit on the Universal Studio Tour, and helped put Universal “on the map” as a destination for themed entertainment. The four-minute experience was a spectacle that left guests talking, and the larger-than-life encounter stunned the industry.


1986年的金刚邂逅在环球影城巡回演唱会上大受欢迎,并帮助将环球影视作为主题娱乐的目的地。 四分钟的体验是一场让客人流连忘返的奇观,而且这场大生活的遭遇震惊了整个行业。

It was the push Universal needed to consider buying up some property in Central Florida. Maybe – just maybe! – their penchant for cinema, movies, and now special effects could warrant a park near Disney’s turf… In fact, Universal planned to duplicate their Studio Tour and transform Central Florida into a “Hollywood East” where production would pick up and carry on.

However, Disney had just gotten itself a new CEO, Michael Eisner, who had previously been the CEO of Paramount Pictures. Insiders say that, because Eisner was from the film industry himself, he knew of Universal’s plans to build a movie park in Florida, so one of his first major feats at Disney was to build a Disney-branded studio park first. Universal announced their Orlando park before Disney could, but Disney’s unique legal arrangement in Florida (which effectively gives them governmental control of themselves, allowing them to sign their own permits) meant that the Disney-MGM Studios opened almost a year before Universal Studios Florida could.

While it must’ve stung that Disney gained the upper hand and fast-tracked their own studio park, the most underhanded move of all was that Disney’s studio park would be focused around – you guessed it – a multi-hour tram-tour through the studio and staged events. Not only had Disney stolen Universal’s studio park concept, they’d stolen their bread-and-butter… the tram tour they’d been running since the 1960s!

普遍需要考虑购买佛罗里达州中部的一些房产。也许 - 只是也许! - 他们对电影,电影以及现在的特效的偏爱可以保证在迪士尼附近的公园附近有一个公园......事实上,环球公司计划复制他们的工作室之旅并将佛罗里达中部变成一个“好莱坞东部”,在那里生产将会继续发展。

然而,迪士尼刚刚成为新任首席执行官迈克尔艾斯纳,他曾担任派拉蒙电影公司的首席执行官。有业内人士表示,由于艾斯纳本人来自电影业,他知道环球公司计划在佛罗里达州建一座电影公园,因此他在迪斯尼的第一个重大壮举之一就是首先建造一个迪士尼品牌的工作室公园。环球公司在迪士尼之前宣布了他们的奥兰多公园,但迪士尼在佛罗里达州的独特法律安排(有效地让他们自己控制自己,允许他们签署自己的许可证)意味着迪士尼 - 米高梅影城开业差不多一年前佛罗里达环球影城可以。

尽管迪斯尼已经取得了优势并且快速追踪了他们自己的工作室公园,但最令人沮丧的是,迪士尼的工作室公园将围绕着 - 你猜对了 - 一个多小时的电车之旅 - 通过工作室和上演的活动。迪士尼不仅偷走了环球公园的工作室公园概念,还偷了他们的面包和黄油......自20世纪60年代以来他们一直在运行的电车之旅!

Ultimately, Disney’s theft benefitted Universal. Forced to abandon a lengthy Floridian studio tour, designers instead took the components of Hollywood’s tour and separated each into standalone attractions! Instead of a quick encounter with a great white shark, Universal Studios Florida would feature a full Jungle Cruise spoof, as we chronicled in the in-depth entry Lost Legends: JAWS. Earthquake, too, would get its own ride rather than just a segment of the tour!

And as for Kong? He’d have the most impressive of them all… A full, standalone experience that would be the starring attraction at the new park. Groundbreaking technology and incredible effects would take what Universal had learned from the 1986 Hollywood version and expand it to a complete ride in time for Universal Studios Florida’s 1990 opening.

最终,迪士尼的盗窃使得环球公司受益。 被迫放弃了漫长的佛罗里达工作室之旅,设计师们不再参加好莱坞巡演的各个部分,而是将每个部分分成独立的景点! 佛罗里达环球影城将采用完整的Jungle Cruise恶搞游戏,而不是与大白鲨快速相遇,正如我们在深入参与的Lost Legends:JAWS中所记录的那样。 地震也是自己的旅程,而不仅仅是旅游的一部分!

至于孔? 他拥有最令人印象深刻的全部......完整,独立的体验,将成为新公园的主角景点。 突破性技术和令人难以置信的效果将采用环球公司从1986年好莱坞版本中学到的东西,并将它扩展到佛罗里达环球影城1990年开幕的完整时间。

New Technologies

Florida’s from-scratch Kong ride would take place in a 62,000 square foot ride showbuilding six stories tall, concealed behind the park’s realistic and immersive New York streets. The slabs of concrete used as the building’s exterior walls were the largest ever used for construction.

Without the constraints of a tram, Universal had the freedom of a blank slate in exactly how guests would tour the perilous aftermath of Kong’s rampage. The ride system they opted for was designed by Arrow Dynamics (creators of some well-known roller coasters, including the world’s first ever modern steel coaster, Disneyland’s Matterhorn Bobsleds) who in turn subcontracted Intermountain Lift, Inc.


佛罗里达州从头开始乘坐62,000平方英尺的乘坐展览,建造六层高,隐藏在公园逼真而沉浸式的纽约街道后面。 用作建筑物外墙的混凝土板是有史以来用于建筑的最大板。

在没有电车的限制的情况下,环球公司有一个空白的自由,正是客人们将如何参观香港横冲直撞的危险后果。 他们选择的骑行系统是由Arrow Dynamics(一些着名的过山车的创造者,包括世界上第一个现代化的钢制过山车,迪斯尼乐园的马特宏峰雪橇)设计的,后者又分包了Intermountain Lift,Inc。

That may sound odd until you see the vehicle they created: an aerial tram vehicle modeled after the Roosevelt Island Tramway connecting Roosevelt Island and the Upper East Side over the East River. These unique carriages would be suspended from track attached to the ceiling… and it would have some surprises in store, as well.这可能听起来很奇怪,直到你看到他们创造的车辆:一架空中缆车模仿罗斯福岛电车轨道连接罗斯福岛和东河上东区。 这些独特的车厢将悬挂在天花板上的轨道上......它也会在商店中出现一些惊喜。

As for Kong himself, four years had advanced technologies and design processes, and two Kongs were created for the ride, both scaled to an astounding 40-feet tall with 54-foot arm spans. And now, both analog and digital controls gave the figures unprecedented functionality. While Hollywood’s figure was a brilliantly simple one that gave the illusion of intricate movement, Florida’s two apes would be sincerely astounding in their reach. Literally.

Kongfrontation opened alongside Universal Studios Florida on June 7, 1990. And like the other groundbreaking attractions at the park, it barely worked. Plagued by downtime as engineers tweaked with the complex ride systems, software, and animatronics, Kongfrontation (like Jaws and Earthquake) were so unreliable, Universal famously offered free return-vouchers to guests all summer long. But by September, the rides were ready.

至于Kong本人,四年来拥有先进的技术和设计流程,并且为骑行创造了两个Kong,两者都达到惊人的40英尺高,54英尺的臂跨度。 现在,模拟和数字控制都为这些数字提供了前所未有的功能。 虽然好莱坞的形象是一个非常简单的人物,给人一种错综复杂的运动的幻觉,但佛罗里达州的两只猿人真是令人惊讶。从字面上看。

1990年6月7日,Kongfrontation与佛罗里达环球影城一起开放。和公园里其他开创性的景点一样,它几乎没有用。 由于工程师通过复杂的驾驶系统,软件和电子动画进行调整而导致停机时间的困扰,Kongfrontation(如大白鲨和地震)如此不可靠,环球公司在整个夏天都为客人提供免费的回程券。 但到了九月,游乐设施已经准备好了。

And that’s where we pick up. Are you ready to witness the fury of Kongfrontation? On the next page, we’ll take a first-person ride through the carnage and see what this surprising ride has in store…

这就是我们接受的地方。 你准备好见证Kongfrontation的愤怒吗? 在下一页,我们将乘坐第一人乘坐大屠杀,看看这个令人惊讶的骑行有什么......

For decades Universal Studios Hollywood and its glamorous behind-the-scenes Studio Tour have been known the world over as the must-visit spot for seeing how movies are made. But at the brand new Universal Studios Florida, you'll do so much more than see behind the scenes; you'll "ride the movies!" Overseen by executive producer Steven Spielberg, this innovative movie park largely skips the making-of in favor of explosive, wild, one-of-a-kind encounters and special effects extravaganzas placing you into your favorite action stories.

Here at Universal Studios Florida, you can be terrorized by Jaws, get caught in an 8.3 magnitude Earthquake, race through time on Back to the Future: The Ride, and head for the stars on E.T. Adventure. But at the park's grand opening, one attraction stood supreme.

几十年来,好莱坞环球影城及其迷人的幕后工作室之旅在全世界都被认为是观看电影制作的必游景点。 但是在全新的佛罗里达环球影城,你会做的不仅仅是在幕后看到; 你会“骑电影!” 由执行制片人史蒂文斯皮尔伯格监督,这个创新的电影公园很大程度上跳过了制作,支持爆炸性,狂野,独一无二的遭遇和特效狂欢,让你进入你最喜欢的动作故事。

在佛罗里达州环球影城,你可能会受到大白鲨的恐吓,陷入8.3级地震,在回到未来:骑行中穿越时间,前往E.T.的星星。 冒险。 但在公园的盛大开幕式上,一个景点至高无上。

It all starts in the park's New York lot. See, some parks are packed with themed "lands" conjured entirely from imagination. Even when they do relate to real places or time periods, Disney's lands are often passed through a lens of "magic." In other words, you could take your DeLorean through time and around the world and never find a village that looked like Main Street U.S.A., an outpost like Adventureland, or a Western town like Frontierland. You can't trace them to a particular place or time, and if you could, you'd see that their real life counterparts don't look much like Disney's more colorful creations.

At Universal Studios Florida, things are different. The park's lots aren't imaginative realms of nostalgia and wonder; they're would-be film sets – and good ones; so convincing that, to the eye (or more importantly, the camera), you might swear you were really in San Francisco, Hollywood, Martha's Vineyard, or, for today's story, in New York City. Not an idealized, romantic version, mind you...


在佛罗里达环球影城,情况有所不同。公园的地段不是怀旧和奇迹的富有想象力的境界;他们是可能成为电影的人 - 而且是好电影;如此令人信服的是,对于眼睛(或者更重要的是,相机),你可能会发誓你真的在旧金山,好莱坞,玛莎葡萄园,或者今天的故事,在纽约市。不是一个理想化的浪漫版本,请注意......

The real New York. Or at least, how a filmmaker would want it to look.

And here in New York resides the daunting white marble exterior of the historic (and demolished) Pennsylvania Station. Though in real life Penn Station was a main intercity railroad station for New York City from 1910 - 1963, here its granite pillars are strung with era-appropriate attraction banners, almost as if it were the entrance to an exhibition hall. The images – modeled after the look and feel of 1933's King Kong – show a gigantic ape and the promising title,

真正的纽约。 或者至少,电影制作人希望它看起来如何。

在纽约这里有历史悠久的(和拆除的)宾夕法尼亚车站的令人生畏的白色大理石外观。 虽然在现实生活中佩恩车站是1910年至1963年间纽约市的主要城际火车站,但这里的花岗岩柱子上布满了适合时代的吸引力横幅,几乎就像它是展厅的入口一样。 这些图像以1933年金刚的外观和感觉为蓝本 - 显示了一个巨大的猿和有希望的标题,

Inside the station, you'll pass through a fleeting room of camera equipment and hot set lighting, signalling the "Stage Entrance." From here on out, you're the star in a developing catastrophe striking the Lower East Side. Right away, the outside world gives way to a graffiti-covered station (designers had, after all, been looking at a New York of the 1980s for inspiration...) lined with retro '70s advertisements for everything from Coca-Cola to 1976's Rocky, Alamo rental cars, and later, Universal's 1998 big-budget action remake of The Mummy. (Alright, so the timeline's a little fuzzy.)

Back and forth through safety-yellow switchbacks, you'll pass through the station as overhead televisions show shocking live updates of a most unusual emergency: A giant ape is attacking New York! Indeed, via footage from Universal's 1976 film, we're caught up to speed... We're in the middle of a national news story: "KONG ON THE LOOSE." Real life news anchor Rolland Smith is on hand with WWOR-TV to deliver the grim news: Kong has escaped his Manhattan showing and has already destroyed two elevated trains. Now, he's heading toward the East River.

在车站内,您将经过一个稍纵即逝的摄像设备和热照明灯室,标志着“舞台入口”。从现在开始,你就是发生在下东区的灾难中的明星。立刻,外面的世界让位于一个涂鸦覆盖的车站(毕竟,设计师一直在寻找20世纪80年代的纽约灵感......)内容上复古的70年代广告,从可口可乐到1976年的一切Rocky,Alamo租车,后来,环球公司1998年大预算行动翻拍了The Mummy。 (好吧,所以时间轴有点模糊。)

来回穿过安全黄色的转向,你将通过车站,因为架空电视显示一个最不寻常的紧急情况的令人震惊的实时更新:巨型猿正在攻击纽约!事实上,通过环球影业1976年电影中的镜头,我们赶上了速度......我们正处于一个全国新闻报道的中间:“KONG ON THE LOOSE”。现实生活中的新闻主播罗兰史密斯与WWOR-TV一起提供了一个严峻的消息:Kong逃离了他的曼哈顿表演并且已经摧毁了两辆高架列车。现在,他正朝东河方向前进。

Our only chance of survival is immediate evacuation via the Roosevelt Island Tramway, the elevated tram that connects Manhattan with Roosevelt Island via – you guessed it – the East River.

Even as you navigate the twisted switchbacks of the graffiti-covered underpass, ahead you'll notice the streets of New York – an entire block! – of shops barred and boarded. A ramp leads from the musty confines of the city's underpasses and up through the Lower East Side to the tram station. There's a sense of urgency and nervous excitement as one tram after another arrives, fills, and departs, the Emergency Broadcast System blaring warnings and evacuation orders.

Then, it's our turn... As the lights of the station platform begin to flickr, we rush aboard the seven-row trams and prepare to escape the city. Departing the station, our live tram driver tinkers with the radio, tuning into the police's frequency to monitor Kong's movement through the city as radio chatter tracks the devestation left behind as the ape moves eastward from 59th St. Glancing into the second-story apartments, television sets glow with different channels' coverage of the disaster we've found ourselves near.

As the tense strings of score play, the tram makes it first turn around the corner of a glowing neon HOTEL sign. we're looking out over an expansive city streetscape as water bursts three stories high from a fire hydrant. "It's like a war zone down there," our tram driver stammers, pale. Broken pipes bellow steam as police lights circle atop overturned cars. A train has been derailed and crumpled along the ground as if it were made of aluminum.

我们唯一的生存机会是通过罗斯福岛电车轨道立即撤离,这条高架电车连接曼哈顿和罗斯福岛 - 您猜对了 - 东河。

即使你在涂鸦覆盖的地下通道的扭曲转弯处导航,你也会注意到纽约的街道 - 整个街区! - 商店禁止和登上。一条坡道从城市地下通道的通风范围通过下东区通往电车站。当一辆电车一辆接一辆地到达,填满和离开时,紧急和紧张的兴奋,紧急广播系统发出警告和疏散命令。


随着分数的紧张,有轨电车首先转向一个发光的霓虹灯酒店标志的角落。我们正在寻找一个广阔的城市街景,因为水从消防栓中爆炸了三层楼高。 “这就像是那里的战区,”我们的电车司机结结巴巴,脸色苍白。当警车灯在翻倒的汽车上面圈时,破碎的管道嗡嗡作响。一列火车已脱轨并沿地面揉皱,好像它是用铝制成的。

The voice over the radio calls out, "Chopper 1 to Delta Base, stop all trams. I repeat: Stop. All. Trams. Kong is now... yes, he's heading straight for the tram route! Stop! All! Trams!"

A chopper's search light appears as a focused beam, catching the silhouette of an electrical pole. Then, the shadow of a massive hand appears, grabbing the pole and uprooting it. Cleverly, a real electrical pole now sparks, mirroring what we just saw via silhouette... that means he's close! But before we can worry about Kong, the sparks from the pole rain down, igniting the spilled fuel from a toppled ambulance, which in turn ignites the derailed train with plumes of red-hot fire exploding from it.

"The bridge," the radio chatters, "he's heading toward the bridge!"

But now, a curtain of rising steam blocks our view ahead as the tram presses forward. Squinting into the distance, we try to make sense of the next scene... but it's impossible. Until a flash of distant sparks reveals the hazy shape of a menacing figure, hanging onto the iron supports of the Queensboro Bridge... "Oh no... there he is! It's Kong!"

收音机的声音喊道:“Chopper 1到Delta Base,停止所有电车。我再说一遍:停止。所有。有轨电车。现在是空的......是的,他正在直奔电车路线!停下来!全部!电车! “




"Delta to Base, Delta to Base, we've got a tram down here!"

A police car is hanging off the bridge, its spinning red light illuminating the horrifying figure ahead. The sparks falling from the car disappear into a fog that clings to the river below... The tram driver leans out over the head. "We're a hundred feet up!"

"Request permission to fire!"

The helicopters arrive, their spotlights circling the figure. "No, don't shoot," our tram driver calls, "Do not shoot!" But it's too late... A flurry of flashes indicate a machine gun's fire, just as we draw closer and closer to the imposing figure. Kong howls in fury, holding his massive arm up as a shield, his fingers gripping in pain. Then, he eyes us, his dark eyes wild with fury. "He's gonna hit the tram!" the driver screams. And Kong's arm races forward, shaking the tram as it dramatically drops a few feet.

But we're in luck... a helicopter crashes dramatically onto the bridge, exploding in flames and distracting the enraged Kong just long enough for the tram to escape.


一辆警车悬挂在桥上,它旋转的红灯照亮了前方可怕的身影。从汽车上掉下来的火花消失在雾气中,紧贴着下面的河流......电车司机向外倾斜。 “我们一百英尺高!”


直升机到了,他们的聚光灯围绕着这个人物。 “不,不要拍,”我们的电车司机称,“不要开枪!”但是为时已晚......一连串的闪光表明机枪着火了,就像我们越来越靠近壮观的人物一样。他愤怒地嚎叫着,把他的大臂举起来作为盾牌,他的手指痛苦地抓着。然后,他盯着我们,他的黑眼睛愤怒地狂野。 “他会打电车!”司机尖叫。 Kong的手臂向前跑,摇晃着电车,因为它急剧下降了几英尺。


With another six-story city block ahead, the driver sighs. We've made it over the river. "Alright, folks... everything's gonna be okay. Roosevelt station is right around this next corner." And indeed, flashing police lights around the bend may indicate that we'll make it safely to the rendezvous point for our shuttle out of harm's way.

But as the tram makes the turn, the only thing ahead is a blinding white light. The piercing, unimaginable spotlight makes all of us aboard look away, shielding our eyes from the focused beam. The hum of helicopter blades slicing the air make it clear that the spotlight is from a search copter, so the tram driver uses his bullhorn to yell out, "Chopper, turn that light out! I can't see! Turn. It. Out!"

But we'll wish he hadn't.

另外还有六层楼的城市街区,司机叹了口气。 我们已经在河上完成了。 “好吧,伙计们......一切都会好起来的。罗斯福站就在下一个角落。” 事实上,弯道周围闪烁的警灯可能表明我们将安全地到达会合点,以便我们的班车摆脱伤害。

但是当电车转弯时,前方唯一的事情就是眩目的白光。 刺眼的,难以想象的聚光灯让我们所有人都看向远处,使我们的眼睛不受聚焦光束的影响。 切割空气的直升机叶片的嗡嗡声清楚地表明聚光灯来自搜索直升机,所以电车司机用他的扩音器喊出来,“斩波器,把那个灯转出来!我看不见!转。它。出来!”

The second the light stops, our attention is drawn to the right... We're mere feet from Kong, now standing in the bent girders of a construction site. This time, Kong's had enough. The 40-foot tall creature's arms flail as the tram passes inches from his mouth. The smell of his banana breath permeates the tram. But this is the kicker... Now, the animatronic physically interrupts the ride's path, his massive hands closing in on the front and rear of the vehicle.

With his hands on either side, Kong lifts the tram up, tilting it toward him. As he inspects riders inside, he apparently deems us unworthy of his time... and drops us, the tram plunging toward the ground below as flames erupt all around. Ingeniously, the ride system Arrow designed for the attraction placed the tram on a giant upside-down scissor-lift apparatus, allowing the tram to "fall!"

The tram accelerates away as the lights of Roosevelt station appear head. As we leave Kong in the dust, we hear the unmistakable sound of still more helicopters arriving behind us, ready to wage war. As for our ordeal? All worthwhile, as televisions descend from the tram's ceiling displaying a live news feed... and we made primetime, as the news cuts to live footage of our fall.

As always, we'll finish off with a must-see ride-through video that will bring this lost experience back to life and help you to relive the experience of Kongfrontation:





Top of the Bill

For a young movie park like Universal Studios Florida, a ride like Kongfrontation was an unprecedented star. With two of the most lifelike animatronics ever developed – even to this day! – Kongfrontation was bright, kinetic, oversized, and fun. The wild romp through the city's destruction and our eventual encounters with the gargantuan creature were on-ride photo ready, and represented the height of Universal's innovation in storytelling, set design, and special effects.


对于像佛罗里达州环球影城这样的年轻电影公园来说,像Kongfrontation这样的车是一个前所未有的明星 有两种最栩栩如生的电子动画 - 甚至到今天! - Kongfrontation明亮,动感,超大,有趣。 狂野的喧嚣穿过城市的破坏,我们最终与庞大的生物相遇,准备好了骑行照片,代表了环球在讲故事,布景设计和特效方面的创新高度。

It was also the perfect ride to give Walt Disney World a run for its money – a character, topic, and delivery that they wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. Chances are that, if you're a '90s kid, you, too, were terrified behind comprehension by Kong (and by the one-two-three punch of the rest of Universal's lineup of disaster rides... after all, a day at Universal is a day where things just can't seem to stop going terribly wrong)!

But like most of Universal's early classics, Kongfrontation was doomed.

Ahead, we'll dissect the ride's closure and replacement, then examine what happened when Universal decided to give the King another headlining ride... albeit, in a different park and a very different way.

这也是为沃尔特迪斯尼世界提供资金的完美之选 - 一个他们不会用10英尺杆子接触的角色,主题和交付。 很有可能,如果你是一个90后的孩子,你也会被Kong的理解吓坏了(并且通过环球公司剩余的灾难骑行阵容的一两三拳......毕竟,一天 在环球影业那天,事情似乎无法停止走极其糟糕的事情)!





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