Design and Masterplanning

Design and Masterplanning

You have determined your project is financially viable. You know your physical planning parameters based on expected attendance demand. You have an idea. Now what? This is where ITPS can help take your dream and make it a reality. We understand the complexity of today’s theme parks and leisure attractions as they seek to integrate retail, food, corporate groups, sponsorship programs, attractions, and a host of other activities that must be accommodated. A successful design and master plan is the key to making it all work.

Our design services are comprehensive and are based on our many years of actually operating themed facilities. We know what it takes to make a facility ebb and flow, and we apply this knowledge to our design services. From concept design to master planning, and from schematic design to design development, ITPS works collaboratively with your team to bring the expertise needed for embracing all aspects of project design. This level of expertise in design will help assure that strategies are in place to attract and entertain your many guests.

Your project design is based on actual operating experience




ITPS Provides All Design Disciplines With Your Project’s Budgetary Parameters In Mind At All Times


Land Use土地利用

An effective land use plan provides a general idea of the components, attractions, area and flow for the project.一个有效的土地利用规划提供了一个总体构思的组成部分,景点,面积和流量的项目。


The master planning process allows the project to take shape through physical layout, site utilization, and planning strategies that help establish the project’s scope.



Preliminary Concept Design

eliminary concept designs allow for design themes, story lines, and architectural styles – all developed under economic and operational guidelines.



Final Concept Development

inal concept design covers all architectural and engineering disciplines to provide sufficient detail of the project’s scope, style and content.



