张泽 《Old Time Rock and Roll》



Everyday music




——《Old Time Rock and Roll》

名:  《Old Time Rock and Roll》

歌者 张泽

词曲Thomas Earl Jones III & George Jackson




[Verse 1]

Just take those old records off the shelf

I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself

Today's music ain't got the same soul

I like that old time rock 'n' roll

Don't try to take me to a disco

You'll never even get me out on the floor

In ten minutes I'll be late for the door

I like that old time rock 'n' roll


Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

That kind of music just soothes my soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock 'n' roll

[Guitar Solo]

[verse 2]

Won't go to hear 'em play a tango

I'd rather hear some blues or funky old soul

There's only one sure way to get me to go

Start playing old time rock 'n' roll

Call me a relic, call me what you will

Say I'm old-fashioned, say I'm over the hill

Today's music ain't got the same soul

I like that old time rock 'n' roll


Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

That kind of music just soothes my soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock 'n' roll


[Saxophone Solo]


Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

That kind of music just soothes my soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock 'n' roll

Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

That kind of music just soothes my soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock 'n' roll

Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

That kind of music just soothes my soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock 'n' roll


Still like that old time rock 'n' roll!



今天分享一首张泽改编的《Old Time Rock and Roll》


先来看看原歌曲的资料。原歌曲是Bob Seger的代表作,来自他1978年的专辑《Stranger in Town》。这首歌是由Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section的成员Thomas Earl Jones III和 George Jackson完成的。最初这首歌拿给Seger的时候,他在忙着做新专辑的其他歌曲,他没什么时间好好弄这首歌,所以简单的重写了一下歌词,就放进专辑中了,因为他觉得没人会喜欢这首歌。结果1979年,这首歌发行后一发不可收拾连续四次进入美国热门单曲排行榜的前30名。并且1983年的时候在电影《冒险生意》出现后,这首歌又开始火热起来。鉴于这样的火热程度,Seger的经纪人建议他收取版权费,因为他重新修改了歌词等,不过,Seger拒绝了这个提议,他说,“我重写了歌词,但我从来没把功劳归于自己。这不是我的功劳,所以我也不能控制版权。”完全不贪功。

而今天小E推荐的这个作品,完全是张泽用嘴巴搭配loop station完成的,包括节奏,包括不同的音色,包括演唱。这是一个很棒的改编。通常来讲,改编经典歌曲需要很大的勇气的,你要作出与原作品不同的感觉,还要让听众听出你的想法。真的很难。但他做到了!!从略带紧张和空间感的前奏开始到后面的令人眼前一亮的音效,整首歌完全从摇滚乐的感觉换到了现代R&B的感觉。后面还加入了人工电吉他为这首歌增加亮点。总之搭配起来悦耳不夸张,而且除了歌词外完全没有原曲的影子,很好听的一首。


