

曲名:Morning Has Broken(晨光)歌手:Yusuf / Cat Stevens所属专辑:Teaser And The Firecat发行年代:1971风格:民谣摇滚介绍:优素福·伊斯兰(英语:Yusuf Islam;1948年7月21日-),通常以其艺名卡特·史蒂文斯(英语:Cat Stevens)著称,是一位英国创作型歌手及多种乐器弹奏家。他在1967年发行的首张专辑进入英国排行榜的前十名,该专辑的主打歌《Matthew and Son》在英国的单曲榜中排名第二。史蒂文斯的专辑《Tea for the Tillerman》(1970)和《Teaser and the Firecat》(1971)都在美国得到美国唱片工业协会的三重白金认证。他的音乐风格包括民谣、流行乐、摇滚和伊斯兰音乐。这首《Morning Has Broken》改编自英国诗人 Eleanor Farjeon 的一首英文诗,曲调则源自一首古老的威尔士民歌。歌曲向我们表达了对世界、对生活的赞美和热爱之情,赞美一个美好的一天之起始。Morning Has Broken - Yusuf / Cat Stevens00:55 / 03:19(*+﹏+*)歌词:morning has broken晨光乍现like the first morning清晨 仿佛天地初开blackbird has spoken早啼的画眉like the first bird仿佛刚从神手下飞出praise for the singing赞美归于鸟儿的歌唱praise for the morning赞美归于晨光praise for them springing赞美归于这个fresh from the world日日如新的世界sweet the rains new fall刚刚落下的雨水如此甘甜sunlit from heaven从天而降 闪闪发光like the first dew fall就像造世初的第一阵雨on the first grass落在神手造的草上praise for the sweetness赞美归于淋漓的草木of the wet garden它们如此甘甜sprung in completeness在稳稳立足的地方where his feet pass成长完全mine is the sunlight.阳光为我照耀mine is the morning黎明为我盛开born of the one light我从神光而生eden saw play伊甸是我的乐园praise with elation,欢欣赞美praise every morning每个清晨god's re-creation of the new day神仿佛重新造世 在这新的一天morning has broken晨光乍现like the first morning清晨 仿佛天地初开blackbird has spoken早啼的画眉like the first bird仿佛刚从神手下飞出praise for the singing赞美归于鸟儿的歌唱praise for the morning赞美归于晨光praise for them springing赞美归于这个fresh from the world日日如新的世界

Corpus Christi Morning | 瓦尔特米勒感恩文/安娜·卡敏斯卡,译/泅渡一场暴风雨掷一座彩虹在我面前于是我想坠落在雨下想亲吻一位我为其让座的老妇人的手想感谢所有人只因他们存在有时甚至想微笑我感谢嫩叶愿意对着太阳敞开感谢婴儿依然想来到这个世界感谢老人英勇地坚忍到最后我充满感激如礼拜日的募捐箱假若死神在附近停留我就会拥抱她感恩是一种散落的无家的爱。GratitudeA tempest threw a rainbow in my faceso that I wanted to fall under the rainto kiss the hands of an old woman to whom I gave my seatto thank everyone for the fact that they existand at times even feel like smilingI was grateful to young leaves that they were willingto open up to the sunto babies that they stillfelt like coming into this worldto the old that they heroicallyendure until the endI was full of thankslike a Sunday alms-boxI would have embraced deathif she’d stopped nearbyGratitude is a scatteredhomeless love关于作者安娜·卡敏斯卡,Anna Kamienska,1920—1986,波兰诗人,翻译家,文学评论家。生前共发表过十五本诗集,三本小说,三本圣经述评,两卷札记等,是波兰文学和世界文学产生很大影响的著名诗人。卡敏斯卡反对用复杂晦涩的隐喻和反讽手法写诗,她的的诗歌语言简洁清晰,读她的诗,就好像听她跟你在亲切温柔地诉说她的孤独,迷惑,悲伤和对生命的领悟。打赏赞(1)分享

