
🌟【熟词生义 17】 Pardon: [v.] ['pɑːd(ə)n] 📍我们在日常生活中常遇到pardon,表示“请重复一遍”; 🌰: Pardon - I didn't hear the last thing you said. 我没有听清你最后说的,请重复一遍。 ✨ 较为正式的场合可以用I beg your pardon;美式英语常常也会说pardon me 📍而这个意思总是会让我们忽视其“原谅”和“赦免”之义,作“原谅,宽恕”时,表示一种礼貌的表达方式,如: 🌰:Pardon me interrupting, but there's a client to see you. 对不起打扰一下,有位客户要见你。 ✍🏻:在外刊中的用法: 《纽约时报》讲美国的民主制度濒临崩溃的文章中: He(Donald Trump) has replaced five inspectors general investigating wrongdoing in his administration, withheld his tax returns, pardoned his political allies convicted of felonies, and normalized lying and inflammatory tweets as modes of presidential communication. 他撤换了五名调查其政府不法行为的督察长,不公开自己的纳税申报表,赦免了被判重罪的政治盟友,并将谎言和煽动性推文当作总统正常的沟通模式 ✨pardon 表示“赦免”的时候也可以做名词使用。 🌰:He was granted a presidential pardon. 他得到了总统的赦免。

