
周日,在过去 24 小时内,印度新增了 30,773 例新增新冠病例和 309 例死亡,目前连续 84 天报告的病例不到 50,000 例。
印度活跃病例数已达到 3,32,158 例,但占总病例数的 0.99%。
根据印度联邦卫生和家庭福利部周日的数据,已有 3,26,71,167 人从疾病中康复,其中 38,945 人在过去 24 小时内康复。
此外,由于有 309 人死于该病,死亡人数已上升至 4,44,838 人。
印度目前的康复率为 97.68%,而每周阳性率为 2.04%,过去 86 天不到 3%。
印度一天内进行了 15,59,895 次新冠检测。根据印度医学研究委员会 (ICMR) 的数据,迄今为止,印度已进行了 55,23,40,168 次新冠检测。
迄今为止,印度已在全国疫苗接种计划下接种了 80,43,72,331 剂疫苗。(ANI)


First five lakh foreign tourists will be issued visas free of cost in an attempt to revive the tourism, hospitality and aviation sectors badly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020 when a nationwide lockdown was announced.
Top Union Home Ministry officials are deliberating with all stakeholders on the expected date and modalities for opening up of the country for foreign tourists.
A formal announcement allowing foreign tourists to visit India may come within the next 10 days, an official from the Home Ministry said. The decision is being taken in view of the declining number of COVID-19 cases in the country.
孟买:一位狗主人为他的宠物预订了印度航空公司航班的整个商务舱,让他的宠物豪华旅行。周三早上,这只狗登上了印度航空公司的 AI-671 航班。
从孟买到钦奈的两个小时的飞行,狗主人花费超过 25 万卢比。印度航空孟买 - 钦奈航班的商务舱座位票价约为 20,000 卢比。
Mumbai: A dog owner booked an entire business class cabin of an Air India flight for his pet to travel in luxury. The dog boarded the Air India flight AI-671 early on Wednesday morning.
The owner would have spent more than Rs 2.5 lakh for the two-hour-long flight from Mumbai to Chennai. The fare for a business class seat on Air India Mumbai-Chennai flight is around Rs 20,000. timesnownews
福特印度公司已在钦奈工厂重新开始生产面向出口市场的 EcoSport 紧凑型 SUV。最近宣布关闭在印度的制造业务的美国汽车巨头有大约 30,000 辆的出口承诺。据 IANS 报道,该公司必须在 2021 年底之前完成这项工作。
Ford India has restarted production of its EcoSport compact SUV at the Chennai plant for export markets. The US auto major that has recently announced the closure of manufacturing operations in India has an export commitment of around 30,000 units. The company has to complete that by the end of 2021, reports IANS. hindustantimes
A senior US trade official privately criticised India's July decision to ban Mastercard Inc from issuing new cards, calling it a "draconian" move that caused "panic", according to US government emails seen by Reuters. Livemint
PARIS: France's foreign affairs minister agreed with his Indian counterpart to work on a programme to promote "a truly multilateral international order," the French foreign ministry said on Saturday.
France on Friday recalled its ambassadors from the United States and Australia after Canberra ditched a multi-billion-dollar order for French submarines in favour of a partnership with Washington and London in the Indo-Pacific region.
沙特部长将会见印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪和外交部长 S Jaishankar,就一系列问题举行双边会谈,包括塔利班接管后迅速演变的阿富汗局势。
Saudi Arabia's foreign minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud arrived in New Delhi on Saturday evening on a three-day tour.
The Saudi minister will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and minister of external affairs S Jaishankar to hold bilateral talks on a range of issues, including the rapidly evolving situation in Afghanistan in the wake of the Taliban takeover.
The government has received maximum foreign direct investment (FDI) proposals in three departments -- electronics and IT, industry and internal trade, and heavy industries -- from countries sharing land border with India, an official said.
Countries which share land borders with India are China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar and Afghanistan. As per that decision, FDI proposals from these countries need government approval for investments in India in any sector.
Further, pending FDI proposals received under this decision up to June 15 this year in the Ministry of Electronics and IT; Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT); and Ministry of Heavy Industries are over 40. Livemint
NEW DELHI: Businesses that default on filing summary return and paying monthly GST will not be able to file GSTR-1 sales return of the succeeding month from January 1 next year.
The Council decided to amend Rule 59(6) of the Central GST Rules with effect from January 1, 2022, to provide that a registered person shall not be allowed to furnish Form GSTR-1, if he has not furnished the return in Form GSTR-3B for the preceding month. TOI
NEW DELHI: The four labour codes are unlikely to be implemented this fiscal in view of slow progress on the drafting of rules by the states and also for political reasons like elections in Uttar Pradesh, a source said.
The implementation of these laws assumes significance because once these are implemented there would be reduction in take-home pay of employees and firms have to bear higher provident fund liability. TOI
新德里:联邦部长 Nitin Gadkari 周日表示,主要由中下阶层购买的小型汽车也应该配备足够数量的安全气囊,并想知道为什么汽车制造商只为富人购买的大型汽车提供 8 个安全气囊。
在接受 PTI 采访时,公路运输和公路部长还强调,他呼吁在小型经济型轿车中安装更多安全气囊,以确保安全并防止可能发生的事故死亡。
NEW DELHI: Union minister Nitin Gadkari on Sunday said that small cars, mostly purchased by lower middle-class people, should also have an adequate number of airbags and wondered why auto makers are providing eight airbags only in big cars bought by rich people.
In an interview to PTI, the Road Transport and Highways Minister also emphasised that his appeal for more airbags in small economy cars was to ensure safety and prevent possible deaths in accidents. TOI