197.Hepatic Vascular Shunt(1)(肝血管分流)

The purpose of this pictorial review is to understand the embryological basis of the development of congenital hepatic vascular shunts and to review the multimodality imaging appearances of congenital and acquired hepatic vascular shunts. Hepatic vascular shunts are commonly seen in imaging. Familiarity with their characteristic appearances is important in order to accurately characterise these shunts and diagnose the underlying disorders.
Intrahepatic vascular shunts are common; all intrahepatic vessels are associated with the formation of shunts. These include arterioportal (AP), portosystemic and arteriosystemic venous shunts. Rarely, systemic venous (i.e. hepatic vein to hepatic vein) shunts and portal-to-portal communications are seen [1]. The unique dual blood supply of the liver (approximately 75% portal venous and 25% arterial) means there is a compensatory relationship between the two sources. When vascular compromise occurs, it causes a macroscopic opening of the shunts between the hepatic arteries, the portal veins and the hepatic veins through physiological anastomoses, which become abnormally enlarged [1-3]. The purpose of this pictorial review is to illustrate the imaging appearances of hepatic vascular shunts on multidetector CT (MDCT) with sonographic and conventional angiographic correlation.

1. embryological [ˌembrɪr'lɒdʒɪkl] 胚胎学的
2. congenital [kənˈdʒɛnɪtl] adj. 先天性
3. hepatic [hɪˈpætɪk] adj. 肝脏的
4. shunt [ʃʌnt] v. n.使转轨; 使分流
5. arterioportal [ˌmækrə'skɒpɪk] adj. 宏观的