
“nothing”一词,就像莎剧中不吉利的黑乌鸦,一旦重复出现,就会有悲剧发生。《李尔王》中,李尔对小女儿说“nothing comes out of nothing”时,他那可怜的自尊心已经被践踏得无地自容,狂怒蓄势待发。在《冬天的故事》中,nothing的高频率出现也意味着里昂提斯的暴怒达到顶峰,像火山爆发一般,滚滚岩浆已经朝无辜的受害者扑去。


Leontes.      Is whispering nothing?

Is leaning cheek to cheek? is meeting noses?

Kissing with inside lip? stopping the career

Of laughter with a sigh (a note infallible

Of breaking honesty)? horsing foot on foot?

Skulking in corners? wishing clocks more swift?

Hours, minutes? noon, midnight? and all eyes 290

Blind with the pin and web but theirs; theirs only,

That would unseen be wicked? Is this nothing?

Why then the world, and all that's in't, is nothing,

The covering sky is nothing, Bohemia nothing,

My wife is nothing, nor nothing have these nothings,

If this be nothing. (1.2.285-96)

里昂提斯  难道那样悄声说话不算什么一回事吗?脸贴着脸,鼻子碰着鼻子,嘴唇咂着嘴唇,笑声里夹着一两声叹息,这些百无一失的失贞的表征,都不算什么一回事吗?脚踩着脚,躲在角落里,巴不得钟走得快些,一点钟一点钟变成一分钟一分钟,中午赶快变成深夜;巴不得众人的眼睛都出了毛病,不看见他们的恶事;这难道不算什么一回事吗?嘿,那么这世界和它所有的一切都不算什么一回事;笼罩宇宙的天空也不算什么一回事;波希米亚也不算什么一回事;我的妻子也不算什么一回事;这些算不得什么事的什么事根本就没有存在,要是这不算是什么一回事。 (朱生豪译)

