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The examiner is then able to control both knee flexion and the amount of varus or valgus thrust applied; perform the test first with the knee straight and then flexed at 30 degrees. This manner of performing varus and valgus stressing enables even large limbs to be held and examined.
Next, place the knees at 90 degrees with the soles of the feet flat on the couch and the heels lined up; the quadriceps should be relaxed. Looking from the side, note if there is any posterior sag of the upper tibia by checking the levels of the tibial tuberositieson each leg – a posterior sag is a sure sign of posterior cruciate laxity. Then support the patient’s thigh in this position to ensure the hamstring muscles are relaxed, and use the other hand to grasp the patient’s ankle (Fig. 30.6b). Ask the patient to slide the foot slowly down the couch while resisting this movement by holding on to the ankle as the quadriceps contracts, the posterior sag is pulled up and the proximal tibia shifts forward. This is the quadriceps active test (Daniel et al., 1988).
Again with the knees flexed at 90 degrees and both feet resting on the couch (it is useful to sit across the couch to prevent the feet sliding forward), grasp the upper tibia with both hands, and making sure the hamstrings are relaxed, test for anterior and posterior laxity (the drawer sign). A more reliable test for anterior cruciate laxity is to examine for anterior–posterior displacement with the knee flexed to 20 degrees (the Lachman test). Hold the calf with one hand and the thigh with the other, and try to displace the joint backwards and forwards.
---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》
manner/ˈmænər/n. 方式;习惯;种类;规矩;风俗
place the knees at 90 degrees with the soles of the feet flat on the couch and the heels lined up;膝盖成90度,脚底平放在沙发上,脚跟对齐;
sole /soʊl/adj. 唯一的;(尤指女性)未婚的;单独的n. 脚底;鞋底(不包括后跟);脚趾和脚弓之间的部分;
tibial tuberosities胫骨粗隆
posterior cruciate laxity 后交叉韧带松弛
hamstring muscles腿后肌群
hamstring /ˈhæmstrɪŋ/n. 腿筋vt. 切断腿筋使成跛腿;使残废
slide /slaɪd/v. 滑动;平稳地走
calf /kæf/n. [解剖] 腓肠,小腿;小牛;小牛皮;(鲸等大哺乳动物的)幼崽