


—  邝老师按  —



Time flies, unconsciously, Chinese mathematics has accompanied the oasis students a semester of time. At the beginning of the semester, parents' doubts about our math curriculum have vanished with the practice of this semester. Most of the children have adapted to the change of math system and the requirements of various abilities, and embarked on the fast track of rapid growth: computing ability, written arithmetic ability, logical reasoning ability, and problem-solving ability have all made remarkable progress. Compared with the first test, the progress is more obvious. Teachers are all proud of the growth of children, especially the happy news of the math competition to our surprise. Our children's potential is great, we should give them more fertile soil, broader stage and space, but also give them more challenges, let them accept the baptism of the wind and rain, so that they are no longer greenhouse flowers, but can grow independently of the towering trees saplings. Change is always hard, but change is for a better future, and it's worth it.

Our math group in the process of change to forge ahead, do not forget the original intention, that the child's growth, in order to develop children's math ability as the goal unswervingly. Cultivate silently, wait for harvest quietly. Below, let's take a look at the Oasis students feel about mathematics.


# 7G1 陆辰轩

学习数学,重要的是理解,而不是像其它科目一样死背下来。数学有一个特点,那就是'举一反三”。做会了一道题目,就可以总结这道题目所包含的方法和原理,再用总结的原理去解决这类题,收效就会更好。学习数学还有一点很重要,那就是从基本的下手,稳稳当当的去练,不求全部题目都会做,只求做过的题不会忘,会用就行了。在做题的过程中,最忌讳的就是粗心大意。往往一道题目会做,却因粗心做错了,是很不值得的。所以在考数学的时候,一定不要太急,要条理清楚的去计算,思考;这样速度可能会稍慢,但却可以使你不丢分。相比之下,我会采取稍慢的计算方法来全面分析题目,尽量做到不漏。学习是一生的事情,不要过于着急,一步一个脚印的来,就一定会取得意 想不到的效果。






The study of mathematics is a process of accumulation and application. Therefore, a necessary prerequisite for learning mathematics is to accumulate and apply whenever is possible. There are many ways to study mathematics in daily life.

To learn mathematics, the important thing is to understand, not to memorize. One mathematics problem can infer others. After discovering a topic, one should summarize the methods and principles in the topic and then use them to work on similar problems. It is also essential to start with the basics and practice steadily. Rather than knowing how to do all the problems, one should also focus on the problems that he understands and try not to forget them. Also, while doing mathematics problems, the most taboo is carelessness. It is quite a pity to get a question wrong because of carelessness. So when taking a mathematics exam, one should not be rushed but carry out thinking and calculation clearly; this may be slower, but it does not lose marks. The calculation can be slower so that the problem is being analyzed thoroughly and not missing anything. Learning is a lifelong process, and people should not be anxious about it. Just take one step at a time, and one will achieve unexpected results.

If one is not serious about studying mathematics, it may affect him for a long time. When the teacher talked about the solution and formula of this problem, and one happened to be distracted, he certainly will miss the point. The knowledge of mathematics is linked. Elementary school provides the foundation for middle school, and middle school provides the foundation for high school. A small knowledge defect in the first year will result in a large group of questions unsolvable in the second, third year, or even high school. For instance, if one cannot understand the idea of power in the Year 7, he would not understand the square root sign in Year 8, and also the Pythagorean theorem, calculus, etc. Therefore, every knowledge point in middle school must be understood thoroughly.

High school knowledge is the expansion and extension to middle school. Many things that did not reveal fully in middle school will have a thorough explanation in high school. Don't worry if one doesn't fully understand it the first time in middle school because many things will be revisited in high school. Although many contents are different, as long as one believes in oneself, makes progress every day to think more, ask more questions, and summarize more, one will have a good result.

So what is the use of mathematics in real life?

Take the fountain, for example. One must have seen the arc and curve of the fountain water. It is beautiful, right? So, what mathematical knowledge is there in the fountain? First of all, you have to learn parabola, functions, trigonometric functions, quadratic functions, etc. A good fountain can only be made after one knows all this content.

Mathematics is magical, mathematical knowledge is endless, mathematical formulas are wonderful, and mathematical thinking questions can make a man wiser. There is deep understanding of mathematics waiting for people to explore. The great man once said: 'The number of romantic figures depends on the present.' The creation of the future comes from today's efforts.


# 9G2 廖子墨


I started studying at GOS in Year 1. From the first to the Year 8, our curriculum is in English. Mathematics is relatively simple in comparison with what has been taught in public schools. Therefore, my study experience is quite relaxing and happy in the past few years. However, when I entered the  Year 8, I began to realize the content gaps between our school and public schools, and I started to worry that I would not be able to keep up with students from another school. Fortunately, starting this semester, SOIS’s Mathematics began to use the Chinese curriculum instead. It is a pleasant surprise that We have a Chinese mathematics teacher and mathematics textbooks edited by Beijing Normal University. Although the lessons are fast-paced and the content is difficult, the learning is much more organized and systematic. For example, our teacher will provide a course outline before starting each chapter to preview before the next lesson, which significantly improves my learning. Although I have to spend more time on mathematics and solve more questions than before, I no longer worry whether I was slower than other school students. I felt at ease rather than unsatisfied. Now there is a direction for me to work hard, and after hard work, I feel at ease. I am more confident to embrace my future study and life.


# 7G3 钱初和


I still consider myself a new student since I just got in GOS last year as a Year 6 student. To compare with my brief primary school experience, middle school has more tests and more challenging content. In primary school, there were not any tests besides the differentiation test. In contrast, 'exam-free week' does not exist anymore in middle school. Back at the beginning of this term, I was exhausted and befuddled. Sometimes I felt quite anxious and try to review the content that had been taught in the evening.

Nevertheless, I got used to them and stopped panic after a while. The content is more difficult in middle school. In primary school, Science and Humanity were categorized as 'topics' that only been introduced briefly, and Math was following the non-Chinese curriculum; in middle school, however, Science and Humanity are separated, and Math is following the Chinese curriculum, which is more demanding. Although middle school is a lot more stressful and busy than primary school, I am much happier. This should be the feeling of 'learning makes me happy'!




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