Determines whether the control is generally observable.

5.2 Beckhoff ControlsSome display names of Attributes属性 have been renamed from version 1.10.Name DescriptionBar Chart [ 135] Bar chart that can be configured with various elements.Button [ 160] Simple button.Checkbox [ 172] Simple checkbox. A checkbox has a ToggleState parameter. This parameter has the value "Normal" if no checkmark is set and "Active" if the checkmark is set. The .onToggleStateChanged event can be used to perform actions when the state of the checkbox changes.Combobox [ 178] A combo box is a drop-down menu for selecting one of several options. Each option is defined by its ID and also has a text that is displayed in the drop-down menu, and a value.Datagrid [ 196] Table for generic display of data.Ellipse [ 216] EllipseEvent Grid [ 222] Table for displaying events.IFrame [ 232] Nested browser context. Embeds another HTML page in the current visualization.Image [ 237] Image displayKeyboard [ 244] On-screen keyboardLine [ 258] Straight lineLinear Gauge [ 292] Linear displayLine Chart [ 267] Line chartPolygon [ 315] Closed shape formed from a set of interconnected straight lines. The last point is automatically connected to the first point.Radial Gauge [ 323] Radial displayRectangle [ 345] RectangleTextblock [ 353] Text block for displaying textTextbox [ 362] Text box for entering text.Toggle Button [ 372] Button that can be toggled between two states.Trend Line Chart [ 379] Line chart for historicized dataVideo [ 407] Display area for a video.5.2.1 Bar ChartA bar chart represents data with rectangular bars. It can be statically filled with data or dynamically supplied with data via an array. A description of the configuration can be found in chapter Configuration [ 143].Attributes属性Category类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionGridBackgroundColor [ 146] Definition of the background color of the coordinate systemXAxisColor [ 150] Definition of the color of the x-axisYAxisColor [ 154] Definition of the color of the y-axisGridLineColor [ 146] Definition of the color of the coordinate gridSubgridLineColor [ 150] Definition of the color of the coordinate subgridXLabelFontColor [ 151] Definition of the font color of the x-axis labelsYLabelFontColor [ 155] Definition of the font color of the y-axis labelsYAxisNameFontColor [ 157] Definition of the font color of the y-axis nameBackgroundColor [ 433] Definition of the background colorBorderColor [ 432] Definition of the border color of the controlCategory类别: Layout布局Name DescriptionLeft [ 426] Definition of the distance from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [ 426] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningTop [ 426] Definition of the distance from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlTopUnit [ 426] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningRight [ 429] Definition of the distance from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningBottom [ 429] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottom side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningWidth [ 427] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [ 427] Selection of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthHeight [ 428] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [ 428] Selection of the unit of the height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [ 437] Definition of the maximum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [ 438] Definition of the minimum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [ 438] Selection of the unit of the minimum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [ 436] Definition of the maximum height if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [ 436] Definition of the minimum height if the control size is defined as dynamicName DescriptionMinHeightUnit [ 436] Selection of the unit of the minimum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [ 431] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [ 431] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [ 431] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [ 432] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is to be displayedGridColumnIndex [ 432] Definition of the column of a grid in which the control is to be displayedOpacity [ 438] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [ 439] Selection of the visibility of a control: · Visible: Control is visible · Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controls behind it cannot be operated · Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn – controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [ 440] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [ 439] Definition of a transformation of a control: · Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction · Rotate: Rotate by an angle · Scale: Zoom by a factor · Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle · Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relative to the position of the control · Perspective: Set the perspective of the transformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [ 440] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [ 427] Selection of the method of calculating the width: · Value: The width is defined by the width entered. · Parent: The width is defined by the distance to the left and right side of the parent element. The "Width" attribute is ignored in all calculations!HeightMode [ 428] Selection of the method of calculating the height: · Value: The height is defined by the height entered. · Parent: The height is defined by the distance to the top and bottom side of the parent element. The "Height" attribute is ignored in all calculations!Category类别: Common通用Name DescriptionBarGraphData [ 146] Definition of the data to be displayed as graph using the 'Bar Graph Data [ 145]' dialogBarGraphColors [ 145] Definition of the colors of the configured bar graphs using the 'Bar Graph Color [ 144]' dialogBarGraphWidth [ 146] Definition of the width of the individual bars.IsEnabled [ 425] Selection of whether a control should be activatedId [ 424] Definition of the name of the controlType [ 439] Type name of the control.ClassNames [ 425] Definition of control classesIsAttached [ 425] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [ 438] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory类别: Border边界Name DescriptionBorderRadius [ 433] Definition of the radius of the four corners to round them offBorderStyle [ 433] Selection of the border style of the four sides of the controlBorderWidth [ 433] Definition of the border width of the four sides of the controlCategory类别: Background Image背景图片Name DescriptionBackgroundImage [ 434] Definition of an image that is located above the background colorBackgroundImageHeight [ 435] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [ 435] Selection of the unit of the height of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [ 434] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [ 434] Selection of the unit of the width of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [ 435] Definition of an additional distance between the border of the control and background image for the four sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [ 436] Definition of the vertical alignment of the background image within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [ 435] Definition of the horizontal alignment of the background image within the controlCategory: XAxisName DescriptionShowXAxis [ 148] Selecting whether the x-axis is to be displayedXShowLabels [ 148] Selecting whether the x-axis labels are to be displayedXMainTickSteps [ 153] Definition of the step size of the x-axis main subdivisionXMainTickMinValue [ 152] Definition of the minimum value of the x-axis main subdivisionXMainTickMaxValue [ 152] Definition of the maximum value of the x-axis main subdivisionShowXSubTicks [ 148] Selecting whether the subcoordinate points are to be displayed on the x-axisXSubTickSteps [ 153] Definition of the step size of the x-axis subdivisionXAxisAutoScaling [ 150] Selecting whether the x-axis should be automatically scaled according to the data sets. 'Maintick Min Value', 'Maintick Max Value' and 'X-Axis Maintick Steps' need not be set.XAxisDecimalPlaces [ 151] Definition of the decimal places displayed for the x axisXAxisWidth [ 153] Definition of the x-axis widthXLabelFontFamily [ 151] Definition of the font using the name of the font family or the keywordXLabelFontSize [ 151] Definition of the font size for the x-axis labelsXLabelFontSizeUnit [ 152] Selecting the font size unit for the x-axis labels: · Pixels for an absolute size · Percent for a relative sizeXLabelFontWeight [ 152] Selecting the font weight of the x-axis labels: · Normal · Bold: BoldXAxisFormat [ 153] Definition of the formatting of the x-axis labelsCategory: YAxisName DescriptionShowYAxis [ 149] Selecting whether the y-axis is to be displayedYPosition [ 159] Selecting the position of the y-axis on the coordinate system · Left: Y-axis is displayed on the left side of the coordinate system. · Right: Y-axis is displayed on the right side of the coordinate system.YAxisAutoScaling [ 154] Selecting whether the y-axis should be automatically scaled according to the data sets. 'Maintick Min Value', 'Maintick Max Value' and 'Y-Axis Maintick Steps' need not be set.YAxisDecimalPlaces [ 155] Definition of the decimal places displayed for the y axisYAxisUnit [ 159] Definition of the unit of the y-axisYAxisWidth [ 159] Definition of the y-axis widthShowYAxisName [ 149] Selecting whether the y-axis name is to be displayedYAxisName [ 157] Definition of the y-axis nameYAxisNameFontFamily [ 157] Definition of the font using the name of the font family or the keywordYAxisNameFontSize [ 158] Definition of the font size of the y-axis nameYAxisNameFontSizeUnit [ 158] Selecting the unit of the font size of the y-axis name: · Pixels for an absolute size · Percent for a relative sizeYAxisNameFontWeight [ 158] Selecting of the font weight of the y-axis name: · Normal · Bold: BoldYShowLabels [ 149] Selecting whether the y-axis labels are to be displayedYLabelFontFamily [ 155] Definition of the font using the name of the font family or the keywordYLabelFontSize [ 155] Definition of the font size for the y-axis labelsYLabelFontSizeUnit [ 156] Selecting the font size unit for the y-axis labels: · Pixels for an absolute size · Percent for a relative sizeYLabelFontWeight [ 156] Selecting the font weight of the y-axis labels: · Normal · Bold: BoldYMainTickMinValue [ 156] Definition of the minimum value of the y-axis main subdivisionYMainTickMaxValue [ 156] Definition of the maximum value of the y-axis main subdivisionYMainTickSteps [ 157] Definition of the step size of the y-axis main subdivisionShowYSubTicks [ 149] Selecting whether the subcoordinate points are to be displayed on the y-axisYSubTickSteps [ 158] Definition of the step size of the y-axis subdivisionCategory类别: Grid网格Name DescriptionShowGrid [ 147] Selecting whether the coordinate grid is to be displayedGridShowHorizontalLines [ 147] Selecting whether the horizontal lines of the coordinate grid are to be displayedGridShowVerticalLines [ 147] Selecting whether the vertical lines of the coordinate grid are to be displayedGridLineWidth [ 147] Definition of the line width of the coordinate gridSubgridShowHorizontalLines [ 147] Selecting whether the horizontal lines of the coordinate subgrid are to be displayedSubgridShowVerticalLines [ 148] Selecting whether the vertical lines of the coordinate subgrid are to be displayedSubgridLineWidth [ 150] Definition of the line width of the coordinate subgridEvents Category类别: Framework框架Name DescriptiononAttached [ 440] The control was added to the display.onDetached [ 440] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [ 441] The control was initialized.onMoved [ 443] The control was moved in relation to the browser window.onResized [ 444] The size of the control was changed.Category类别: Operator操作者Name DescriptiononPressed [ 443] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen was briefly touched.onMouseClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDoubleClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked twice over the control and released.onMouseRightClick [ 442] The right mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDown [ 441] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [ 443] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [ 441] The left mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseDownRight [ 441] The right mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseMove [ 442] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control or one of its children.onMouseOut [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of its child controls.onMouseUpLeft [ 443] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [ 443] The right mouse button was released over the control.onMouseWheel [ 443] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [ 444] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [ 444] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [ 444] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [ 444] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [ 444] Determines whether the control is generally observable.operate [ 445] Determines whether the control is generally operable. Dialogs5. Bar Graph Color DialogUse this dialog you define the color of the bar graphs. The color objects are assigned to the arrays of the data sets sequentially in case of data structure 'Array<Array<number>>'.Items List of all objects addedDelete the selected objectChange the object order (top = left)Add a new objectCategory类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionColor Definition of the color of the bar graph5. Bar Graph Data DialogYou can use this dialog to statically define the data that the bar graph is to display in Engineering. To do this, you can first choose between the structure of the data as 'Array<Array<number>> ' and 'Array<number>'. In the second step, you can then define the entries.Items List of all objects addedDelete the selected objectChange the object order (top = left)Add a new objectIf you have selected the data structure 'Array<Array<number>>', you can first define different arrays, each representing a bar graph.Name DescriptionArray Definition of an array of numbers representing a data set to be displayed as a bar graphEach of these arrays has entries that you can define using the second version of the dialog. If you use the data structure 'Array<number>', this dialog is offered directly.Name DescriptionNumber Definition of a value from a data set to be displayed as a bar graph5.2.1.3 Attributes属性Name Typevalue number [ 1997] tchmi:general#/definitions/Number[ 2067]Return valueType Descriptionstring [ 1997] tchmi:general#/definitions/String [ 2069]The new value of the main X-axis subdivision. HTML is not allowed here.Category类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionBackgroundColor [ 433] Definition of the background colorBorderColor [ 432] Definition of the border color of the controlCategory类别: Layout布局Name DescriptionLeft [ 426] Definition of the distance from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [ 426] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningTop [ 426] Definition of the distance from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlTopUnit [ 426] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningRight [ 429] Definition of the distance from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningBottom [ 429] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottom side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningWidth [ 427] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [ 427] Selection of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthHeight [ 428] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [ 428] Selection of the unit of the height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [ 437] Definition of the maximum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [ 438] Definition of the minimum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [ 438] Selection of the unit of the minimum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [ 436] Definition of the maximum height if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [ 436] Definition of the minimum height if the control size is defined as dynamicName DescriptionMinHeightUnit [ 436] Selection of the unit of the minimum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [ 431] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [ 431] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [ 431] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [ 432] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is to be displayedGridColumnIndex [ 432] Definition of the column of a grid in which the control is to be displayedOpacity [ 438] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [ 439] Selection of the visibility of a control: · Visible: Control is visible · Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controls behind it cannot be operated · Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn – controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [ 440] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [ 439] Definition of a transformation of a control: · Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction · Rotate: Rotate by an angle · Scale: Zoom by a factor · Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle · Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relative to the position of the control · Perspective: Set the perspective of the transformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [ 440] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [ 427] Selection of the method of calculating the width: · Value: The width is defined by the width entered. · Parent: The width is defined by the distance to the left and right side of the parent element. The "Width" attribute is ignored in all calculations!HeightMode [ 428] Selection of the method of calculating the height: · Value: The height is defined by the height entered. · Parent: The height is defined by the distance to the top and bottom side of the parent element. The "Height" attribute is ignored in all calculations!Category类别: Common通用Name DescriptionText [ 169] Definition of the text displayed in the buttonStateSymbol [ 171] Reflects the pressed state of the button for the assigned symbol and vice versa. If the button is pressed, the symbol is set to true. If the button is released, the symbol is set to false. If the symbol is set to true independent of the button, the button is pressed. If the symbol is set to false independent of the button, the button is released. During an active user interaction, no value changes of the symbol are transferred to the button.IsEnabled [ 425] Selection of whether a control should be activatedId [ 424] Definition of the name of the controlType [ 439] Type name of the control.ClassNames [ 425] Definition of control classesIsAttached [ 425] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [ 438] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory类别: Border边界Name DescriptionBorderRadius [ 433] Definition of the radius of the four corners to round them offBorderStyle [ 433] Selection of the border style of the four sides of the controlBorderWidth [ 433] Definition of the border width of the four sides of the controlCategory: IconName DescriptionIcon [ 168] Definition of an optional image in the buttonIconWidth [ 170] Definition of the width of the iconIconWidthUnit [ 170] Definition of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthIconHeight [ 167] Definition of the height of the iconIconHeightUnit [ 167] Definition of the unit of height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightIconHorizontalAlignment [ 168] Selecting the horizontal alignment of the icon within the controlIconVerticalAlignment [ 169] Selecting the vertical alignment of the icon within the controlIconPadding [ 168] Definition of the distance of the icon to the borderCategory类别: Background Image背景图片Name DescriptionBackgroundImage [ 434] Definition of an image that is located above the background colorBackgroundImageHeight [ 435] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [ 435] Selection of the unit of the height of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [ 434] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [ 434] Selection of the unit of the width of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [ 435] Definition of an additional distance between the border of the control and background image for the four sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [ 436] Definition of the vertical alignment of the background image within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [ 435] Definition of the horizontal alignment of the background image within the controlCategory: TextName DescriptionTextColor [ 169] Definition of the text colorTextFontFamily [ 166] Definition of the font using the name of the font family or the keywordTextFontSize [ 166] Definition of the font sizeTextFontSizeUnit [ 166] Definition of the font size unit: · Pixels for an absolute size · Percent for a relative sizeTextFontStyle [ 167] Selecting the font style: · Normal · Italic: italic · Oblique: slantedTextFontWeight [ 167] Selecting the font weight of the text: · Normal · Bold: BoldTextPadding [ 169] Definition of the distance of the text to the borderTextVerticalAlignment [ 170] Selecting the vertical alignment of the textTextHorizontalAlignment [ 168] Selecting the horizontal alignment of the textWordWrap [ 171] Selecting whether the text wraps if it is too long for one rowEvents Category类别: Framework框架Name DescriptiononAttached [ 440] The control was added to the display.onDetached [ 440] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [ 441] The control was initialized.onMoved [ 443] The control was moved in relation to the browser window.onResized [ 444] The size of the control was changed.Category类别: Operator操作者Name DescriptiononStateChanged [ 171] The pressed state has changed.onStatePressed [ 171] The pressed state has changed from not pressed to pressed.onStateReleased [ 172] The pressed state has changed from pressed to not pressed.onPressed [ 443] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen was briefly touched.onMouseClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDoubleClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked twice over the control and released.onMouseRightClick [ 442] The right mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDown [ 441] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [ 443] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [ 441] The left mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseDownRight [ 441] The right mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseMove [ 442] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control or one of its children.onMouseOut [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of its child controls.onMouseUpLeft [ 443] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [ 443] The right mouse button was released over the control.onMouseWheel [ 443] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [ 444] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [ 444] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [ 444] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [ 444] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [ 444] Determines whether the control is generally observable.operate [ 445] Determines whether the control is generally operable.5.2.3 CheckboxA checkbox has a ToggleState [ 177] parameter. This parameter has the value "Normal" if no checkmark is set and "Active" if the checkmark is set. The .onToggleStateChanged [ 178] event can be used to perform actions when the state of the checkbox changes. Attributes属性Category类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionBackgroundColor [ 433] Definition of the background colorBorderColor [ 432] Definition of the border color of the controlToggleStateIconColor [ 178] Definition of the color of the toggle state iconCategory类别: Layout布局Name DescriptionLeft [ 426] Definition of the distance from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [ 426] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningTop [ 426] Definition of the distance from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlTopUnit [ 426] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningRight [ 429] Definition of the distance from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningBottom [ 429] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottom side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningWidth [ 427] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [ 427] Selection of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthHeight [ 428] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [ 428] Selection of the unit of the height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [ 437] Definition of the maximum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [ 438] Definition of the minimum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [ 438] Selection of the unit of the minimum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [ 436] Definition of the maximum height if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [ 436] Definition of the minimum height if the control size is defined as dynamicName DescriptionMinHeightUnit [ 436] Selection of the unit of the minimum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [ 431] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [ 431] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [ 431] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [ 432] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is to be displayedGridColumnIndex [ 432] Definition of the column of a grid in which the control is to be displayedOpacity [ 438] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [ 439] Selection of the visibility of a control: · Visible: Control is visible · Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controls behind it cannot be operated · Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn – controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [ 440] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [ 439] Definition of a transformation of a control: · Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction · Rotate: Rotate by an angle · Scale: Zoom by a factor · Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle · Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relative to the position of the control · Perspective: Set the perspective of the transformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [ 440] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [ 427] Selection of the method of calculating the width: · Value: The width is defined by the width entered. · Parent: The width is defined by the distance to the left and right side of the parent element. The "Width" attribute is ignored in all calculations!HeightMode [ 428] Selection of the method of calculating the height: · Value: The height is defined by the height entered. · Parent: The height is defined by the distance to the top and bottom side of the parent element. The "Height" attribute is ignored in all calculations!Category类别: Common通用Name DescriptionStateSymbol [ 177] Reflects the state of the checkbox to the assigned symbol and vice versa.ToggleState [ 177] Definition of the internal switching state of the controlToggleGroup [ 177] User-defined name for a group. Only one control in this group can be active.IsEnabled [ 425] Selection of whether a control should be activatedId [ 424] Definition of the name of the controlType [ 439] Type name of the control.ClassNames [ 425] Definition of control classesIsAttached [ 425] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [ 438] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory类别: Border边界Name DescriptionBorderRadius [ 433] Definition of the radius of the four corners to round them offBorderStyle [ 433] Selection of the border style of the four sides of the controlBorderWidth [ 433] Definition of the border width of the four sides of the controlCategory类别: Background Image背景图片Name DescriptionBackgroundImage [ 434] Definition of an image that is located above the background colorBackgroundImageHeight [ 435] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [ 435] Selection of the unit of the height of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [ 434] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [ 434] Selection of the unit of the width of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [ 435] Definition of an additional distance between the border of the control and background image for the four sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [ 436] Definition of the vertical alignment of the background image within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [ 435] Definition of the horizontal alignment of the background image within the controlEvents Category: ControlName DescriptiononToggleStateChanged [ 178] The ToggleState value of the checkbox has changed.onStateChanged [ 178] The status of the checkbox has changed.Category类别: Framework框架Name DescriptiononAttached [ 440] The control was added to the display.onDetached [ 440] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [ 441] The control was initialized.onMoved [ 443] The control was moved in relation to the browser window.onResized [ 444] The size of the control was changed.Category类别: Operator操作者Name DescriptiononPressed [ 443] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen was briefly touched.onMouseClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDoubleClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked twice over the control and released.onMouseRightClick [ 442] The right mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDown [ 441] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [ 443] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [ 441] The left mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseDownRight [ 441] The right mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseMove [ 442] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control or one of its children.onMouseOut [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of its child controls.onMouseUpLeft [ 443] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [ 443] The right mouse button was released over the control.onMouseWheel [ 443] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [ 444] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [ 444] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [ 444] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [ 444] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [ 444] Determines whether the control is generally observable.operate [ 445] Determines whether the control is generally operable.5.2.4 ComboboxA combo box is a drop-down menu for selecting an option from several options. Each option is defined by its ID and also has a text that is displayed in the drop-down menu, and an assigned value. Note that the dropdown menu for the size of the control will be added to this. This becomes relevant for the topic Overfill [ 127] with small containers. A description of the configuration can be found in chapter Configuration [ 186].Attributes属性Category类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionTextColor [ 195] Definition of the text colorDropDownTextColor [ 190] Definition of the text color in the drop-down listDropDownBackgroundColor [ 188] Definition of the background color of the drop-down listDropDownHighlightColor [ 189] Definition of the highlight color of the background of a selected entry in the drop-down listDropDownHighlightTextColor [ 189] Definition of the highlight color of the text of a selected entry in the drop-down listDropDownToggleButtonBackgroundColor [ 190] Definition of the color of the button to expand the drop-down listDropDownToggleButtonArrowColor [ 190] Definition of the color of the arrow of the button to expand the drop-down listBackgroundColor [ 433] Definition of the background colorBorderColor [ 432] Definition of the border color of the controlCategory类别: Layout布局Name DescriptionLeft [ 426] Definition of the distance from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [ 426] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningTop [ 426] Definition of the distance from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlTopUnit [ 426] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningRight [ 429] Definition of the distance from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningBottom [ 429] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottom side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningWidth [ 427] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [ 427] Selection of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthHeight [ 428] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [ 428] Selection of the unit of the height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [ 437] Definition of the maximum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [ 438] Definition of the minimum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [ 438] Selection of the unit of the minimum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [ 436] Definition of the maximum height if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [ 436] Definition of the minimum height if the control size is defined as dynamicName DescriptionMinHeightUnit [ 436] Selection of the unit of the minimum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [ 431] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [ 431] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [ 431] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [ 432] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is to be displayedGridColumnIndex [ 432] Definition of the column of a grid in which the control is to be displayedOpacity [ 438] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [ 439] Selection of the visibility of a control: · Visible: Control is visible · Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controls behind it cannot be operated · Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn – controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [ 440] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [ 439] Definition of a transformation of a control: · Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction · Rotate: Rotate by an angle · Scale: Zoom by a factor · Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle · Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relative to the position of the control · Perspective: Set the perspective of the transformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [ 440] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [ 427] Selection of the method of calculating the width: · Value: The width is defined by the width entered. · Parent: The width is defined by the distance to the left and right side of the parent element. The "Width" attribute is ignored in all calculations!HeightMode [ 428] Selection of the method of calculating the height: · Value: The height is defined by the height entered. · Parent: The height is defined by the distance to the top and bottom side of the parent element. The "Height" attribute is ignored in all calculations!Category类别: Common通用Name DescriptionIsEnabled [ 425] Selection of whether a control should be activatedId [ 424] Definition of the name of the controlType [ 439] Type name of the control.ClassNames [ 425] Definition of control classesIsAttached [ 425] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [ 438] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory类别: Border边界Name DescriptionBorderRadius [ 433] Definition of the radius of the four corners to round them offBorderStyle [ 433] Selection of the border style of the four sides of the controlBorderWidth [ 433] Definition of the border width of the four sides of the controlCategory类别: Background Image背景图片Name DescriptionBackgroundImage [ 434] Definition of an image that is located above the background colorBackgroundImageHeight [ 435] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [ 435] Selection of the unit of the height of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [ 434] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [ 434] Selection of the unit of the width of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [ 435] Definition of an additional distance between the border of the control and background image for the four sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [ 436] Definition of the vertical alignment of the background image within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [ 435] Definition of the horizontal alignment of the background image within the controlCategory类别: Data数据Name DescriptionSrcData [ 194] Definition of data for the list entriesText [ 195] Definition of the text that is displayed if free text entry is allowedAllowTextInput [ 195] Definition as to whether free text entry is to be allowedComboboxText [ 187] Definition of the text that is displayed if no entry is selectedSelectedIndex [ 194] Definition of the selected entry via its index. The first entry in a drop-down list starts at index 0.ContentPadding [ 196] Defines the distance of the text to the border.Category: TextName DescriptionTextFontFamily [ 191] Definition of the font using the name of the font family or the keywordTextFontSize [ 191] Definition of the font sizeTextFontSizeUnit [ 191] Selecting the font size unit · Pixels for an absolute size · Percent for a relative sizeTextFontStyle [ 192] Selecting the font style: · Normal · Italic: italic · Oblique: slantedTextFontWeight [ 192] Selecting the font weight · Normal · Bold: BoldTextHorizontalAlignment [ 192] Selecting the horizontal alignment of the textTextVerticalAlignment [ 192] Definition of the vertical alignment of the textCategory: DropDownName DescriptionDropDownHorizontalAlignment [ 190] Selecting the horizontal alignment of the text in the drop-down listDropDownVerticalAlignment [ 191] Selecting the vertical alignment of the text in the drop-down listDataHeight [ 187] Definition of the height of the entries in the drop-down menuDataHeightUnit [ 187] Selecting the unit of the height of the list entries · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightList Height [ 193] Definition of the maximum height of the drop-down listList Height Unit [ 193] Selecting the unit of the drop-down list heightDropDownFontFamily [ 188] Definition of the font of the list entries via the name of the font family or the keywordDropDownFontSize [ 188] Definition of the font size of the list entriesDropDownFontSizeUnit [ 188] Selecting the font size unit · Pixels for an absolute size · Percent for a relative sizeDropDownFontStyle [ 189] Selecting the font style: · Normal · Italic: italic · Oblique: slantedDropDownFontWeight [ 189] Selecting the font weight of the text entries: · Normal · Bold: BoldDropDownVerticalAlignment [ 191] Selecting the vertical alignment of the text in the drop-down listEvents Category类别: Framework框架Name DescriptiononAttached [ 440] The control was added to the display.onDetached [ 440] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [ 441] The control was initialized.onMoved [ 443] The control was moved in relation to the browser window.onResized [ 444] The size of the control was changed.Category类别: Operator操作者Name DescriptiononSelectionChanged [ 196] An entry has been selected.onPressed [ 443] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen was briefly touched.onMouseClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDoubleClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked twice over the control and released.onMouseRightClick [ 442] The right mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDown [ 441] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [ 443] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [ 441] The left mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseDownRight [ 441] The right mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseMove [ 442] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control or one of its children.onMouseOut [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of its child controls.onMouseUpLeft [ 443] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [ 443] The right mouse button was released over the control.onMouseWheel [ 443] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [ 444] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [ 444] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [ 444] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [ 444] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [ 444] Determines whether the control is generally observable.operate [ 445] Determines whether the control is generally operable.Items List of all objects addedDelete the selected objectChange the object order (top = left)Add a new objectCategory: GeneralName DescriptionID Definition of a freely selectable ID for the list entry. This ID must be unique within the defined entries.Text Definition of the text of the list entryValue Definition of the value of a list entry5.2.5 DatagridA data grid is a table. Data sets can be displayed in this table that have been defined via Engineering or dynamically via an array. A description of the configuration can be found in chapter Configuration [ 203]. Attributes属性 Category类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionHeaderBackgroundColor [ 206] Definition of the background color of the header rowHeaderTextColor [ 209] Definition of the text color of the column headersRowNumbersBackgroundColor [ 209] Definition of the background color of the column for row numberingRowNumbersTextColor [ 212] Definition of the text color of the row numberingTableBorderColor [ 215] Definition of the grid colorBackgroundColor [ 433] Definition of the background colorBorderColor [ 432] Definition of the border color of the controlCategory类别: Layout布局Name DescriptionLeft [ 426] Definition of the distance from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [ 426] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningTop [ 426] Definition of the distance from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlTopUnit [ 426] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningRight [ 429] Definition of the distance from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningBottom [ 429] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottom side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningWidth [ 427] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [ 427] Selection of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthHeight [ 428] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [ 428] Selection of the unit of the height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [ 437] Definition of the maximum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [ 438] Definition of the minimum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [ 438] Selection of the unit of the minimum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [ 436] Definition of the maximum height if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [ 436] Definition of the minimum height if the control size is defined as dynamicName DescriptionMinHeightUnit [ 436] Selection of the unit of the minimum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [ 431] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [ 431] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [ 431] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [ 432] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is to be displayedGridColumnIndex [ 432] Definition of the column of a grid in which the control is to be displayedOpacity [ 438] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [ 439] Selection of the visibility of a control: · Visible: Control is visible · Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controls behind it cannot be operated · Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn – controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [ 440] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [ 439] Definition of a transformation of a control: · Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction · Rotate: Rotate by an angle · Scale: Zoom by a factor · Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle · Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relative to the position of the control · Perspective: Set the perspective of the transformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [ 440] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [ 427] Selection of the method of calculating the width: · Value: The width is defined by the width entered. · Parent: The width is defined by the distance to the left and right side of the parent element. The "Width" attribute is ignored in all calculations!HeightMode [ 428] Selection of the method of calculating the height: · Value: The height is defined by the height entered. · Parent: The height is defined by the distance to the top and bottom side of the parent element. The "Height" attribute is ignored in all calculations!Category类别: Common通用Name DescriptionIsEnabled [ 425] Selection of whether a control should be activatedId [ 424] Definition of the name of the controlType [ 439] Type name of the control.ClassNames [ 425] Definition of control classesIsAttached [ 425] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [ 438] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory类别: Border边界Name DescriptionBorderRadius [ 433] Definition of the radius of the four corners to round them offBorderStyle [ 433] Selection of the border style of the four sides of the controlBorderWidth [ 433] Definition of the border width of the four sides of the controlCategory类别: Background Image背景图片Name DescriptionBackgroundImage [ 434] Definition of an image that is located above the background colorBackgroundImageHeight [ 435] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [ 435] Selection of the unit of the height of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [ 434] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [ 434] Selection of the unit of the width of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [ 435] Definition of an additional distance between the border of the control and background image for the four sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [ 436] Definition of the vertical alignment of the background image within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [ 435] Definition of the horizontal alignment of the background image within the controlCategory类别: Data数据Name DescriptionColumns [ 214] Definition of column options - the assignment of options to rows is based on the order in the Column Definitions dialog [ 204]SrcData [ 214] Definition of the data to be displayed in the DataGridSelectedColumnIndex [ 213] Definition of the selected column using the column indexSelectedRowIndex [ 213] Definition of the selected row using the row indexCategory类别: Grid网格Name DescriptionRowHeight [ 209] Definition of the row heightRowHeightUnit [ 209] Definition of the unit of the row height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightTableBorderWidth [ 215] Definition of the line width of the gridTableBorderWidthUnit [ 206] Selecting the unit of the line width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthTableBorderStyle [ 215] Selecting the style of the grid linesCellContentPadding [ 204] Definition of the distance of the text to the edge of the cellGridFontFamily [ 205] Definition of the font using the name of the font family or the keywordGridFontSize [ 205] Definition of the font size of the table contentsGridFontSizeUnit [ 205] Definition of the font size unit: · Pixels for an absolute size · Percent for a relative sizeGridFontStyle [ 205] Selecting the font style of the table contents: · Normal · Italic: italic · Oblique: slantedGridFontWeight [ 206] Selecting the font weight of the table contents: · Normal · Bold: boldSrcDataHasChanged [ 214] Indicates whether the user has changed the data.SelectedRowValue [ 213] The value of the selected row.SelectedCellValue [ 213] The value of the selected cell.Category: HeaderName DescriptionCategory: Row NumbersName DescriptionShowRowNumbers [ 214] Selecting whether the row numbering is to be displayedRowNumbersResizable [ 211] Selecting whether the width of the columns can be changed at runtime using the separators in the column header rowRowNumbersWidth [ 212] Definition of the width of the row numbering columnRowNumbersWidthUnit [ 212] Selecting the unit of column width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthRowNumbersCellPadding [ 210] Definition of the distance of the numbering to the edge of the cellRowNumbersFontFamily [ 210] Definition of the font using the name of the font family or the keywordRowNumbersFontSize [ 210] Definition of the font size of the row numberingRowNumbersFontSizeUnit [ 210] Definition of the font size unit: · Pixels for an absolute size · Percent for a relative sizeRowNumbersFontStyle [ 211] Definition of the font style of the row numbering: · Normal · Italic: italic · Oblique: slantedRowNumbersFontWeight [ 211] Definition of the font weight of the row numbering: · Normal · Bold: boldRowNumbersHorizontalAlignment [ 211] Definition of horizontal alignment of row numberingRowNumbersVerticalAlignment [ 212] Definition of vertical alignment of row numberingCategory: Table BorderName DescriptionEvents Category类别: Framework框架Name DescriptiononAttached [ 440] The control was added to the display.onDetached [ 440] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [ 441] The control was initialized.onMoved [ 443] The control was moved in relation to the browser window.onResized [ 444] The size of the control was changed.Category类别: Operator操作者Name DescriptiononDataChanged [ 215] The data has been changed.onSelectedItemChanged [ 216] Another entry is now selected.onPressed [ 443] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen was briefly touched.onMouseClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDoubleClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked twice over the control and released.onMouseRightClick [ 442] The right mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDown [ 441] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [ 443] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [ 441] The left mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseDownRight [ 441] The right mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseMove [ 442] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control or one of its children.onMouseOut [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of its child controls.onMouseUpLeft [ 443] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [ 443] The right mouse button was released over the control.onMouseWheel [ 443] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [ 444] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [ 444] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [ 444] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [ 444] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [ 444] Determines whether the control is generally observable.operate [ 445] Determines whether the control is generally operable.Inheritance hierarchy Control [ 419] Datagrid Note: Available since version 1.8 See also API reference [ 1311] for this controlItems List of all objects addedDelete the selected objectChange the object order (top = left)Add a new objectProperties Settings of the column object selected under 'Elements'Name Definition of the name of the structure item to be displayed in this column. The value must match the name of the structure member. Upper and lower case is taken into account.Label Definition of the column headerControl Selecting the cell control type · TextBlock [ 353] · TextBox [ 362] · CheckBox [ 172] · ComboBox [ 178] · Image [ 237]Width Definition of the column widthResize Selecting whether the column width should be customizable by the userMin width Definition of the minimum column widthEditable Defines whether the column can be edited. This option has no effect if control is 'TextBlock' or 'Image'.Horizontal alignment Selecting the horizontal alignment of the column contentsVertical alignment Selecting the vertical alignment of the column contentsData definitions Definition of the ComboBox / Image content; this attribute is available once the ComboBox or Image control type has been selected.5.2.6 EllipseAn ellipse control is an ellipse object.Attributes属性Category类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionBackgroundColor [ 433] Definition of the background colorBorderColor [ 432] Definition of the border color of the controlCategory类别: Layout布局Name DescriptionLeft [ 426] Definition of the distance from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [ 426] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningTop [ 426] Definition of the distance from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlTopUnit [ 426] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningRight [ 429] Definition of the distance from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningBottom [ 429] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottom side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningWidth [ 427] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [ 427] Selection of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthHeight [ 428] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [ 428] Selection of the unit of the height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [ 437] Definition of the maximum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [ 438] Definition of the minimum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [ 438] Selection of the unit of the minimum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [ 436] Definition of the maximum height if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [ 436] Definition of the minimum height if the control size is defined as dynamicName DescriptionMinHeightUnit [ 436] Selection of the unit of the minimum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [ 431] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [ 431] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [ 431] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [ 432] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is to be displayedGridColumnIndex [ 432] Definition of the column of a grid in which the control is to be displayedOpacity [ 438] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [ 439] Selection of the visibility of a control: · Visible: Control is visible · Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controls behind it cannot be operated · Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn – controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [ 440] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [ 439] Definition of a transformation of a control: · Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction · Rotate: Rotate by an angle · Scale: Zoom by a factor · Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle · Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relative to the position of the control · Perspective: Set the perspective of the transformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [ 440] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [ 427] Selection of the method of calculating the width: · Value: The width is defined by the width entered. · Parent: The width is defined by the distance to the left and right side of the parent element. The "Width" attribute is ignored in all calculations!HeightMode [ 428] Selection of the method of calculating the height: · Value: The height is defined by the height entered. · Parent: The height is defined by the distance to the top and bottom side of the parent element. The "Height" attribute is ignored in all calculations!Category类别: Common通用Name DescriptionIsEnabled [ 425] Selection of whether a control should be activatedId [ 424] Definition of the name of the controlType [ 439] Type name of the control.ClassNames [ 425] Definition of control classesIsAttached [ 425] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [ 438] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory类别: Border边界Name DescriptionBorderRadius [ 433] Definition of the radius of the four corners to round them offBorderStyle [ 433] Selection of the border style of the four sides of the controlBorderWidth [ 433] Definition of the border width of the four sides of the controlCategory类别: Background Image背景图片Name DescriptionBackgroundImage [ 434] Definition of an image that is located above the background colorBackgroundImageHeight [ 435] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [ 435] Selection of the unit of the height of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [ 434] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [ 434] Selection of the unit of the width of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [ 435] Definition of an additional distance between the border of the control and background image for the four sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [ 436] Definition of the vertical alignment of the background image within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [ 435] Definition of the horizontal alignment of the background image within the controlCategory: AppearanceName DescriptionFillColor [ 221] Definition of the fill color of the controlStrokeColor [ 221] Definition of the line color of the controlStrokeStyle [ 221] Selecting the style of the ellipse lineStrokeThickness [ 222] Definition of the line width of the ellipseStrokeThicknessUnit [ 222] Selecting the unit of the line width: · Pixels for an absolute widthEventsCategory类别: Framework框架Name DescriptiononAttached [ 440] The control was added to the display.onDetached [ 440] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [ 441] The control was initialized.onMoved [ 443] The control was moved in relation to the browser window.onResized [ 444] The size of the control was changed.Category类别: Operator操作者Name DescriptiononPressed [ 443] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen was briefly touched.onMouseClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDoubleClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked twice over the control and released.onMouseRightClick [ 442] The right mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDown [ 441] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [ 443] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [ 441] The left mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseDownRight [ 441] The right mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseMove [ 442] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control or one of its children.onMouseOut [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of its child controls.onMouseUpLeft [ 443] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [ 443] The right mouse button was released over the control.onMouseWheel [ 443] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [ 444] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [ 444] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [ 444] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [ 444] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [ 444] Determines whether the control is generally observable.operate [ 445] Determines whether the control is generally operable.5.2.7 Event GridThe Event Grid is provided for the tabular display of alarms and messages.Attributes属性Category类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionBackgroundColor [ 433] Definition of the background colorBorderColor [ 432] Definition of the border color of the controlCategory类别: Layout布局Name DescriptionLeft [ 426] Definition of the distance from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [ 426] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningTop [ 426] Definition of the distance from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlTopUnit [ 426] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningRight [ 429] Definition of the distance from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningBottom [ 429] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottom side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningWidth [ 427] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [ 427] Selection of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthHeight [ 428] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [ 428] Selection of the unit of the height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [ 437] Definition of the maximum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [ 438] Definition of the minimum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [ 438] Selection of the unit of the minimum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [ 436] Definition of the maximum height if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [ 436] Definition of the minimum height if the control size is defined as dynamicName DescriptionMinHeightUnit [ 436] Selection of the unit of the minimum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [ 431] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [ 431] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [ 431] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [ 432] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is to be displayedGridColumnIndex [ 432] Definition of the column of a grid in which the control is to be displayedOpacity [ 438] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [ 439] Selection of the visibility of a control: · Visible: Control is visible · Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controls behind it cannot be operated · Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn – controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [ 440] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [ 439] Definition of a transformation of a control: · Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction · Rotate: Rotate by an angle · Scale: Zoom by a factor · Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle · Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relative to the position of the control · Perspective: Set the perspective of the transformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [ 440] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [ 427] Selection of the method of calculating the width: · Value: The width is defined by the width entered. · Parent: The width is defined by the distance to the left and right side of the parent element. The "Width" attribute is ignored in all calculations!HeightMode [ 428] Selection of the method of calculating the height: · Value: The height is defined by the height entered. · Parent: The height is defined by the distance to the top and bottom side of the parent element. The "Height" attribute is ignored in all calculations!Category类别: Common通用Name DescriptionFilter [ 229] Defines which events are queried by the serverColumns [ 229] The columns to be displayed in the EventGridIsEnabled [ 425] Selection of whether a control should be activatedId [ 424] Definition of the name of the controlType [ 439] Type name of the control.ClassNames [ 425] Definition of control classesIsAttached [ 425] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [ 438] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory类别: Border边界Name DescriptionBorderRadius [ 433] Definition of the radius of the four corners to round them offBorderStyle [ 433] Selection of the border style of the four sides of the controlBorderWidth [ 433] Definition of the border width of the four sides of the controlCategory类别: Background Image背景图片Name DescriptionBackgroundImage [ 434] Definition of an image that is located above the background colorBackgroundImageHeight [ 435] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [ 435] Selection of the unit of the height of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [ 434] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [ 434] Selection of the unit of the width of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [ 435] Definition of an additional distance between the border of the control and background image for the four sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [ 436] Definition of the vertical alignment of the background image within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [ 435] Definition of the horizontal alignment of the background image within the controlCategory: MenubarName DescriptionMenuBarPosition [ 229] Position of the menu barShowMenuBar [ 230] Whether the menu bar is to be displayedEvents Category类别: Framework框架Name DescriptiononAttached [ 440] The control was added to the display.onDetached [ 440] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [ 441] The control was initialized.onMoved [ 443] The control was moved in relation to the browser window.onResized [ 444] The size of the control was changed.Category类别: Operator操作者Name DescriptiononPressed [ 443] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen was briefly touched.onMouseClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDoubleClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked twice over the control and released.onMouseRightClick [ 442] The right mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDown [ 441] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [ 443] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [ 441] The left mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseDownRight [ 441] The right mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseMove [ 442] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control or one of its children.onMouseOut [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of its child controls.onMouseUpLeft [ 443] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [ 443] The right mouse button was released over the control.onMouseWheel [ 443] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [ 444] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [ 444] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [ 444] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [ 444] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [ 444] Determines whether the control is generally observable.operate [ 445] Determines whether the control is generally operable.configure [ 230] Determines whether the column configuration in the event grid is customizable.viewDetails [ 230] Determines whether the display of event details can be enabled in the event grid.5.2.8 IFrameAn IFrame is a nested browser context. It can be used to include another HTML page in the visualization or to display a PDF document. The attribute 'Src [ 235]' is used to define the HTML page or the PDF.Attributes属性Category类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionBackgroundColor [ 433] Definition of the background colorBorderColor [ 432] Definition of the border color of the controlCategory类别: Layout布局Name DescriptionLeft [ 426] Definition of the distance from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [ 426] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningTop [ 426] Definition of the distance from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlTopUnit [ 426] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningRight [ 429] Definition of the distance from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningBottom [ 429] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottom side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningWidth [ 427] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [ 427] Selection of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthHeight [ 428] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [ 428] Selection of the unit of the height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [ 437] Definition of the maximum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [ 438] Definition of the minimum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [ 438] Selection of the unit of the minimum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [ 436] Definition of the maximum height if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [ 436] Definition of the minimum height if the control size is defined as dynamicName DescriptionMinHeightUnit [ 436] Selection of the unit of the minimum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [ 431] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [ 431] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [ 431] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [ 432] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is to be displayedGridColumnIndex [ 432] Definition of the column of a grid in which the control is to be displayedOpacity [ 438] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [ 439] Selection of the visibility of a control: · Visible: Control is visible · Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controls behind it cannot be operated · Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn – controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [ 440] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [ 439] Definition of a transformation of a control: · Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction · Rotate: Rotate by an angle · Scale: Zoom by a factor · Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle · Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relative to the position of the control · Perspective: Set the perspective of the transformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [ 440] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [ 427] Selection of the method of calculating the width: · Value: The width is defined by the width entered. · Parent: The width is defined by the distance to the left and right side of the parent element. The "Width" attribute is ignored in all calculations!HeightMode [ 428] Selection of the method of calculating the height: · Value: The height is defined by the height entered. · Parent: The height is defined by the distance to the top and bottom side of the parent element. The "Height" attribute is ignored in all calculations!Category类别: Common通用Name DescriptionSrc [ 237] Definition of the URL of the web page to be embedded or the path of a PDF to be displayed Example of URL: Example of PDF: <Path within the TC HMI project>/ Test.pdf#page=10IsEnabled [ 425] Selection of whether a control should be activatedId [ 424] Definition of the name of the controlType [ 439] Type name of the control.ClassNames [ 425] Definition of control classesIsAttached [ 425] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [ 438] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory类别: Border边界Name DescriptionBorderRadius [ 433] Definition of the radius of the four corners to round them offBorderStyle [ 433] Selection of the border style of the four sides of the controlBorderWidth [ 433] Definition of the border width of the four sides of the controlBackgroundImage [ 434] Definition of an image that is located above the background colorBackgroundImageHeight [ 435] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [ 435] Selection of the unit of the height of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [ 434] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [ 434] Selection of the unit of the width of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [ 435] Definition of an additional distance between the border of the control and background image for the four sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [ 436] Definition of the vertical alignment of the background image within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [ 435] Definition of the horizontal alignment of the background image within the controlEvents Category: ControlName DescriptiononLoad [ 237] The IFrame was loaded successfully.onError [ 237] The IFrame was not loaded successfully.Category类别: Framework框架Name DescriptiononAttached [ 440] The control was added to the display.onDetached [ 440] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [ 441] The control was initialized.onMoved [ 443] The control was moved in relation to the browser window.onResized [ 444] The size of the control was changed.Category类别: Operator操作者Name DescriptiononPressed [ 443] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen was briefly touched.onMouseClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDoubleClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked twice over the control and released.onMouseRightClick [ 442] The right mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDown [ 441] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [ 443] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [ 441] The left mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseDownRight [ 441] The right mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseMove [ 442] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control or one of its children.onMouseOut [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of its child controls.onMouseUpLeft [ 443] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [ 443] The right mouse button was released over the control.onMouseWheel [ 443] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [ 444] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [ 444] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [ 444] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [ 444] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [ 444] Determines whether the control is generally observable.operate [ 445] Determines whether the control is generally operable.5.2.9 ImageAn image is an image display in which image files from the project path can be displayed. The supported image formats are defined by the browser used. Attributes属性 Category类别: Colors颜色Name DescriptionBackgroundColor [ 433] Definition of the background colorBorderColor [ 432] Definition of the border color of the controlCategory类别: Layout布局Name DescriptionLeft [ 426] Definition of the distance from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlLeftUnit [ 426] Definition of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningTop [ 426] Definition of the distance from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlTopUnit [ 426] Selection of the unit of the distance to the top side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningRight [ 429] Definition of the distance from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRightUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the right side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningBottom [ 429] Definition of the distance from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlBottomUnit [ 429] Selection of the unit of the distance to the bottom side of the surrounding control: · Pixels for absolute positioning · Percent for relative positioningWidth [ 427] Definition of the external width of the controlWidthUnit [ 427] Selection of the unit of the width: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthHeight [ 428] Definition of the external height of the controlHeightUnit [ 428] Selection of the unit of the height: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightMaxWidth [ 437] Definition of the maximum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxWidthUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinWidth [ 438] Definition of the minimum width if the control size is defined as dynamicMinWidthUnit [ 438] Selection of the unit of the minimum width: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMaxHeight [ 436] Definition of the maximum height if the control size is defined as dynamicMaxHeightUnit [ 437] Selection of the unit of the maximum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueMinHeight [ 436] Definition of the minimum height if the control size is defined as dynamicName DescriptionMinHeightUnit [ 436] Selection of the unit of the minimum height: · Pixels for an absolute value · Percent for a relative valueRenderedLeft [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the left side to the left side of the surrounding controlRenderedTop [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the top side to the top side of the surrounding controlRenderedRight [ 431] Calculated distance in pixels from the right side to the right side of the surrounding controlRenderedBottom [ 430] Calculated distance in pixels from the bottom side to the bottom side of the surrounding controlRenderedWidth [ 431] Calculated width of the control in pixelsRenderedHeight [ 431] Calculated height of the control in pixelsGridRowIndex [ 432] Definition of the row of a grid in which the control is to be displayedGridColumnIndex [ 432] Definition of the column of a grid in which the control is to be displayedOpacity [ 438] Definition of the transparency of the entire controlVisibility [ 439] Selection of the visibility of a control: · Visible: Control is visible · Hidden: Control is invisible, but is drawn – controls behind it cannot be operated · Collapsed: Control is invisible and is not drawn – controls behind it can be operatedZIndex [ 440] Definition of the position on the Z-axisTransform [ 439] Definition of a transformation of a control: · Translate: Translate in X-, Y-, Z-direction · Rotate: Rotate by an angle · Scale: Zoom by a factor · Skew: Sides shown skewed by an angle · Origin: Set the origin of the transformation relative to the position of the control · Perspective: Set the perspective of the transformations of all child elementsBoxShadow [ 440] Definition of a shadowWidthMode [ 243] Selection of the method of calculating the width: · Value: The width is defined by the width entered. · Parent: The width is defined by the distance to the left and right side. The 'Width' attribute is ignored in all calculations! · Content: The width is calculated from the height. The aspect ratio of the image is maintained. If 'Width Mode' and 'Height Mode' are set to Content, the image is drawn in its original size.HeightMode [ 242] Selection of the method of calculating the height: · Value: The height is defined by the height entered. · Parent: The height is defined by the distance to the top and bottom side. The 'Height' attribute is ignored in all calculations!Name Description· Content: The height is calculated from the width while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image. If 'Width Mode' and 'Height Mode' are set to Content, the image is drawn in its original size.OriginalWidth [ 244] Original width of the image file.OriginalHeight [ 243] Original height of the image file.Category类别: Common通用Name DescriptionSrc [ 242] Definition of the image path within the TC HMI projectAlt [ 242] Definition of an alternative text that is displayed if the image cannot or should not be loadedIsEnabled [ 425] Selection of whether a control should be activatedId [ 424] Definition of the name of the controlType [ 439] Type name of the control.ClassNames [ 425] Definition of control classesIsAttached [ 425] If a control is logically assigned in the DOM.ToolTip [ 438] Definition of the tool tip for the controlCategory类别: Border边界Name DescriptionBorderRadius [ 433] Definition of the radius of the four corners to round them offBorderStyle [ 433] Selection of the border style of the four sides of the controlBorderWidth [ 433] Definition of the border width of the four sides of the controlCategory类别: Background Image背景图片Name DescriptionBackgroundImage [ 434] Definition of an image that is located above the background colorBackgroundImageHeight [ 435] Definition of the height of the background imageBackgroundImageHeightUnit [ 435] Selection of the unit of the height of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute height · Percent for a relative heightBackgroundImageWidth [ 434] Definition of the width of the background imageBackgroundImageWidthUnit [ 434] Selection of the unit of the width of the background image: · Pixels for an absolute width · Percent for a relative widthBackgroundImagePadding [ 435] Definition of an additional distance between the border of the control and background image for the four sidesBackgroundImageVerticalAlignment [ 436] Definition of the vertical alignment of the background image within the controlBackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment [ 435] Definition of the horizontal alignment of the background image within the controlEvents Category: ControlName DescriptiononLoad [ 244] The image was loaded successfully.onError [ 244] The image was not loaded successfully.Category类别: Framework框架Name DescriptiononAttached [ 440] The control was added to the display.onDetached [ 440] The control was removed from the display.onInitialized [ 441] The control was initialized.onMoved [ 443] The control was moved in relation to the browser window.onResized [ 444] The size of the control was changed.Category类别: Operator操作者Name DescriptiononPressed [ 443] A mouse click was executed or a touch screen was briefly touched.onMouseClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDoubleClick [ 441] The left mouse button was clicked twice over the control and released.onMouseRightClick [ 442] The right mouse button was clicked over the control and released.onMouseDown [ 441] A mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseEnter [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control.onMouseLeave [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control.onMouseUp [ 443] A mouse button was released over the control.onMouseDownLeft [ 441] The left mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseDownRight [ 441] The right mouse button was depressed over the control.onMouseMove [ 442] The mouse was moved over the control.onMouseOver [ 442] The mouse pointer was moved over the control or one of its children.onMouseOut [ 442] The mouse pointer has left the control or one of its child controls.onMouseUpLeft [ 443] The left mouse button was released over the control.onMouseUpRight [ 443] The right mouse button was released over the control.onMouseWheel [ 443] The mouse wheel was moved over the control.onTouchStart [ 444] A finger/stylus was placed against a touch screen.onTouchMove [ 444] A finger/stylus was moved on a touch screen.onTouchEnd [ 444] A finger/stylus was lifted off a touch screen.onTouchCancel [ 444] An interaction with a touch screen was aborted.Access rightsName Descriptionobserve [ 444] Determines whether the control is generally observable.operate [ 445] Determines whether the control is generally operable.

