
​今天出的考研卷子:一问一答中产生新的思维意识,草船借箭,先有实践,后有意识程序,用术,兵者,国之大事,不可不察也,攻其不备出其不意,化不利为有利,反客为主,诱敌深入,三十六计,走为上计,缓兵之计,调动对手,寻隙歼敌,逐次消灭,克敌强己,矛盾对立统一运动发展变化,区域经济文化发展概论,下笔成字,一刀既成,从不回刀,知所先后,近道,安排,取势,抱法,各领域正常运转轨迹。小时候大班,一个人可以娶好多媳妇,关键能养的起,打破二舅的诅咒,找到死人变活人的根源,看见喜欢的就要不失时机的促成秦楚联姻。李云龙,好领导,自给自足,自我发展,一营长,二营长沈泉,云梯,攻城,城池,土地,人口,钱粮,一出生人人生而平等,由于各种各样的环境受限,才出现各种各样的差异,不求人前显贵,因地制宜,只求正常运转轨迹,中产阶级,数学竞赛,语文英语竞赛,物理化学生物竞赛,政史地竞赛,专升本,考研,创业,试验成功,40分钟一盘,汉语,反思,思想,自己的参照物,记计,jr.pcb组装,未知领域,曹植七步诗,滚出来,从教室里,苗芽菜,程序语私活,苗雅人市场开发,论文发表,发音,书写,语法,语气,爸爸和儿子的对话,融合教学科研,逻辑修辞,情感态度总结………十进制规律研究,哲学以子之矛攻子之盾,新项目,市场,物价,利润,团队壮大。​The postgraduate entrance examination papers published today: one question and one answer produces a new sense of thinking. The straw boat borrows arrows, first practice, then conscious procedures, use skills, soldiers, important affairs of the country, must not be overlooked, and attack the unpredictable and avoid the disadvantages. For the benefit, the anti-object is the main, the contradictory opposition unites the development and changes, the introduction to regional economic and cultural development, writes a word, one cut, never returns to the knife, knows the order, shortcuts, arranges, takes the trend, holds the law, the normal operation track of all fields. When I was young, in Dapan, one person could marry many wives. The key is to raise them, break the curse of the second uncle, find the root cause of the dead and turn alive, and if you see the one you like, you will not miss the opportunity to promote the marriage of Qin and Chu. Li Yunlong, good leader, self-sufficient, self-development, first battalion commander, second battalion commander Shen Quan, cloud ladder, siege, city, land, population, money and food. There are all kinds of differences, not seeking to be distinguished by others, but only looking for a normal running track, middle class, successful experiment, 40 minutes per game, Chinese, reflection, thought, own reference object, accounting, unknown field, Miao Bucai, program language private life, Miao Yaren market development, paper publication, pronunciation, writing, grammar, tone, logical rhetoric, emotional attitude summary, new projects, market, price, profit, team growth.

