Astronomy Picture of the Day——盖亚构建的M15
Discover the cosmos! Each day a differentimage or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a briefexplanation written by a professional astronomer.

The Gaia Stars of M15
Image Credit: Robert Vanderbei (PrincetonUniversity), ESA, Gaia, DPAC
Explanation: Messier 15 is a 13 billionyear old relic of the early formative years of our galaxy, one of about 170globular star clusters that still roam the halo of the Milky Way. About 200light-years in diameter, it lies about 35,000 light years away toward theconstellation Pegasus. But this realistic looking view of the ancient globularstar cluster is not a photograph. Instead it's an animated gif imageconstructed from remarkably precise individual measurements of star positions,brightness, and color. The astronomically rich data set used was made by the sky-scanningGaia satellite which also determined parallax distances for 1.3 billion MilkyWay stars. In the animated gif, twinkling stars are M15's identified RR Lyraestars. Plentiful in M15, RR Lyrae stars are evolved pulsating variable starswhose brightness and pulsation period, typically less than a day, are related.
Astronomy Picture of the Day——NGC 1333:英仙座内的恒星孕育场