如何写好研究计划(Research Proposal)?

Research Proposal一般指研究计划,有过申请国外博士学习机会经历的小伙伴可能会比较熟悉。此外,它还可以和我们的“开题报告”“开题计划”“选题报告”等基本对等。其实,在进行科研工作时,制订合理的研究计划是必不可少的一步,好的研究计划也能让你的后续工作事半功倍。




01.Start your proposal by drawing up a shortlist of topics that might be worth investigating.

02.Take this list to someone who has had experience in carrying out research ( such as a colleague or potential mentor) to get advice on which topic, in their view, is the best one to proceed with.

03.Formulate a general question that the research will answer and, from here, focus the question.

04.Make decisions about what data needs to be collected to answer the question, where and how it might be collected, and how the data might be analysed.

05.Draw up an initial research plan. It is important, at the same time, to read enough in order to decide whether the proposed project is on the right track.

06.Think about the ethical implications of the research in terms of what permissions need to be obtained to carry out the research, and what guarantees of anonymity can be given to the people involved in the research.



Read broadly and widely and to find a subject about which you are passionate. Immerse yourself in the literature use your library, read the abstracts of other recent theses and dissertations, check theses on the web. For example: http://www.ndltd.org.

Narrow your focus to a single question: Be disciplined and not over-ambitious.

Be prepared to change or modify your question if necessary.

Be able to answer the question: 'Why am I doing this project?’ (and not a different one).

Read up-to-date materials — ensure that your idea is achievable and no one else had done or is doing it.

Work through the implications of your research question: Consider existing materials and ideas on which it is based, check the logic, spell out methods to be used.

Condense your research question into two sentences: Write it down, with pride, above your working area. Change question if needed.

Ask yourself: What will we know at the end that we did not already know?


Choosing a topic

Communicative language teaching in China

Choosing a question

Communicative language teaching in Chinese universities: Is it really possible?

Focusing question

The place of listening in the communicative classroom: An East-West comparison

Narrowing the focus of the question

Focusing on listening in EFL coursebooks: An East-West comparison




To summarise, in a few words, what the research will be about

Relevant background literature

To demonstrate the relationship between the proposed study and what has already been done in the particular area; that is, to indicate the “gap” that the study will fill

Research question (s)

To provide an explicit statement of what the study will investigate, i.e., the questions the study will answer or the hypotheses it will test

Definitions of terms

To provide the meaning of the key terms that have been used in the research question (s)

Research methodology

To provide an overview of the research approach that will be employed in the study, data that will be collected, how it will be analysed, etc.

Anticipated problems and limitations

To show awareness of the limitations of the study, what problems may be met in carrying it out, and how they will be dealt with

Significance of the research

To say why the study is worth carrying out

Resources required / Budget

To say what resources the research will require and what costs may be anticipated in carrying out the study.


To provide a statement as to how participants will be advised of the overall nature of the study and how informed consent will be obtained from them


To give a working plan for carrying out and completing the study


To provide detailed references and bibliographic support for the proposal


To provide examples of materials that might be used, or adapted, in the study

要写好研究计划,以上是最基本需要了解的,此外还有许多细节值得注意。比如如何给出关键术语的定义、如何选择适合研究问题的研究方法,必要时还要先进行pilot study。这些内容都在本书和以下书中有进一步的讨论。



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