
本指南的中文翻译版本由“黑俊堂译友会” 成员:丹尼斯、 汤晓磊、 任枫、 年轮、刀锋 、 胖胖虎 、郭郭、Engine、heidi、余天颖 、Friedrich、Job ₄₂.₁₉₅²⁰¹⁸  红娘、李青栩成员共同合作翻译,中文翻译版本所有权归所有参与翻译成员所有,未经授权禁止转发,用于牟利的目的。








Project Planning Timeline 项目计划时间表

Planning and executing a Shingijutsu kaizenevent can feel like the first few minutes of a rollercoaster ride.   You slowly, slowly, slowly go up a hillworking to get to a place where gravity and momentum will carry you on the restof your journey.  Then at the top of thehill, you pause for a minute as you think, “Here we go.”  In the blink of an eye, your adrenaline kicksin you’re moving at warp speed, dodging turns and tunnels, while your stomachchurns that recently ingested churro, and you keep thinking that if you canmake it to the end of the ride alive, you’ll actually believe it was a lot offun (once your stomach settles down, of course).


The initial planning phase of a Shingievent takes some time before the gravity and momentum kick in.  Underestimating the time and energy needed topull off one of these events is a mistake….one that your ACES leaders shouldnot let you make.  Lead time on a Shingievent is at least five weeks, if notlonger.   Things to consider whenplanning an event include:

Shingi活动从初始计划阶段到取得快速进展前,需要一些时间。低估完成这些活动所需的时间和精力是一个错误…… ACES的领导人不会让你犯这样的错误。SHIGII事件的整个时间至少为五周,如果不是更长的话。计划活动时要考虑的事项包括:

·        Determining the right processesto include in the kaizen event (Site and ACES partnership)


·        Measuring those processes.  Then narrowing or lengthening scope of eachprocess (site)


·        Scheduling Shingijutsu senseiand translator (ACES)


·        Determining team leaders and hourly associates for each team (site determined)


·        Inviting and schedulingvisitors (ACES determined)


·        Completing target sheet on eachprocess.  Creating initial process map for each process (site)

完成每个工序的目标表格. 为每个工序流程初始流程图(Site工厂确定)

·        Scheduling all logisticsregarding meals and locations for opening ceremonies presentation (site determined)

安排所有的后勤工作, 包含餐食和开幕式的地点安排((Site工厂确定))

·        Initial communication toparticipants (ACES)


The planning timeframe and action items ofwho owns which pieces of the Shingi kaizen event can be seen in the actionplanning worksheet on page 27 (which is also found as a downloadable Excel fileon the Shingi Sharepoint site).   Thisproject plan shows the top 25 must-do actions and their corresponding due datesthat must be nailed for the Shingi event to be successfully executed.

计划的时间框架和行动项安排(谁负责Shingi改善活动的具体哪一部分)可以在行动计划工作表的看到(也可以从Shingi Sharepoint网站上下载Excel文件中看到). 这个项目计划展示了Top25的”必须要做”的行动及其相应的要求完成日期,这些日期是确保Shingi活动的成功执行的关键.

ProvidingSupplies and Setting up the Gemba物资提供及现场搭建

The real work or the real brain-powerduring a Shingi kaizen will happen on the gemba, also referred to as the shopfloor or the place where the work is done. For physical kaizens in a fulfillment center, teams will need to “go andsee” the process during every stage of their kaizen, and therefore they willneed to be located as a team in close proximity to the process they’restudying.  Makeshift gemba conferencerooms can be constructed on the FC floor using cubical dividers or corrugatewalls.   The teams will need a table andchairs as well as some type of walled surface to post their value stream map,action plans, etc.   Be mindful to thenoise factor – kaizen meeting spaces that are located directly under a conveyorsystem will likely hinder the team’s ability to communicate with one another.   For transactional or virtual kaizens, thegemba working area should be as close to the location of where the work is doneas possible. The major criteria for meeting space of a virtual kaizen is lotsof wall space for process maps and computers for all team participants to beable to “see” the process that is being studied.

在Shingi改善活动中,  真是的体力工作或者脑力工作会在现场(Gemba)发生,  也就是车间或者工作完成的地方.对于订单生产交付中心的有形改善, 团队需要在改善的每个阶段去现场观察(go and see)具体的工序流程, 因此他们的团队需要安排在距离他们研究的工序流程较近的地方. 可临时现场会议室,可以用立体隔板或在FC车间里建造波纹墙. 团队需要一个会议桌, 椅子以及一个挂在墙上的目视板, 用来张贴价值流图, 行动计划等等. 小心噪声因素的影响, 如果改善会议室的位置位于传送带正下面会很影响团队的沟通和交流. 对于事务型的无形改善, 现场工作区域应该位于尽可能接近工作进行的地方. 无形改善的会议区域的主要选择标准应该足够的墙面空间用于悬挂流程图和电脑(屏幕), 让全队成员可以”观察”到被研究的流程.

A complete list of supplies that should beprovided to the kaizen team has been compiled by the WW ACES team and can befound on the ShingijutsuEvent Sharepoint site.    Essentially, the kaizen teams should beprovided with all of the supplies they’ll need to pull-off transformation ofthe process area.

一份完整的物资清单应该由WW ACE团队提供给改善团队, 可以从面链接看到ShingijutsuEvent Sharepoint site.  本质上,为了保证改善团队能够完成工序流程的转型升级, 应提供给他们需要的所有必要的物资

Example 5: Example ofan action planning worksheet used for a NAFC kaizen event.  It includes roles and responsibilities foreach task involved in scheduling a Shingi kaizen.



Cameras will be provided for each team bythe WW ACES team.  In addition toproviding items found on the Supplies checklist, kaizen teams may find ituseful to have easy access to:

·  Measuring wheels (physicalkaizens)

·  Video camera (virtual kaizens)

·  Cleaning supplies forworkstations (physical kaizens)

·  A label maker (physicalkaizens)

·  Tape measure (physical kaizens)

·  PVC pipe and joints used for“inventing” new cart or workstation designs (physical kaizens)

WW ACES团队将为每个队提供摄像机。除了在物资清单上发现的条目,改善团队以下可能会发现容易获得信息是很有用的:







“Kaizen Corner”“改善角”

PHX3 has initiated a best practice of having adedicated “Kaizen Corner” in the FC.  Thearea is walled off with four-foot high cubicle walls, has a table, chairs, flipcharts and supplies needed for folks to brainstorm ideas.  It’s stocked with every type of building supplies and tools needed for people to be able to creatively construct their ideas.  Each site should considerdesignating a specific place in their building that can be used for kaizenmeeting teams during non-Shingi kaizen events, and which can be used duringShingi kaizens where teams can quickly and easily grab PVC pipe, pre-formmaterial, wheels and coasters, nuts and bolts, plywood sheets, etc.


Hosting Events举办活动

Interestingly, the most sought afterquestions by GM/Site Leaders planning their first Shingijutsu kaizen eventspertain to event planning and hosting the event.  Perhaps it’s the thought of having a highlyvisible event at their site and wanting to ensure a smooth and pleasantexperience for visitors that drives this focus, and admirably so.  Visitors to the site often remark more abouttheir Shingi experience in terms of food, transportation and communication thanon the measurable improvements made by the team. So, being a good host and assuring the bestpossible experience for visitors is a large part of the Shingi kaizenprocess.

有趣的是,GM/Site的领导们在计划他们的第一个Shingijutsu kaizen事件时最关心的问题是事件的策划和举办。也许是想在他们的site上举办一场引人注目的活动,并希望为访问者提供一个流畅、愉快的体验,从而推动了这种关注,令人钦佩。访问该site的人往往更多地谈论他们在食物、交通和交流方面的经验,而不是团队所取得的可衡量的进步。所以,成为一个好的主人,并保证给游客最好的体验,是shingi改善过程的很大一部分。

A few things to keep in mind when planninga Shingi event:


1. Keep ROI in mind with regard to planned meals.   While lunch,limited reakfast and some snacks are expected for visitors during the week, it’s not necessary to go overboard and “break the bank” to feed the masses.


2. Prepare a map for communication to visitors. The ACES team will ask the hosting site in advance for a map     of the building including team spaces and breakroom areas.  The local site may choose to prepare and distribute to guests on the first day of kaizen a list of local restaurants or local places of interest.


3. Evening outings can spark creative ideas.  It’s not a requirement to plan any evening outings, however, allowing all teams and visitors to network with one another early in the week can sometimes help foster communication between the teams and foster shared ideas. Also, an outside gathering may let the teams get to know the Shingijutsu sensei on a personal level.  If an evening outing is planned by the hosting site, it should be done early in the week… the week progresses, there is often more and more work that happens late into the evening.Of course, the hosting site is not required to pay for the outing, but rather make arrangements at a local restaurant and let each person expense his/her own share.


4. Think like a visitor.   Walk through the process of entering the hosting building for the first time and exiting the building for the first time.Does your badge work?   What kind of queue exists to sign electronics in and out of the building? Do you need more Security during check-in and check-out times during kaizen week?  How will visitors arriving in the parking lot know which entrance to use?  How will they know where to go once inside the building?  Plan signs in the parking lot for visitors to know which entrance to use, plan signs in the building for visitors to know where the first-day meeting area will be, where food will be served. Think about places where visitors can store their personal belongings such as backpacks and purses.

像访客一样思考。第一次进入主办site 的建筑物和第一次离开的过程。你的门卡好用吗?有什么样的电子产品需要存放在外面?在改善周期间,你需要更多的安全检查吗?到达停车场的访客如何知道该使用哪个入口?一旦进入大楼,他们怎么知道该去哪里?在停车场规划标识,让参观者知道使用哪个入口,在大楼规划标识,让参观者知道第一天的会议区域在哪里,食物在哪里。想想那些访客可以存放个人物品的地方,比如背包和钱包。

5.Provide resources for teams to be speedy and successful.Think about what the teams will need in terms of supplies, facilities support, SNOC support and   purchasing.  Plan in advance how a team will be able to contact someone at the local site immediately to get the resources they need without having to “hunt” for those resources.

为团队提供快速行动和保证成功的资源。考虑一下团队在供应、设施支持、SNOC 支持和采购方面需要什么。提前计划团队如何能够在本地site上立即联系某人以获得他们需要的资源,而不必“搜寻”那些资源。

ProvidingResources: Facilities and Purchasing 提供资源:设备和采购

Scenario #1:  Imagine you’re a visitorto the hosting FC site. It is Day Four of the Shingi kaizen…..the final walk-through will happen in exactly four hours you’vebeen assigned to  the task of purchasing a new gadget from a big box hardware storeand getting it installedwithin the next four hours.  You need help!   You’ve never been in thehosting site before so you don’t know who is who orhow to get money for your purchase.   When you finally track down a Buyer, he tells you that he has some other work to do and he can,perhaps, give you a p-card in a few hours.  So, you decide you canexpense the gadget, but you know doing so will cause the expense to hit your home site rather than the hosting sitewhere it belongs. You contact Facilities andthey tell you that they’re short-staffed for the day because Joe Steve called in sick, Steve is on aleave of absence, and one of the Slam line tapers keeps breaking down today.    You’re sweating profusely,thinkingyou’re not going to make the deadline for the walk-around tour, and wondering why you agreedto participate in the Shingi kaizen in

the first place.

情景1:想象你是FC托管网站的一名访客。这是shingi 改善的第四天。最后的演练是你被安排去在一个大型硬件商店购买一个配件并在接下来的四个小时将其安装。你需要帮助!   你从来没有来过举办活动的site因此你不知道该找谁或者怎么去为你的采购获取款项。当你最后找到一个采购员,他告诉你他还有其他工作要做,可能几个小时后能给你一张P卡。因此你决定自己花钱去购买这个配件,但你知道这样做会使费用计算在你的所在site而不是它本该属于的举办活动的site。你联系了设备服务,他们告诉你他们今天人手不足,因为Joe打电话请了病假,还在休假,并且今天一条包装线一直处于崩溃的状态。你愁地满头冷汗,想着无法赶上这次轮值行动的最后截止日期,疑惑为什么你当初会参加此次的Shingi 改善。

Scenario #2:Imagine you’re a visitor to the hosting FC site.  It is Day Four of a Shingi kaizen…….the final walk-through will happenin exactly four hours and you’ve been assigned to the task of purchasing a new gadget and getting itinstalled.  You need help! However, in this scenario, unlike Scenario #1,  the hosting site has created a plan with their Facilities and Purchasingteams, setting an expectationthat Shingi kaizen requests are “code red” in terms of priority, andhas planned for extra (and lots of them) Facilities Techs during the kaizen week.   You make a call to the Buyer(you know who he is and how to contact him because you’ve been provided a “Key Contacts list”) and Viola!.....a p-card within structions for use arrives to you within fiveminutes.  You run to the big box,purchase what you need,and when you return, there is a FacilitiesTech who professionally and helpfully installs your new gadget. The walk-through goes smoothly and although you are exhausted, you are relieved by the level of support youreceived from the hosting site to ensure their process (the one that you are kaizening) has optimalimprovements before you leave for the week.  You would gladly come back to the hosting siteanytime to help them with process improvements or kaizen events in the future.

情景2:想象你是举办活动的FC一名访客。 这是shingi 改善的第四天。最后的演练是你被安排去在一个硬件商店购买一个新的配件并在接下来的四个小时将其安装。你需要帮助!但是,在这个情景中,不像情景1,这个site他们的设备与采购团队创建了一个计划,  设置一个Shingi 改善需要的预期,   它是根据优先次序编排的“红色编码”,并且计划在改善周挖掘额外且大量的设备技术。你给采购人员打了一个电话(你认识他并且知道怎么联系他,因为你曾被提供过一份“主要联系人列表”)和Viola。在五分钟之内会送给你一张附有使用说明的P卡。你去大卖场购买你需要的东西,当你返回时,有一位很热心且很专业的设备技术员帮你安装了这个新配件。此次演练进展顺利。尽管已经筋疲力尽,你还是因为从举办活动的site 得到高水平的服务而感到欣慰,从中可以确保他们的流程(你正在改善的那个)在你这周离开之前已经有了最理想的改进。在将来你会很乐意在任何时间返回此托管站点去帮助他们进行流程改进或者项目改善。

During physical Shingi kaizen events, teams will be coached to go through many try-storms. In an FC environment, the teams will bepushed to destroy current process and build newprocesses, equipments, and layouts.   The teams will be scrambling on Wednesday andThursday of the week to get their ideas implementedinto actions.   To be successful, most teams working on a physical kaizen willneed facilities support and money at their disposal. As a hosting site,you should have plenty of Facilities Service Techs available to support the ideas of the team.   If you don’t have enough Service Techsin-house, import them from other locations.


Who’sWho Contact List “谁是谁”联系人列表

Think about providing each team with aprepared list of “who’s who” and contact information for the site – names, titles,work phone and cell phone.   During thekaizen week,teams may need to quicklycontact Safety, LP, Purchasing, GM, Change Manager or KPO, and Facilities.   Having a list in their gemba work areamay help to speed up the ability to contact the right person atthe right time.


Think Like a Visitor像访客一样思考

Some of the folks who will be participatingin the kaizen event, including the sensei and translator, have never been to the hostingsite before.  They may not befamiliar with the building layout, where breakrooms, bathrooms, or smoke areas are located.   Infulfillment centers, the visitors may not even be ableto get in and out of turnstiles or Security.Check points to begin with.   Eachhosting site should do a “go and see” walkaround prior to the kaizen event to “think like a visitor”.   If you drive into the parking lot for thefirst time,do you know where the entrance islocated?   Can you get through theturnstile, or will you have to stand outside and wait for someoneto come by and help you?   Will you know what personal electronic itemsyou can bring in the building and which items may be prohibited?  Will you know whereto go to the meeting area once you get throughSecurity?   Where will you put your belongings?  Here are some checklist items of things that will help visitors engage in the process more smoothly:


·  Have Security provide turnstileaccess to all visitors prior to the first day.

·   在第一天之前所有访客均有权通过安全通道。

·  Schedule extra Security and coachthem that some visitors are not familiar with the requirements of the building so will need extra care and communication.

·   制定额外的安全措施并指导那些因为不熟悉大楼功能区而需要额外的关心和交流的访客。

·  Station an “ambassador” fromyour management team at the front entrance on the first day both at the beginningof the day and at the end of the day to welcome visitors, serve as a liaisonbetween visitors and Security, and to help visitors navigate through the first day process (where to go, what to do, etc).

·   在第一天的开始和结束阶段,在入口处安排一位“门迎”来欢迎访客,像访客和安检站之间的联络人一样去开展服务,并引导访客参与到 第一天活动的各项流程(去哪里、做什么,等等)

·  Develop a plan for how thesensei and interpreter will be able to gain access to the building and will be able toleave the building each night.   Itdoesn’t sound like a big issue, but in somebuildings it’s more difficult than others. When you don’t have a solid plan built toefficiently get the sensei in and out of the building each day, we risk sending a messageto Shingijutsu that we don’t have good processes whole.

·   制定一个计划去解决老师和翻译员如何进入大楼并能够每晚顺利离开大楼的问题。这听起来并不像一个大问题,但在一些大厦这个问题比其他问题难得多。如果你没有制定出一个可靠的计划使老师每天有效率地出入大楼,我们就冒着给Shingijutsu 传递一个我们整体上没有一个好的流程的信息的风险。

Post signs in the parking lot informing visitors where to enter thebuilding.  Post signs throughout thebuilding informing visitors where to meet for the first day opening ceremonies (or breakfast area)

在停车场张贴标示以告知访客从哪里进入大楼。  贯穿整个大楼去张贴标示来告知访客怎么去参加开业典礼(或用餐区)

·  Designate a secured spot forbackpacks and purses


Food: Feeding the Masses 食物:饮食供应

Everyone knows that food is an importantmotivator.While there is anexpectation that some meals will be provided toShingi kaizen participants, it’s important not to lose site of the value of kaizen incomparison to the cost of feeding participants.Let’s face it; participants of a kaizen do it for thelearning and for the sense of accomplishment,not for the food.That being said, generally, the hosting site will provide breakfast-typefare, such as fruit, muffins, bagels, juice and coffee;lunch-type fare of sandwiches, pizza or catered hot meals; and some late afternoonsnacks for any grazers. Why do we provide meals?  To be good hosts, of course, but also becauseit’s more cost-effective in terms of both time and money to provide group meals rather thanhaving all participants pay for individual meals(and provides a levelof equity between visitors and folks from the host site who cannot expense meals). Providing meals is just the right thing todo, but hosting sites should keep it simple. Many sites have found that breakfast andsnacks can be provided through a visit to the local Costco or Sam’s Club where bulkmuffins, granola bars, cookies, and drinks can be purch as edinexpensively.

饮食丰盛与否的对比下丢失了对改善价值的认识。每个人都知道食物是一个重要的促进因素。虽然Shingi 改善的参与者对于提供的饮食有所期待,但重要的一点是不要在与 我们需要认识到,改善的参与者是为了学习和成就感才去行动而不是为了食物。也就是说,通常情况下,托管站点将会提供像水果、松饼、面包圈、果汁和咖啡等早餐类食物以及三明治、披萨和一些热食等午餐类食物。并且在傍晚会提供一些点心。为什么我们会提供饮食?当然,是作为一个好客的主人的缘故,也是因为从时间和金钱上讲,提供团体餐比让所有参与者都单独付餐费更具成本效益。并为访客和不用支付餐费的站点人员提供相同水平的餐食。提供饮食是正确的事情,但托管站点应该将其简化。 许多站点发现早餐和小吃在当地的好市多和山姆俱乐部均有提供,还可以很便宜地买到散装松饼、燕麦棒、饼干和饮料。

Presentation Set-up PPT 展示

During the opening ceremonies, closingceremonies and daily team leader report-out sessions,rooms should be set up as shown in Diagram 1below.   Thesensei(s) and interpreter(s) sit at onetable in the front of the room, and the senior-most persons from the site and ACES sit in another table at thefront of the room.The remainder of theaudience sits in the general seating area. There is no hard and fastrule as to why this layout is thestandard for Shingi kaizen events,other than the fact thatShingijutsu has requested this layout based on their 30+ years of working with companies like ours.   It boils down to their personal preference.   In some cases, Amazon sites may nothave the resources (e.g. conference room space) to accomplish this layout, however, when possible, localsites should make an effort to have the layout for presentations as shown below.

在开业典礼、闭幕典礼以及每天的团队领导报告会议期间,房间应该像下图1一样布置。老师和翻译员坐在房间前面的一张桌子旁,来自举办site和ACES的最高级别人员坐在房间前面的另一张桌子其余的听众坐在普通的座位区。关于为什么这种布局是Shingi 改善活动的标准,没有硬性的规则。除了Shingijutsu基于他们与我们这样的公司合作30多年而要求这种布局这一事实。 这可以归结为他们的个人喜好。在某些情况下,亚马逊的一些库房可能没有资源(例如会议室空间)来完成此布局,但是,在可能的情况下,本地库房应该努力使演示文稿的布局如下所示。

