「浪费时间」英语怎么说?(外国人早就不用 wast time 了)




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Have you ever went to job training, and you honestly felt like it was a timesuck? I know some companies give the same training every year. It is such a timesuck.

T-I-M-E S-U-C-K. Timesuck.[taɪm][sʌk]

Timesuck which is two words put together and it means, in simple terms, a waste of time. An easy way to remember this is to think about the two words, time and suck.

Using job training as an example. It is sucking up your time when you could be doing something way more productive.

This word became popular in the US, because of social media. It is sucking up people's free time.

Many psychologists say that social media is a huge time suck and people are becoming addicted to their phones.

They are not going out as much or using their free time to get those chores  around the house done.

Being on our phones all the time is considered to psychologists a huge timesuck.

So remember, timesuck is being unproductive or even just wasting time.

Here, let us look at some example sentence:

Example 1: 

I feel like Youtube is a huge timesuck! I was on there for six hours.

Example 2: 

Oh man, I don't want to go to the work party this year. It's a timesuck.

📔The end📔



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