
欧洲PRIME项目(Predictive Rendering in Industrial Manufacturing)由欧盟玛丽居里资金资助,欧洲8所大学共同组建,包括英国的伦敦大学学院(University College London),帝国理工学院(Imperial College London),丹麦科技大学(Technical University of Denmark)和奥胡斯LUXION研究所,德国人工智能研究中心(Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, DFKI),西班牙萨拉戈萨大学(Universidad de Zaragoza),瑞典林雪平大学(Linköping University)以及捷克布拉格查理大学(Charles University Prague)等大学共同组建,同时项目还包括工业界的伙伴,包括宝洁,ADOBE,宜家等世界著名跨国企业。
PRIME项目为期3年,英语教学,将招聘15名博士生,提供全额资助,包括学费,生活费和其他福利补贴。主要有4大研究方向(Improved Capture,Improved Authoring,Improved Simulation和Improved Learning)和15个研究项目,
ESR01 - Predictive Rendering of Fluorescent Materials
ESR02 - Predictive Rendering of Wooden Materials for Reliable Prototyping in the Woodworking Industry
ESR03 - Advanced Light Transport Simulation for Virtual Reality
ESR04 - Developing Robust Error Bounds for Light Transport Algorithms
ESR05 - Simulating training data for machine learning
ESR06 - Simulation at the edge of the visible spectrum and beyond
ESR 07 – Generative prediction of weathering and aged appearance
ESR 08 - Controllable generative adversarial networks (GANs) for 3D asset creation
ESR09 - Modelling and predictive rendering of particulate materials
ESR10 - Material appearance specification and rendering using the BSSRDF
ESR 11 - Sparse representations for appearance modeling and rendering
ESR 12 - Compressed sensing for material and appearance capture
ESR13 - Efficient Rendering of Volumetric Structured Appearances
ESR14 - Perceptually-Driven Intuitive Editing of Material Appearance
ESR15 - Data-driven Wave Optical Material Appearance Modelling and Rendering