雅思口语 | Part3词汇说的太简单?来学这些替代词吧!

1 contemplate/'kɒntempleɪt; -təm-/ 思考(替代 consider)

He had even contemplated suicide. 他甚至想过自杀。

Did you ever contemplate resigning? 你有没有考虑过辞职?

Jack went on vacation to contemplate his future. 杰克去度假,仔细思考一下他的未来。

2 ambience /ˈæmbiəns/ 气氛,氛围   (替代atmosphere)

The restaurant’s new owners have created a welcoming ambience. 这家餐厅的新主人营造出一种舒适的气氛。

The overall ambience of the room is cosy. 

3 affluent /'æflʊənt/ 富裕的 (替代wealthy)

Cigarette smoking used to be more common among affluent people. 

The diet of the affluent has not changed much over the decades. 

4 acquaintance /ə'kweɪnt(ə)ns/ 认识的人 (替代friend,但是交情浅)

He exchanged a few words with the proprietor/prə'praɪətə/ , an old acquaintance of his. 他跟一位业主,他的一位老相识交谈了几句。

I first made his acquaintance in the early 1960s. 我在20世纪60年代初第一次认识了他。

He heard about the job through a mutual acquaintance (= someone you and another person both know ) . 他是通过一个双方都认识的人知道有这份工作的。

