

Fire Extinguishers

灭火器为加压的容器,设计用于火灾初始阶段的扑救。灭火器内部压力是 为了排出灭火剂,对火灾进行窒息、冷却或化学干预;或者是联合利用 其中两个或以上功效消灭火灾。

A fire extinguisher is a pressurized vessel designed to attack a fire in the early stage. Pressure inside the extinguisher is used to expel the extinguishant, which will smother, cool or chemically interfere with the fire; or fight the fire by combining two or more of these effects.


There are four types of portable extinguishers normally found on board and they are:

1.泡沫灭火器 Foam extinguishers

2.二氧化碳灭火器 CO2 extinguishers


Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) extinguishers and


Water extinguishers


Portable Foam Extinguishers

机 械 泡 沫 灭 火 器 :

Mechanicalfoam extinguisher:

-里面有一个装满浓缩泡沫的塑料袋,在 其上方是个气瓶。

Hasaplasticbagfilledwithfoam concentrate over a gas catridge.


The outer container contains water.

-撞击手柄时,气瓶铅封就被刺穿释放出 二氧化碳,从而冲破塑料袋。

When the seal is pierced by striking the knob,theCO2isreleasedthereby rupturing the plastic bag.

-水 跟 浓 缩 泡 沫 混 在 一 起 产 生 泡 沫 溶 液,气压把泡沫溶液通过吸管压到喷 嘴,喷嘴装置自动加入空气而成为有 空气的泡沫喷出。

The water and the foam concentrate are mixed and the foam solution is driven by the pressure of gas up the tube into the nozzle where it is aerated into air foam.


Chemical foam extinguisher:

这类型有两个容器 – 一个是外容器,一个是内容器。

This type contains two containers – one the outer container and the other the inner container.

Ø 内容器装硫酸铝溶液,外容器装碳酸氢钠溶液。

The inner container has a solution of Aluminium sulphate. And the outer container has a solution of Sodium bicarbonate.

Ø 灭火器平时应正立存放。

The extinguisher is always placed in upright position.

Ø 为了避免两种液体意外混合,设计了一个带铅封吊块的手柄,该手 柄保持锁闭把内容器开口遮盖严实。

To prevent any accidental mixing of the liquids in the container, a knob attached to sealing lead weight which is kept locked there by closing the opening of the inner container.

Ø 当使用灭火器时,手柄转到打开的位置上,然后反转灭火器,使两种溶液 混合在一起。

When the extinguisher is to be used, the knob is turned to open position and the extinguisher is turned upside down permitting both the solutions to mix.

Ø 一个化学反应立刻发生,从而产生泡 沫和二氧化碳,化学泡沫就从喷嘴喷 出。

A chemical reaction is set up which produces foam and carbon dioxide gas. The chemical foam is released through the nozzle provided.





Ø 多数情况下适用于电器设备火灾和易燃液体火灾,或使用泡沫、水、 或化学干粉会导致损坏设备时,也使用这种灭火器。

Most suitable for fires involving electrical appliances and inflammable liquid and in places where foam, water or dry chemical powder can damage the equipment.

Ø 二氧化碳在摄氏 15 度左右和 51 巴的压强下以液态保存。

The Carbon dioxide is kept in liquid form under 51 bars pressure at about 15ºC.

Ø 在灭火器的顶部装有穿刺装置, 当需要使用时,用来刺破铅封。

The top of the extinguisher incorporates a  piercing mechanism to pierce the seal when the extinguisher has to be used.

Ø 灭火器的出口由一条高压软管连 接一个把手和释放喇叭筒组成。

At the outlet there is a flexible high pressure hose attached to a handle and a discharging horn.

Ø 二氧化碳由一个控制阀控制释放。平时用一根安全插销锁住,当使用 时,应拨出插销。

A control valve controls the discharge of the CO2. This is locked in position by means of a Safety Pin which is removed prior to using the extinguisher.

Ø 在使用二氧化碳灭火器的时候。必须小心,只能拿着软管上专门设计 用于操作二氧化碳灭火器的绝热把手。如果使用的时候,如果你手拿 软管或喇叭筒-二氧化碳从液体膨胀成气体时会把你的手冻伤。

When handling the Carbon dioxide extinguisher care must be taken to hold the hose only at the insulated handle provided for that purpose. In case you hold the extinguisher at the hose or at the discharging horn – you will get cold burns as the liquid carbon dioxide expands to gaseous state.

Ø 同样地,由于二氧化碳施放时产生剧烈的降温,喷出来的气体不要直 接对着身体的任何暴露部位。

Similar to the above point, as intense cold is generated on discharge the gas should not be directed on the exposed parts of the body.

Ø 在使用灭火器前应穿戴好适当的手套和衣服,如长袖连衫裤工作服。

Wear proper hand gloves and personal clothing like full sleeve boiler suit etc prior to using the extinguisher.

Ø 灭火时,应用喇叭口对着燃烧物品的表面不断交叉地喷洒。

The fire is extinguished by sweeping the discharge horn across the surface of the burning material.

Ø 通过二氧化碳挤走空气从而缺乏氧气因此火焰熄灭。这种情况下是由 于二氧化碳比空气重而沉积下来取代了空气得以将火灾窒息。

The fire is extinguished by virtue of CO2 occupying the air space thus excluding oxygen. This condition starves the fire and as CO2 being heavier than air settles down displacing the air.


Some drawbacks of the extinguisher:

Ø 虽然二氧化碳无毒,但会使附近的人窒息,且比空气重,会沉积下 来。

Though CO2 is non toxic, it can suffocate a person near by and being heavier than air will settle down.

Ø 如前面所说,不正确使用会引起冻伤。

As mentioned earlier, if the extinguisher is not used correctly it could cause cold burns.

Ø 二氧化碳会产生浓厚的蒸汽,在狭窄的空间会降低能见度。

Carbon dioxide issues out a dense vapour, which in confined spaces would impair visibility.

Ø 在刚启用时,密封的排气孔可能冻结从而阻碍气体传送到喇叭口。这 种情况下,关闭阀门或松开手柄,从新来过。

The sealing disc orifice may freeze after the initial start there by hindering the flow of gas to the discharging horn. In such a case shut the valve or release the lever and start up again.

Ø 这种灭火器不能象泡沫灭火器那样容易在船上补充再用, 且通常要 送岸补充。

This extinguisher cannot be recharged as easily as the foam type on board and is usually recharged ashore.


Portable Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) Extinguishers



Ø 这类型灭火器(通常称为 DCP 灭火器) 适用于扑灭 B 类火灾包括可 燃液体和电气火灾。

These type of extinguishers (usually known as DCP extinguishers) are suitable for fighting class B fires involving inflammable liquids and for electrical fires.

Ø 也适用于 C 类和 D 类火灾,小面积的 A 类火灾也可以适用。

They are also suitable for class C and class D fires and to a lesser extent on small class A fires.

Ø 但不适用于深层次的 A 类大火,因为它没有冷却功效。

They are unsuited for deep seated class A fires as they do not have the cooling effect.

Ø 化学干粉通过干预火焰中的化学反应链 从而达到灭火的目的。碳酸盐分解出水 和二氧化碳。这种分解形成了催化活跃 层,从而破坏焰色反应产生的自由基。

The powder interfering with the chemical chain reactions occurring in the flames extinguishes the fire. The bicarbonate decomposes into water and carbon dioxide. This decomposition forms a catalytically active surface, which destroy the free radicals propagating the flame reactions.

Ø 灭火器主体包含一个盛放干粉的容器。

Theextinguisherbodycontainsa receptacle holding the powder.

Ø 灭火器顶盖附带有拧紧的高压二氧化碳管筒,管筒上带有穿刺装置。

Attached to cap of the extinguisher top is a carbon dioxide cartridge under high pressure, which is screwed into it attached with a piercing mechanism.

Ø 用一个安全插销防止意外刺破二氧化碳管筒,只有需要使用灭火器时 才把这安全插销拔出。

Accident piercing of the CO2 cartridge is prevented by means of a safety pin, which should only be removed when the extinguisher needs to be discharged.

Ø 这里重申,有些化学干粉灭火器是没有二氧化碳筒的,是在容器内直 接加入二氧化碳代替管筒。这通常需要在岸上完成,在灭火器上安装 气压计,可以读出灭火器内的压力。充装二氧化碳应根据厂商的说明 操作。

Here again there are some types of DCP extinguisher which does not have a CO2 cartridge, instead the extinguisher receptacle itself is pressurised using CO2. This is usually done ashore and there is a pressure gauge on the extinguisher where the bottle pressure can be read off. The charging should be done as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Ø 出口连接一条高压释放软管,管的末端装一个挤压式手夹-用来控制 释放化学干粉。对应付多个零星小火起了机动作用。

The outlet is connected to a high pressure discharge hose, at the end of which is attached a squeeze grip – to control the discharge of the DCP. This squeeze grip mechanism also gives the flexibility in tackling numerous small fires.


Operating Instructions

①—   保持直立,拔出保险销

②—   退后 10 英尺,瞄准火焰根部

③—   挤压操作杆,左右来回扫射


Portable Water Extinguishers


Universal Type Water extinguishers:

Ø 清水灭火器是以清水作为灭火媒介,通过容器上部的气体压力以喷射 的形式将水释出。

Water is the extinguishing media in these extinguishers, which is released in the form of jet by means of gas pressure in the upper part of the container.

Ø 清水灭火器是通过机械方式 导出气体。(通常叫清水/二 氧化碳灭火器或通用型):

In water type extinguisher where gas is induced by mechanical  means (commonly called water/CO2 or the universal type):

Ø 灭火器的容器储水,二氧化 碳管筒附着在容器顶部的装 置内。

Water is stored in the extinguisher container and a CO2 cartridge is attached to the top assembly.

Ø 当打开柱塞时,二氧化碳管 筒被刺破,释出压缩的二氧 化碳。

When the cartridge is pierced open by means of the plunger, Co2 under pressure is released.

Ø 压力的增加使水喷射而出。

This increase in pressure causes the water to be propelled out with pressure.


Soda Acid Type Water Extinguishers:

Ø 清水灭火器是以清水作为灭火媒介,通过容器上部的气体压力以喷射 的形式将水释出。

Water is the extinguishing media in these extinguishers, which is released in the form of jet by means of gas pressure in the upper part of the container.

Ø 这种清水灭火器是通过化学反应 而释出气体的。(这类型通常称为 碳酸类):

In the water type extinguisher where the gas is induced by a chemical reaction (this type is commonly known as the Soda/Acid type):

Ø 这种灭火器的容器内充装碳酸氢 钠溶液 (NaHCO3)。

The container of the extinguisher is filled with Sodium Bicarbonate solution (NaHCO3).

Ø 接近容器盖是个装着硫酸的小玻 璃瓶。

Near the cap of the extinguisher is a glass phial containing sulphuric acid.

Ø 柱塞刺穿小玻璃瓶,硫酸流出与 碳酸氢钠溶液混合而发生化学反 应。

The plunger pierces the glass phial and the sulphuric acid is made to react chemically with the sodium bicarbonate solution.

Ø 反应产生二氧化碳而增加容器内压,从而把液体排出。

The reaction produces carbon dioxide which pressurises the liquid out of the extinguisher.

Ø 硫酸和碳酸氢钠的反应公式如下:

The reaction between sulphuric acid and sodium bicarbonate is as follows:

H2SO4 + 2 NaHCO3 = Na2SO4 + 2 H2O + 2 CO2

Sulphuric acid + Sodium Bicarbonate = Sodium Sulphate + Water+ CO2

硫酸 + 碳酸钠 = 硫酸钠+ 水 + 二氧化碳

Ø 以上化学反应过程中所产生的水才是真正的灭火剂,二氧化碳只是助 推剂。

The water thus formed in the above chemical reaction is the actual extinguishing agent where as the Carbon dioxide acts as the propelling agent.


Care and Siting of Extinguishers:

通常地,灭火器应放置于显著位置的托架或竖立放在沿着逃生通道容易 被人看见的位置上。摆放的位置应靠近房门、走廊、梯道、休息室、以 及平台为宜。应注意在灭火器摆放位置贴上反光标志。灭火器的种类和 尺寸应在船上的消防布置图上标示。

Normally, extinguishers should be located in conspicuous position on brackets or stands where they will be readily seen by persons following an escape route. Siting position near to room exits, alleyway, stairway, lobbies and landing are most suitable. Attention should be drawn to the position by photo luminescent signs. The extinguishers, type and size, should be shown on the vessel’s Fire Plan.

灭火器不能摆放在隐蔽的地方、门后、橱柜、或壁龛,除非它们的位置 用合适的反光标志指明。不应把它们摆放在阻碍进出通道、或因容器周 围的平常扰动而至损坏的地方、或靠近发热设备。

Extinguishers should not be placed in concealed positions, behind doors, in cupboards or deep recesses, unless their position is indicated by a suitable photo luminescent sign. They should not be in positions where they might cause obstruction to exit routes or be damaged by general movement around the vessel, or be close to heating appliances.

灭火器是用来对付特殊风险的, 因而应摆放在靠近相关风险存在的地 方。但不能过于靠近,以免火灾时无法拿到,或增加使用者不必要的危 险。如果火灾风险是在狭窄空间,通常做法是将灭火器直接摆放在该空 间的出口处。

Extinguishers provided to deal with special risks should be sited near the risk concerned, but not so near as to be inaccessible or place the operator in unnecessary danger in case of fire. If the risk is in a confined space it is generally advisable to position the extinguisher immediately outside that space.

灭火器不应暴露在超出设计温度范围的地方。灭火器不应摆放在有腐蚀 性气体或流体的地方, 除非制造商做了特别处理或用特别的外罩保护。放置在甲板上的灭火器可能因潮湿而被腐蚀, 因而应放置与外界条件适 配的类型,并小心地监测其状态。

Extinguishers should not be exposed to storage temperature outside of the designed range. Neither should they, unless specially treated by the manufacturer or protected by a specific housing, be located in places where they may be exposed to a corrosive atmosphere or corrosive fluids. Extinguishers which stand on the deck where dampness may cause corrosion should be of a suitable type and carefully monitored as to their condition.


Following general principles are followed regarding locating of an extinguisher:


At least one fire extinguisher for the compartment should be placed near the door of the compartment.


Water type extinguishers are only for accommodation places.

泡沫灭火器不能摆放在温度超过摄氏 38度的地方, 因泡沫液体的性 能会被破坏。

Foamextinguishersshouldnotbekeptinaplacehavingof temperature above 38o C, as it damages the foam liquid properties.


Foam or water type extinguishers are unsuitable in temperature below zero degrees.


CO2 or Halon extinguishers are unsuitable for accommodation places due to the leak hazard.

二氧化碳不应放在温度超过摄氏 60 度的地方,二氧化碳易受热而从容器里泄漏。

CO2 extinguishers should not be kept in place having temperature in excess of 60o C; it is liable to leak from the container.

所有灭火器应根据'安全设备记录’存放,  并随时可用。



Use of Portable Extinguishers for Training:

Ø该培训至少每两个月举办一次,为达到培训目的,在每次海上演习前, 或演习中,或演习后,要求由不同船员释放一种手提式灭火器(可在船 上充装的).

At least once every two months, one Portable Fire Extinguisher (capable of being charged on board) shall be discharged when the vessel is out at sea before, during or after the drill by a different crew member, for training purposes.

Ø每一类型的灭火器应按期释放,每年应保证至少有 6 个同类型的灭火 器被释放.

Each type of extinguisher should be discharged regularly, ensuring that a total of at least 6 extinguishers are discharged every year.


Any extinguisher which is used should be recharged immediately or a spare extinguisher is put in place till the recharge is complete.


It must be ensured that the minimum quantity of spare charges as required by the Flag State is always maintained on board.

Ø船上应保持手提式灭火器的测试记录. Records of these tests shall be maintained.

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Location of Extinguishers on board.




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