More exams are being taken on laptops to save academics from students’ scrawls.

Rising numbers of students are doing their exams on computers, rather than having to complete handwritten papers, in a move that could spell the death of the pen-and-paper test.
Universities such as Edinburgh, Oxford and Cambridge are testing the move — but adopting different policies on whether to allow spell-checking.
While undergraduates at Oxford and Cambridge are not allowed to use the spell-check function during the trial exams, Brunel’s director of learning, Simon Kent, said it tried to make assessment as authentic as possible.
尽管牛津大学和剑桥大学的本科生不允许在试考期间使用拼写检查功能,布鲁内尔大学的学习主管西蒙·肯特(Simon Kent)却说,试考是为了让评估尽可能真实。

He said: “In the real world, students will have access to spell-checkers in their everyday work, so it is reasonable to allow them to use a spell-checker in the examination. ”
“We don’t award degrees for good spelling. Of course if the spelling and grammar become so bad that the answer is difficult to understand, then this would impact on the grade.”
More than 60% of universities have brought in “e-exams” in at least one or two modules, while one in five have introduced it in entire departments, according to a survey by the Heads of eLearning Forum, a network of academics.
学术网络“电子学习论坛”(eLearning Forum)的负责人进行的一项调查显示,超过60%的大学至少在一两个模块中引入了“电子考试”,五分之一的大学在整个院系中都引入了这种考试。

Professor Alan Smithers, from Buckingham University, said he worried the move could lead to “the death of handwriting”.
白金汉大学(Buckingham University)教授艾伦·史密瑟斯(Alan Smithers)表示,他担心此举可能导致“书法的消亡”。
He said: “There is evidence that learning to write by hand speeds up learning the alphabet, is associated with absorbing information in classes better, and helps to develop dexterity.”
The trend is set to grow as universities try to reduce their use of paper while also making it easier for academics to mark students’ work without having to struggle to read their often poor handwriting.
Undergraduates with English as an additional language and international students are particularly keen on the move, according to research at Edinburgh.
But concerns have been raised that the end of pen-and-paper exams will mean the further deterioration of handwriting skills and manual dexterity.
A top surgeon warned last week that some students lacked the dexterity to sew up patients because they had spent too much time in front of screens.

Critics also complain that allowing access to spell-checking in exams is dumbing down.
Smithers added: “With handwritten exams, you can be pretty sure it is the work of the candidate, and not that of a substitute, or imported from elsewhere, or spell-checked.”
Brunel University is one of the first UK institutions to move beyond the trial stage and introduce digital exams, encouraging students to use their own laptops.
布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University)是首批走出试用阶段、引入数字考试的英国院校之一,鼓励学生使用自己的笔记本电脑。
The move has not been without its problems, one being that students arrive with uncharged laptops.

In one instance, a first-year student began watching a muted wrestling match on screen after the paper was finished, which was distracting for other students.
Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, said losing the manual dexterity developed by handwriting and allowing spell-checking in exams was “de-skilling” young people.
“We need to break the dependence on, and addiction to, digital technology and encourage young people to remain multi-skilled.”
“ The future for a monoculture, even a digital one, tends to be extinction,” he said.
Oxford said the pilot was “a small-scale exercise in bringing examinations into line with how students learn and will apply their knowledge in the future”.
