第一编 总则
1.001 中华人民共和国民法典
Civil Code of the People's Republic of China
1.034 完全民事行为能力
full capacity for civil conduct
1.041 遗嘱监护
guardianship by a will
1.049 农村承包经营户
leaseholding farm household
1.071 捐助法人
donation-based legal person
1.098 【网络】虚拟财产
network virtual property
1.121 重大误解
serious misunderstanding
1.125 显失公平
obviously unfair
1.158 侵害英雄烈士等合法权益的责任
liability for infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of hero or a martyr
1.168 撤销权
right of revocation
第二编 物权
2.002 物权法
real right law
2.012 不动产登记
the real estate registration
2.027 观念交付
ideological delivery
2.034 消除危险请求权
claim for eliminating the danger
2.045 国家所有权
state ownership
2.082 孳息
2.101 地随房走
the right to use land for construction shall be disposed of concurrently in case the buildings are circulated
2.112 地役权
easement rights
2.128 浮动抵押
floating mortgage
2.147 最高额质权
the right of pledge of maximum amount
第三编 合同
3.002 合同通则
general principles of contract law
3.026 承诺
3.038 电子商务合同
e-commerce contract
3.041 悬赏广告
reward advertisement
3.088 合同解除
rescission of contract
3.103 违约行为
breach of contract
3.151 高利放贷
3.230 技术开发合同
technology development contract
3.265 物业服务合同
property management servicecontract
3.301 不当得利
unjust enrichment
第四编 人格权
4.001 人格权法
personality right law
4.005 死者人格权益保护规则
rules for protecting the interests of the deceased's personality
4.012 违约的精神损害赔偿责任
liability for spiritual damage by breaching contract
4.018 身份权请求权
right of paternity claim
4.024 遗体捐赠
donations of remians
4.033 自然人姓氏选取规制
regulation of the natural person's surname selection
4.041 名誉权
right of reputation
4.046 信用评价
credit rating
4.050 侵害隐私权行为
an act that violates the right to privacy
4.056 国家机关及其工作人员的个人信息保密义务
the duty to keep confidential the personal information of state organs and their functionaries
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