作家名片 | 西川——令人生畏、难以把握的诗人



西川,男,原名刘军,诗人、散文和随笔作家、批评家、翻译家。1963年生于江苏,1985年毕业于北京大学英文系。系美国艾奥瓦大学国际写作项目荣誉作家(2002)。曾任纽约大学东亚系访问教授,加拿大维多利亚大学写作系奥赖恩访问艺术家,中央美术学院文学教授、图书馆馆长,现为北京师范大学特聘教授。出版有九部诗集和诗文集,其中包括《深浅》《够一梦》《鉴史四十章及其他》,以及两部随笔集、两部评著、一部诗剧。此外还翻译有庞德、博尔赫斯、米沃什、盖瑞.斯奈德、奥拉夫.H.豪格等人的作品。曾获鲁迅文学奖、诗歌与人国际诗歌奖、中坤国际诗歌奖、德国魏玛全球论文竞赛十佳奖等。其诗歌和批评文章被收入多种选本并被广泛译介,发表于二十多个国家的报刊杂志,包括《泰晤士报文学副刊》《巴黎评论》《写作国际》等。2012年,纽约新方向出版社出版由Lucas Klein英译的《蚊子志:西川诗选》,该书入围2013年度美国最佳翻译图书奖并获美国文学翻译家协会2013年度卢西恩.斯泰克亚洲翻译奖等。


Xi Chuan

Xi Chuan, formerly known as Liu Jun, is a poet, prose writer and essayist, critic, and translator. Born in Jiangsu in 1963, he graduated from the English Department of Peking University in 1985. He is an honorary writer of the International Writing Project of the University of Iowa (2002). He was a visiting professor at the Department of East Asian Studies at New York University. He is a visiting artist at the University of Victoria’s Orion Department of Writing in Canada, and a professor of literature and chief librarian at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently a Distinguished Professor at Beijing Normal University. He has written nine collections of poems and prose works, including Depth, One Dream is Enough, 40 Chapters of Forensic History and Others, as well as two essays, two reviews, and one poetic drama.

In addition, he has translated the works of Pound, Borges, Mivosh, Gary Snyder, Olaf H. Haug, and so on. He has won the Lu Xun Literature Prize, the Poetry and People International Poetry Award, the Zhongkun International Poetry Award, and the Top Ten Prize of the German Weimar Global Essay Competition. His poetry and critical articles have been widely selected and widely published in newspapers and magazines in more than 20 countries, including The Times Literary Supplement, Paris Review, and Writing International. In 2012, New York New Directions published Notes on the Mosquito: Selected Poems, translated into English by Lucas Klein, which was shortlisted for the 2013 Best Translation Books Award in the United States and was awarded the Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize by the American Literary Translators Association in 2013.

Famous critic Zhang Qinghua believes that Xi Chuan is a “scary and difficult to grasp poet”. Xi Chuan said that contemporary art is full of vitality and the experimental spirit of exploration, which has kept him open-minded, in awe and curious about poetry, and passionate about exploring the world. Chen Xiaoming, a professor at the Chinese Department of Peking University, commented on Xi Chuan: “Some people like him have been thinking deeply about the fate of people in the modern era and are concerned about the value that our lives are losing.”

Guo Wenjing’s orchestral works, based on Xi Chuan’s long poem Yuanyou, was premiered by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall (2004). One of the Italian artist Marco Rotelli’s large-scale installations, The Island of Poetry, was created based on elements of Xi Chuan’s poetry, and was exhibited at the 51st Venice Biennale (2005). Meng Jinghui’s experimental drama Mirror Flower Water Moon, based on Xi Chuan’s works, was staged at the 35th Cervantes International Art Festival (2007) in Guanajuato, Mexico and the 67th Avignon Theater Festival in France (2013).

American poet Jennifer Konorowett commented, “The form and sound of Xi Chuan’s works feels like some rooms, in which impossible thinking explains everything.... Throughout the book, he ponders, questions, builds, tears down, repaints, and promulgates the meaning of modern China. This is of course a huge topic, which makes the reader feel the dynamic struggle of his language in expressing the various divisions in China, participating in the erratic dance between the country and the individual, internal dialogue and public expression. These poems are neither long-distance care and nor are they instant impressions. Instead, we see a mind that uses all the means at hand – from ancient history to a variety of feelings, from philosophers to annoying neighbors, and sometimes the most striking is a sense of anxiety. Here, the so-called anxiety should refer to the action taken by the pointer on the current, false feeling of solidification.”

编辑 | 罗雨静





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