Bilingual Mathematics Teaching(1)Integers

Words and Expressions

序号 中文Chinese 英文English
1 自然数 natural number
2 整数 integer
3 正整数 positive integer
4 负整数 negative integer
5 被除数 dividend
6 除数 divisor
7 quotient
8 余数 remainder
9 因数 factor
10 偶数 even number
11 奇数 odd number
12 素数(质数) prime number
13 合数 composite number
14 质因数 prime factor
15 公因数 common factor
16 公倍数 common multiple


1、Zero is neither a positive number nor a negative number. Zero is the least natural number.


2、Among all the factors of an integer, the least is 1 and the greatest is the integer itself.


3、Integer a is divided by integer b without a remainder and the quotient is also an integer. That is to say integer a can be divided exactly by integer b or integer b can divide integer a exactly.

整数a 除以整数b,如果所得的商仍是整数而余数为0,那么我们就说a能被b整除,或者说b能整除a。

4、If integer a can be divided exactly by integer b, a is called the multiple of b and b is called the factor of a.


5、An even number is an integer that is divided by 2 without a remainder. An odd number is an integer that is not divisible by 2.


6、A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number that has exactly two distinct natural number factors, one and itself.

如果一个自然数只有1和它本身两个因数,那么我们称这个自然数为素数(或 质数)。

7、A composite number is a positive integer which has a positive divisor besides 1 and itself.


8、If two integers have only one common factor 1, they are coprime.


