192.Bronchial Carcinoid(肺支气管类癌)


Bronchial carcinoid is a neuroendocrine neoplasm originating from Kulchitzky cells in bronchial and bronchiolar wall. Carcinoids can arise at different sites through the body including thymus, lung, gastrointestinal tract and ovaries, with the lung representing the second most common location after gastrointestinal tract, accounting for up to 2% of all pulmonary neoplasms; 75% arise in a lobar bronchus, 10% in the main stem bronchi and 15% originate in the periphery of the lung.


Histologically there are two different types: The first and most common is referred to as typical carcinoid, it is a low-grade tumour with 10-year survival rates approaching 90%, it is capable of local invasion but rarely develops metastases. The second type or atypical carcinoid is much more aggressive with 5-year survival rates from 25-70%. Typical carcinoids are found more commonly centrally within the major bronchi whereas atypical carcinoids arise in peripheral and central locations with equal frequency.


Radiological findings include hilar and perihilar masses, endobronchial nodules, mediastinal nodes and findings related to bronchial obstruction. Both typical and atypical carcinoid have the same radiological features, although atypical carcinoids are more likely to occur in the lung periphery. On CT central carcinoids appear as well-defined round nodules frequently lobulated within the lumen of a bronchus. Carcinoids tend to be vascular and may enhance intensely after iv contrast. Calcification occurs in up to 30% of cases .



1. Bronchial [ˈbrɑ:ŋkiəl] adj. 支气管的

2. carcinoid ['kɑ:səˌnɔɪd] 神经内分泌肿瘤

3. neuroendocrine [nju:rə'endəˌkraɪn] adj. 神经内分泌的

4. thymus ['θaɪməs] n.& adj. 胸腺(的)

5. gastrointestinal [ˌgæstroʊɪnˈtestɪnl] adj. 胃与肠的

6. periphery [pəˈrɪfəri] n. 外围

7. metastases [mə'tæstəsi:z] n. 转移(metastasis的复数)

8. hilar ['haɪlə] adj. 肺门的

9. mediastinal [ˌmi:dɪæs'taɪnəl] 纵隔的





