Standardized Work Introduction-01

1.0 What is Standardization? 什么是标准化

Standardization is conforming to an established set of audible and visual signals and procedures that are applied equally across a plant, region, or division.


Standardization is the key to creating a repeatable process, which in turn leads to repeatable levels of quality and throughput.


Without a standardized process, the output of any system will vary.  Standardization of a process ensures that everyone involved knows what to do and when.  Quality problems can be traced back to a specific process and addressed.  Throughput problems can quickly be identified and addressed (Quality, Volume, etc.).  Only with standardization can we have a true system.



For example, we use traffic signals as a form of standardization.  Because of this, everyone involved knows what to do and when (light turns green = go, light turns red = stop).  Traffic signals are also very useful to determine abnormal vs. normal conditions.


For example, when the traffic light is red and a driver continues through, this is a very clear indication of an abnormal condition.


Other Examples?

·Operators Loading Roller Coasters      操作过山车

·Preflight safety announcements on Airplanes 飞机飞行前的安全公告

·Fast-food preparation 准备快餐

What else?还有其他的例子吗?举例说明吧!

