3分钟学雅思 | 栏目推送说明

3分钟学雅思· 第7季 ·第16期
五四青年节,B 站献给了新一代人一场演讲—后浪,放在这样一个时间点来看,显得尤其具有仪式感和交接感,这场演讲自然而然的燃爆了朋友圈。大家都在抒情着亢奋着,为自己,为时代,更是为未来。而真正使未来如此独特和重要的,并非是因为未来还没有发生,而是未来的世界定会与此刻不同。这既是鼓励也是挑战。今天我们就来结合这道雅思口语题,教大家怎样描述“遇到的最大挑战”。
《3分钟学雅思》第七季 第16期 点击观看

Describe the biggest challenge you’ve ever encountered.
You should say:
What the challenge was
When you encountered it
How you felt while facing it
And explain what you did to overcome that challenge.
I entered a competition in my university, which was about simulating the operation of a virtual enterprise. Although I prepared a lot for the competition, reading so many books and papers about business operation, during the competition, I still encountered many obstacles that I had never thought of before. For example, I wasted quite a lot of time thinking how to do precise market research, which disrupted the pace of my original plan. As a result, to ensure that I could have enough time to sell my products, while fixing the price of my products, the price I set was a little bit higher than my competitors’. So in the first season of selling, my sales outcome only ranked sixth among all contestants. To cope with the problem, I readjusted the prices immediately and invested more in advertisements. At the end of the day, I won first prize.
I was so thrilled not just because of the honor, but the experience itself. It made me understand that experience is the mother of wisdom. It’s one thing to learn theory, it’s totally another thing to apply theories into practice. After digesting knowledge, we need to find opportunities to put them into practice. Consequently, we may be able to master them. Otherwise, they may just always be words on a page.
1. obstacle n. 障碍
2. disrupt v. 破坏,打乱
3. thrilled adj. 激动的