伊萨卡583/以色列诗人 ,阿米尔/爱的魔法

惠 风 文 学

Pretty breeze literature


ITHACA583/以色列诗人 ,阿米尔/爱的魔法

The Chinese poet Anna Keiko who energetically promotes in China the Poem of the Week, just received the Silver Award of the “Left Dragon, right Tiger Cup” in Hong Kong. Her winning poem, “Prelude to Spring” was also published in “The People’s Daily” World Journal in the Philippines.
 Congratulations Anna!

 Elisabeth Gecius, Berlin


如 何











Amir Or, Israel (1956)

Translated by Wang Hao 

El Amor Brujo


How can I tell you? You are unbearable close,
You are fruit bursting in the heart,
You are the name the mute mouth bears
Like a sea in the palm of the earth.
I touch, and envy my touching hand;
Touching, I yearn to touch.

The fear at this motionless moment doesn’t pass by:
You are here inside, here is inside here.
Here burns the fire of the soul,
Not consuming the fire of the heart.

Amir Or, Israel (1956)

From “Loot”, Dhali Books, India, 2017

Amir or, a leading Israeli poet, novelist and essayist, has been recognized as a major new generation voice in world literature. He is the author of 12 volumes of poetry, the latest being Prophecy of the Madman (2012), Loot –selected poems 1977-2013 (2013) and Wings (2015). His poems have been translated into 45 languages andappeared in poetry journals, anthologies and literary sites, as well as in 31 books in Europe, America and Asia. Among them are Poem and Day (English by Dedalus, Ireland, 2004, 2006,); The Museum of Time (English by ArtAark, 2009; Dutch, Azul Press 2012, Serbian, Arhipelag 2015, Chinese, FLTRP 2017), Miracle/Milagro(Spanish/English, Urpi Editores, U.S. 2011, Havana 2012), Loot (Serbian, Arhipelag Press 2012, 2014, Şiirden, Turkish 2014, English, Dhauli 2018), Dédale, (maelstrÖm reEvolution, 2016), Tredici Poesie (Italian, Milan 2014) and Wings(Sagging Meniscus, NY 2018).

His novels include The Song of Tahira (2001), a fictional epic in metered prose and The Kingdom, a novel about the life of King David.

Or is the recipient of Israeli and international poetry awards, including the 2000 Pleiades tribute  of the Struga Poetry festival for having made “a significant contribution to modern world poetry”, the Fulbright Award for Writers, the Bernstein Prize, the Levi Eshkol Prime Minister’s Literary Award, the  2010 Oeneumi literary prize of the Tetovo Poetry Festival, the 2013 Struga Wine Poetry prize; the 2014 Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša International Award of The Budva City Theater; the 2016 European Atlas of Lyrics prize, the 2017 World Through Poetryaward  of the Blue Met Montreal "for the exceptional depth and quality of his poetry",  the 2018 Slovak PEN Lifetime Achievement award and the 2019 Homer European Medal of Poetry and Art; as well as numerous Fellowships from the University of Iowa, the Jewish-Hebrew Centre of the University of Oxford, Fondación Valparaiso Spain, Hawthornden Castle Scotland, the Irish Heinrich Böll Foundation, Les Treilles Fondation and UNESCO Prague City of Culture, among others.

He gave readings and lectured in dozens of festivals and conferences worldwide; and has been a guest writer at several cultural institutions, among them the Literarische Colloquium Berlin, Chattanoogah University USA, and Nihon University, Tokyo.

Or translated into Hebrew eight prose and poetry books, including The Gospel of Thomas; Limb Loosening Desire, an anthology of erotic Greek poetry, Stories from the Mahabharata; as well as modern poets like Seamus Heaney, Ann Sexton, Shuntaro Tanikawa, Jidi Majia, Fiona Sampson,  and Ansatassis Vistonitis. His selected translations From The Hebrew Sidewas published in 2017. For his translations from ancient Greek he received the Honorary Prize of the Israeli Minister of Culture.

Or was born in Tel Aviv, 1956. His grandparents have emigrated from Poland in the 1930's and came to Israel as Zionist pioneers. He is descendant of a renowned Rabbis dynasty, among them Elimelech of Lizhensk and  Rashi, whose family line goes back to King David. In his twenties Or lived for several years in the Nederlands and India, where he has studied meditation and personal growth techniques. After returning to Israel he founded a meditation and therapy center and a spiritual commune in Jerusalem. He studied Philosophy and Comparative Religion in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and lectured there on Ancient Greek Religion.

In 1987 Or debuted with I Look Through The Monkeys’ Eyes for which he was awarded the Harry Harshon Literary Prize of the Hebrew University. His books Faces  [1991], Ransoming The Dead  [1994], So!  [1995] and Poem [1996] were soon to follow. He has published numerous papers, articles and essays on literature, society, comparative religion and the classics, and has worked as a poetry columnist in Ha'aretz daily. His selected essays, Discourse, was published in 2018 (Hakibutz Hameuhad publishers, TA).

In 1990 Or founded the Helicon Society for the Advancement of  Poetry in Israel. In 1993 he set up the Arabic-Hebrew Helicon Poetry School and developed the school’s pioneering integrated methodologies of teaching creative writing, and taught it in Israel, U.S., Austria, U.K. and Japan. In 2001 he founded the Sha’ar International Poetry Festival and has been its Artistic Director.

Or has served as Editor-in-Chief of Helicon's journal and its series of poetry books. He has edited other literary journals as well, and several anthologies of Hebrew verse in European languages. For his editorial contributions  he was awarded the 2017 Culture Minister Literary Editing award.

Or has been national coordinator for the U.N. sponsored UPC venture, “Poets for Peace” a founding member of the World Poetry Movement and of the Eurpean Association of Writing Programs. He serves as editor of the Catuv poetry books series, and as national editor of the international poetry magazine Atlas.








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