

根据印度卫生部周二更新的数据,印度记录了 14,313 例新增冠状病毒感染,为 224 天以来的最低水平,使该国的病例总数达到 3,39,85,920,而印度康复率已提高至 98%。

死亡人数攀升至 4,50,963 人,新增死亡人数为 181 人。根据上午 8 点更新的数据,活跃病例已下降至 214900 例,为 212 天以来的最低水平。从疾病中康复的人数激增至 33,32,00,57 人,而病死率为 1.33%。印度每日阳性率为 1.21%。

与此同时,根据印度卫生部发布的健康公告,喀拉拉邦在过去 24 小时内记录了 6,996 例新增病例。

迄今为止,该国的累积疫苗接种已超过 9.589亿。




No restrictions on domestic capacity for air travel from Oct. 18: Ministry of civil aviation


新德里:周二,印度允许电力生产商加快进口煤炭,用于最多 10% 混合国内煤,以满足不断增长的电力需求,此举可能推高已经很高的全球价格。


NEW DELHI: India on Tuesday allowed power producers to expedite imports of coal to use for up to 10% of blends with the domestic grade to meet increased power demand in a move that could push up already high global prices.
Asia's third-largest economy is facing large-scale outages as several power plants have low coal inventories amid a sharp spike in global energy prices.


孟买:印度储备银行周二表示,由于不遵守监管指示,已禁止特许会计师事务所 Haribhakti and Co 在两年内对受监管实体进行任何审计任务。

MUMBAI: The Reserve Bank of India said on Tuesday it has debarred chartered accountancy firm Haribhakti and Co from undertaking any audit assignments in regulated entities for a two-year period due to non-compliance of regulatory direction.



NEW DELHI: The owner of hypermarkets chain D-Mart, Avenue Supermarts, has entered the list of top 15 most valued companies by market capitalisation as its m-cap hit the Rs 3 trillion mark on Monday when its shares hit a new record high of 4,800 before closing at Rs 4,716. The stock has surged over 70% in 2021.



NEW DELHI: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Tuesday raided multiple locations in the National Capital Region in connection with its probe related to the recent seizure of 2,988 kg of heroin at Gujarat's Mundra port, an official said.



AHMEDABAD: Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone (APSEZ) on Monday said it will not handle any container cargo originating from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran from November 15.


钦奈:Bharat FIH(原名 Rising Stars Mobile India)是 FIH Mobiles 和富士康科技集团公司的子公司,周二在钦奈的 IIT-Madras 研究园开设了研发中心。

Bharat FIH 表示,其研发中心将成为印度首批设计端到端 5G 设备的研发中心之一,并将为此利用当地的 IT 实力和人才。该设施将配备为全球和印度客户提供专为所有当前和未来尖端技术设计的产品。

CHENNAI: Bharat FIH (formerly known as Rising Stars Mobile India), a subsidiary of FIH Mobiles and a Foxconn Technology Group company, on Tuesday opened its research & development centre at the IIT-Madras Research Park in Chennai.
Bharat FIH said its R&D centre would be among the first R&D centres in India to design end-to-end 5G devices and will leverage the local IT strength and talent for this. The facility will be equipped to offer products designed for all current and future cutting edge technologies for its global and Indian customers.


迪拜:标普全球评级表示,迪拜房地产价格已从 2020 年底的历史低点强劲反弹,但需求不平衡,住宅物业供过于求将长期对价格造成压力,使复苏变得脆弱。

房地产投资公司世邦魏理仕集团上周表示,截至 8 月的 12 个月内,迪拜的平均住宅物业价格上涨 4.4%,为 2015 年 2 月以来的最高年增长率,但公寓租金的持续下跌表明长期困扰的行业持续疲软 。

DUBAI: Dubai real estate prices have rebounded strongly from a record low at the end of 2020, but demand is uneven and oversupply of residential properties will pressure prices in the long run, making the recovery fragile, S&P Global Ratings said.
Real estate investment firm CBRE Group said last week that average residential property prices in Dubai rose 4.4% in the 12 months to August, the highest annual growth since February 2015, but an ongoing fall in apartment rents signalled continued weakness in the long-troubled sector.


孟买:一家日本券商周一表示,印度储备银行可能会从 2022 年第一季度开始改变其货币政策和加息的立场。

野村证券表示,印度央行将于本月启动流动性正常化举措,缩小为系统提供资金的利率与 12 月吸收过剩流动性的利率之间的差异。

MUMBAI: The Reserve Bank is likely to change the stance of its monetary policy and hike rates from the first quarter of 2022, a Japanese brokerage said on Monday.
The central bank will start with liquidity normalisation moves this month, narrowing the difference between the rate at which it funds the system and at which it absorbs excess liquidity in December, Nomura said.



印度电信部 (DoT) 最近向两家电信公司发出了要求通知,要求在三周内支付累计 305 亿卢比的罚款,原因是在 2016 年拒绝 Reliance Jio 互连点 (PoI) 违反规范。

NEW DELHI: Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea have moved telecom tribunal to challenge telecom department's demand notices for payment of Rs 3,050 crore cumulative penalties in the points of interconnect matter, a source said.
The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) had recently issued demand notices to both the telcos to pay cumulative Rs 3,050 crore in penalties in three weeks' time for violating norms by denying Reliance Jio points of interconnect (PoIs) way back in 2016.
