

5-1. Introduction

The goal of San Shou Kuai Jiao techniques is to disable your enemy's fighting ability as quickly as you can. To achieve this, you need to throw your opponent as hard as possible. However, the opportunity to throw your opponent to the ground does not come often in a fight, because you and your opponent's body positions change constantly. You need to react to the changes and be able to improvise so that you can apply similar types of techniques but use them differently to achieve the takedown. In any case, success depends on the situation and opportunity. There is no best throw. The technique that works for you is the best technique at that time.

In this chapter, we will introduce two different types of throwing techniques. The first type is Over the Back Throwing Methods, which have very high combat value and are often used in fighting. In these types of throws, your back is to your opponent and you rely on the coordination of the hips, arms and legs to throw your opponent high over your back or shoulder. These kinds of techniques are extremely useful against an opponent who doesn't know how to fall. If you do not know how to fall, it is natural that you will panic while you are in the air and have no control over your own body. Falling incorrectly can cause devastating injury to the body.

The second type is Holding the Waist Throwing Methods. With this type of throw you use your arms to hold an opponent's waist and then lift him up to throw him, or to upset his balance for a takedown. This kind of throwing technique is best suited for a shorter person with a low center of gravity. Of course, strong arms and legs are also a help.

5-2. Over the Back Throwing Methods過背摔法
I. Squeezing the Neck, Hip Throw夾脖揹摔
a). With his right foot forward Gray attacks with his right hand.White blocksthe punch with his left forearm, presses downward and tightly grabs Gray's upper arm (Figure 5-1).
b). White then steps forward and, using the ball of the right foot to pivot to the left, steps inside Gray. White's heels are now parallel in front of Gray's feet, with both knees slightly bent in a high Horse Stance. White presses his buttocks tightly against Gray's abdomen. At the same time he uses his right arm to lock Gray's neck (Figure 5-2).
c). White snaps his upper body upward to the left and bends forward with body momentum. Simultaneously, he pulls Gray downward and to the left with the arm and neck lock. By coordinating the waist, buttocks, and the pulling of both arms,White uproots Gray and throws him over his back to the ground (Figures 5-3 and 5-4).

Key Points
a). Both knees should be bent for good root and balance.
b). Your left hand should keep pulling your opponent's right arm throughout the throw.

2. Lifting the Arm Holding the Shoulder Over the Back Throw插腋抱肩過背摔
a). Gray attacks with a right hook to White's head. White steps forward with his left foot and blocks the punch with his left arm from left to right (Figure5-5).
b).White steps forward with his right foot and puts it between Gray's feet. At the same time he thrusts his right hand into Gray's right armpit and lifts upward. White uses his left hand to grab Gray's right upper arm or clothing and pull downward into White's chest. At this point Gray should be leaning forward to his right (Figure 5-6).
c). White steps his left foot behind his right foot and turns to the left into a high Horse Stance. Both feet are parallel and in front of Gray's feet. White's back is now to Gray and his right buttock presses against Gray's abdomen. White twists to the left and makes a circular, downward motion with his right hand to keep Gray's left arm stretched out (Figure 5-7).
d).Simultaneously, White's knees spring up while his left hand keeps pulling Gray's right arm. White moves his body and keeps lifting with his right arm and hip so that Gray is pulled over his back (Figure 5-8).
Key Points
a). Always keep your opponent's body close against your right hip.
b).Both arms should make circular motions when pulling your opponent down.

3. Holding the Waist, Over the Back Throw抱腰過背摔
a). Gray attacks with right punch to the head. White dodges right, steps forward with his left foot, and blocks the punch with his left arm (Figure 5-9).
b). White steps forward with his right foot and puts it in between Gray's feet.

Simultaneously, White moves his right hand under Gray's right arm to hold Gray's waist. With his left hand White then grabs Gray's right hand and pulls it downward close to his body (Figure 5-10).
c). White steps his left foot behind his right foot and turns to the left into a high Horse Stance, knees bent. Both feet are parallel, and White's back faces Gray while his buttocks press against Gray's abdomen (Figure 5-11).
d). Keeping his head tucked in, White springs up with the knees,lifting Gray with his hip and pulling Gray with his left hand.Still holding Gray's waist White twists his body to throw Gray over his back (Figure 5-12).
kep points
this technique is very similar to technique #2 except that your right arm holds your opponent's waist instead of lifing his right arm upward.

4.Penetrating and Holding the Arm, Over the Back Throw穿臂抱臂過背摔
a). Gray attacks with a right punch to the head. White dodges right and blocks and grabs the punch with his left arm (Figure 5-13).
b).White then reaches with his right hand to grab and hold Gray's right arm while pulling with the left. Simultaneously, White steps his right foot forward and his left foot behind and around the right foot into Horse Stance, knees deeply bent. Both feet are parallel, and White's buttocks press against Gray's abdomen (Figure 5-14).
c).Keeping his head tucked in and springing up with straight knees, White lifts and throws Gray over his back (Figure 5-15).

Key points
a).After entering the throwing position, both hands should pull continuously on opponent's right arm to upset his balance.
b).Keep both knees deeply bent and keep your body close to your opponent's.

5. Squeezing the Neck, Sweeping the Leg, Over the Back Throw夾頸向后打腿過背摔
a). Gray's stance is right foot forward and he attacks with a right punch to the head. White blocks the punch and grabs it with his left hand (Figure 5-16).
b).White wraps up Gray's neck with his right arm while his left hand pulls Gray's arm to the left. At the same time White steps his left foot forward and places it in front of Gray's right foot. White then pivots on his left foot to his left and slides his right leg outside Gray's right leg, while pulling Gray close against his body. Now Gray's weight is on his right leg and slightly forward, upsetting his balance (Figure 5-17).
c).White twists to the left and simultaneously sweeps upward with his right leg. White's left hand pulls Gray's right arm downward and to the left to throw him down (Figure 5-18).
Key Points
a). Keep your left leg bent and your upper body turned slightly to the right to set up for the throw.
b).As you twist to your left, kick back as high as possible with the right leg. This will sweep your opponent's legs high off the ground and make him fall on his back.

6. Lifting the Arm, Holding the Shoulder. Sweeping the Leg, Over the Back Throw插腋抱向后打腿過背摔肩
a). With his right foot forward, Gray attacks with a right punch to the head. White blocks the punch and grabs it with his left hand (Figure 5-19).
b). White thrusts his right arm under Gray's left armpit to lock his shoulder and scoop it up. With his left hand White grabs Gray's right arm and pulls it to the left. At the same time, White pivots to the left on his left foot and slips his right leg outside Gray's right leg, and pulls Gray close against his body. Now Gray is leaning forward slightly and losing his balance (Figure 5-20).
c). White twists to the left and simultaneously sweeps upward with his right leg. White continues to pull Gray's right arm downward and to the left and uses his right hand to keep pressing downward to the left to throw Gray (Figure 5-21).
Key Points
a).Similar to Technique #5 except that your right hand goes under your opponent's right shoulder instead of locking your opponent's head.
5-3. Holding the Waist Throwing Methods抱腰摔法
1. Holding the Waist, Falling Back and Turning Over Throw 抱腰后倒翻身摔
a). Gray attacks with a right punch to the head. White protects his head with both hands and dodges to the right. White quickly steps forward to hold Gray's waist with both arms and puts his right shoulder under Gray's abdomen (Figures 5-22 and 5-23).
b).White straightens his knees to lift Gray, bends backward,keeps his head face up and begins to fall backward. While still falling, he turns over just before his head touches the ground to land on top of Gray (Figures 5-24 and 5-25).
Key Points
a). If you are carrying your opponent on your right shoulder, fall backward and turn your body to your right. Turn to the left if you are carrying him on your left shoulder.
b).When falling, your opponent's head and shoulder should hit the ground first. Follow up by landing on top of him with your body.

2. Holding the Waist From Behind Throw后抱腰摔
a). Gray attacks with a left punch to the head. White blocks with his left arm and steps his left foot forward, placing it outside of Gray's left foot (Figure 5-26).
b).White then steps forward and around with his right foot and places it behind Gray's right. He then reaches with his right hand behind Gray's back and grabs Gray's waist with both arms (Figure 5-27).
c). White holds tightly and lifts. With Gray off the ground, White leans to his right and turns both arms like a steering wheel to throw Gray down (Figures 5-28 and 5-29).
Key Points
a). Bend both knees and hold your opponent tight and close.
b). Spring up with the knees to lift your opponent as high as possible off the ground.
c). Turn both arms clockwise or counterclockwise to throw your opponent sideways.

3.Holding the Waist From Behind, Falling Backward Throw后抱腰后倒翻身摔
a). Gray attacks with a left punch to the head. White blocks with his left arm, steps his left foot forward and places it outside of Gray's left foot (Figure 5-30).
b).White steps his right foot forward and around and places it behind Gray's right foot. He then reaches his right hand behind Gray's back and holds his waist with both arms
c). White holds tightly and lifts Gray. He leans backward slightly with his head facing up and falls backwards. At this point, Gray should lose all his balance and control (Figure 5-32).
d).Just as White's head is about to hit the ground he twists his body to the left . Gray hits the ground chest first and White lands on top (Figure 5-33).
Key Points
a). Bend both knees deeply and hold your opponent's body tight and close to you.
b).Spring up from both knees to lift your opponent as high as possible.
c).The timing of the fall and the body twist are important for a successful throw.

4. Holding the Waist, Winding the Leg, Pressing Forward Throw抱腰盤腿前壓
a). With his right foot forward, Gray attacks with a left punch to the head. White blocks it with his left hand (Figure 5-34).
b).White steps forward and puts his right foot between Gray's feet, dodges downward and reaches with both hands behind Gray's back to hold his waist (Figure 5-35).
c). White then places his left foot outside Gray's right leg. He uses his left leg to wrap Gray's right leg, hook it up and pull it backward. White then stands up slightly so that his right shoulder is under Gray's armpit to prevent Gray from elbowing him. White pulls Gray toward him and holds tightly (Figure5-36).
d).Simultaneously, White uses his upper body to press forward against Gray's chest, making him fall on his back (Figure 5-37).
Key Points
a). Bend your right knee deeply to keep good root and balance.
b). When landing, you can use your shoulder to strike your opponent, or put a knee in his groin.

5. Strangle the Waist, Leap Up, and Strike with Head Throw砸腰跳起頭撞摔
a). White gets inside Gray's guard to hold Gray's waist with both arms (Figure 5-38).White squeezes tightly and pulls Gray's waist close to his body while leaning forward. This upsets Gray's balance. White brings his rear foot closer to the front foot and springs up on both legs to smash Gray's face or lower cheekbone with his head. Then White pushes forward to make Gray fall backward to the ground (Figures 5-39 and 5-40).

Key Points
a). Hold your opponent's waist or back tightly and close to your body throughout the execution of the technique.
b).After the head strike, use your head and chest to push forward.
6. Holding the Waist, Pushing the Chin and Rotating the Body Throw抱腰推頤旋身摔
a). With his right foot forward Gray attacks with a right punch to the head. White blocks it with his left arm (Figure 5-41).
b).White steps his right foot forward and puts it in between Gray's feet and quickly gets his left hand behind Gray's back. White shoots his right hand forward to push Gray's chin upward and back (Figure 5-42).
c). White then pivots his right foot to the left while his left foot makes a small step to the right. This puts him in better position to upset Gray's balance. White holds Gray's waist tightly and draws it close to his body while pushing Gray's chin upwards. At this point, Gray should be leaning back with his weight on his right leg (Figure 5-43).
d).White pushes Gray's chin forward and then downward to the left to make Gray fall on his back (Figure 5-44).
Key Points
a).The rotation of your body must coordinate with your left hand, which is drawing your opponent's waist close to you. Apply pressure with your right hand and extend forward and then downward to make the throw successful.

