冯克利 | 传统与权利:《独立宣言》再解读

[1]Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law: Itsconnection with the Early History of Society and Its Relations to Modern Ideas,New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1906, p.92, p.165
[2]Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law: Itsconnection with the Early History of Society and Its Relations to Modern Ideas,New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1906, p.91.
[3]Aristotle, Politics(LoebClassic),London:William Heinemann Ltd.,1932, pp.173—175. 阿奎那对亚里士多德这一观点有十分准确的理解:“一个人在民主体制中是公民,寡头体制下就未必是公民……仅仅居住在一地,并不能使人成为公民。”见ThomasAquinas:Commentary on Aristotle’s Politics, trans. by R. J. Regan. Cambridge: HackettPublishing Co., 2007, p.179. 柏拉图的观点见 Plato,Gorgias,London: Penguin, 2004, 482e— 483c.
[4]Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law: Itsconnection with the Early History of Society and Its Relations to Modern Ideas,New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1906, pp.53 — 55.
[5]Jus naturale est quod apud omnes homineseandem habet potentiam.
[6]George Mousourakis, Fundamentals ofRoman Law, Berlin: Springer, 2012, p.96, p.125.
[7]George Mousourakis, Fundamentals ofRoman Law, Berlin: Springer, 2012, p.74, p,89, pp.51 — 52.
[8]例如,维多利亚(F. de Vitoria)便讨论过“人生来就是自由的”这一主题,他甚至提出了十分接近于后来的契约论的观点,认为与生俱来的自由的性质使人民在各国聚集起来,没有一个人凌驾于所有其他人之上。德索托(De Soto)也有“人人生来就是天赋自由的”的主张, 认为“尽管人与人之间的能力千差万别,绝不能认为这种情况否定了他们的天赋自由使人人具有平等和独立的地位 ”。苏亚雷斯(Suarez)则说过,合法政治权威的起源时存在的主要困难,来自“人人生来就是自由的这一个事实”。参见 Quentin Skinner, The Foundations of ModernPolitical Thought, vol. 2, The Age of Reformation. Cambridge University Press,1978, pp.155 — 156.
[9]Leo Strauss, The Political Philosophyof Hobbes, University of Chicago Press, 1996, pp.vii—viii.
[10]Christian Wolff, Ius Naturae MethodoScienti ca Pertractatum (1741), 转引自 A.P. d’Entrèves, Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy, London: HutchinsonUniversity Press, 1951, 1972, p.62.
[11]Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law: Itsconnection with the Early History of Society and Its Relations to Modern Ideas,New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1906, p.74. p.88.
[12]Max Weber, Economy and Society-AnOutline of interpretive Sociology, Berkeley: University of California Press,1978, pp.867 — 868.
[13]Thomas Ahmert, “The Prince and the Church inthe Thought of Christian Thomasius”, in Natural Law and Civil Sovereignty:Moral Right and State Authority in Early Modern Political Thought, ed. by IanHunter, New York:Palgrave, 2002, pp.91 — 105.
[14]Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, London: JohnBohn, 1729, chapter 14: “Of the First and Second Natural law and of Contracts”.
[15]Frederick Pollock, “The History of the Lawof Nature: A Preliminary Study”, in Columbia Law Review, vol. 1, no. 1,1901, pp.11—12.