纪念Steve 66岁生日。尤其是过去一年里很多因素让大家彼此分离,技术把我们无限地连接在一起。这是对Steve 的人生和他留下的遗产的最好证明,每一天继续激励着我。Celebrating Steve on what would have been his 66th birthday. Especially in a year where so much kept us apart, technology brough 详细
北京时间2月25日消息,昨日晚间,苹果公司CEO蒂姆 · 库克的发微博纪念乔布斯66岁的生日,同时库克Twitter也同步更新了对乔布斯66岁生日的纪念,并称他的遗产始终激励我。
“纪念 Steve 66 岁生日。尤其是过去一年里很多因素让大家彼此分离,技术把我们无限地连接在一起。这是对 Steve 的人生和他留下的遗产的最好证明,每一天继续激励着我。
Celebrating Steve on what would have been his 66th birthday. Especially in a year where so much kept us apart, technology brought us together in limitless ways. That’s a testament to Steve’s life and the legacy he left, which continue to inspire me every day.”
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