

admit 承认,招供

She admitted having driven the car without insurance.


anticipate 预料,预期

We didn't anticipate winning this match.我们预料不到会赢这场比赛。

appreciate 感激,感谢

I don't appreciate being treated like a second-class citizen.我不愿被人当作二等公民。

avoid 回避,避开

Let's avoid being late.我们要避免迟到。

can't help 禁不住

I can't help counting those calories.我忍不住数那些卡路里。

解析:在翻译的时候,要跟译为“不能帮忙”的 can't help 区分开来,例如:

I'm afraid I can't help you.恐怕我帮不了你。

complete 完成

I finally completed writing my thesis.我终于写完了论文。

consider 考虑

She never considered moving to England.她从未考虑过搬到英国去。

delay 延迟

We delayed moving to the new house until the spring.我们推迟到春天才搬新房子。

deny 否认

He will deny stealing that car.他将否认偷那辆车。

despise 鄙视

She despises asking for favors.她不喜欢请求帮助。discuss 讨论

We discussed buying a bigger apartment.我们讨论过买一套大一点的公寓。

dislike 不喜欢

She dislikes cooking and baking.她不喜欢做饭和烘焙。

don't mind 别介意

I don't mind waiting.我不介意等。

enjoy 享受

She enjoys reading.她喜欢读书。

imagine 想象

Can you imagine living on the moon?你能想象住在月球上吗?

involve 涉及

The new project involves writing and rewriting many reports.这个新的项目包括写和重写许多报告。

keep 保持

She keeps coming late!她总是迟到!

mention 提到

I never mentioned meeting him.我从没提过见过他。

mind 介意

Will he mind switching rooms?他介意换房间吗?

miss 错过,思念,避开(不愉快的事)

I miss chatting with you.我错过和你聊天。

I don't miss getting up at six every morning!我才不想每天早上六点钟起床哩!

He fell and just missed knocking the whole display over.他摔了一跤,差一点把全部展品碰翻。

postpone 推迟

Let's postpone going out of town.我们推迟出城吧。

practice 实践

He practices playing the guitar daily.他每天练习弹吉他。

recall 回忆

Can you recall ordering this product?你还记得订购这个产品吗?

recommend 推荐

The doctor recommends resting in bed.医生建议卧床休息。report 报告

They reported seeing him leave with a stranger.他们报告说看见他和一个陌生人走了。

resent 怨恨

He resents doing it all by himself.他讨厌一个人做这件事。

resist 抵抗

I can't resist liking him.我忍不住喜欢他。

resume 重新开始,继续

They resumed talking after the teacher left.老师走后,他们继续交谈。

risk 风险

Would you risk losing everything?你会冒着失去一切的危险吗?

suggest 建议

I suggest not taking him too seriously.我建议不要把他看得太重。

tolerate 容忍

We can't tolerate being screamed at.我们不能容忍别人对我们大喊大叫。

understand 理解

He couldn't understand her leaving so suddenly.他无法理解她这么突然离开。

解析:her leaving 是动名词的复合结构。

