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Down in the dumps


英文部分选自经济学人20180927 special report版块

Down in the dumps


The poor world and the rich world face different problems with their waste


Systems in both are improving but all are under strain


EVERY MORNING, JUST before 8am, a digger stretches out its steel limb from the bank of the Ciliwung river in central Jakarta.It claws load upon load of stinking rubbish from a barrier stretched across the stream and deposits it into the back of an orange lorry. A city employee stands by, one of 5,000 people working in pasukanoranye (orange teams), which dredge hundreds of tonnes of waste every day from the filthy waterways of the Indonesian capital.A rag-picker, treading precariously, sniffs for plastic bottles and other recyclables. Once full, the lorry departs for Bekasi landfill. There, amid more stench, dozens of waste-pickers mill around beside the swinging arms of the machines that unload the dripping rubbish. Their bounty is divided meticulously and sold on to scrap dealers or reprocessing facilities. The remaining trash is rearranged into landfill.



①sniff for: 寻找、辨别

Eg:The police use dogs to sniff for bombs.


②stench: n. 恶臭;臭气

③mill around: 打转,穿梭其中

Eg:The Royal Palace shut briefly but four days later it was business as usual, with Norwegians and tourists milling around the forecourt.


In many parts of the developing world formal collection is expanding. There are now some 6,000 community waste banks in Indonesia, where residents deposit recyclables in exchange for cash. Once rubbish makes it to the waste-management site, the systems can be relatively efficient. The problem is getting a nation’s refuse to such sites in the first place, when door-to-door collection is still rare, and households and businesses seldom sort their garbage.



①refuse: n.废物,垃圾

Eg:refuse collection point 垃圾收集站

②bank: 有“库”的释义,可用于表示“用于循环再利用的废旧物品回收站”


①印尼用垃圾坐公交,垃圾回收有妙招,执行效果特别好!单押 ×3




More than 14,000km from Jakarta, in San Jose, California, trash is arriving at the Newby Island waste-management plant.As in most developed nations, getting it there is not the problem. Domestic and commercial waste is collected from homes and offices efficiently. The difficulties start when the rubbish arrives. With labour costs high, there are no rag-pickers to sift through everything and work out what is worthrecycling.The problem here is in the sorting. Aluminium cans are easy to deal with because they are all the same.But different types of plastics cannot be recycled together and machines do not have the sophistication to tell one type from another. So a lot goes to landfill or incineration, mixed with the remaining worthless waste. And now, suddenly, China has stopped accepting imports of low-grade plastic and paper, so Newby Island no longer has a place to send the mixed garbage that it lacks the hands to separate.

在距雅加达14000公里的加利福尼亚州圣何塞(San Jose),垃圾正被运往纽比岛(Newby Island)垃圾管理场。对于大多数发达国家来说,垃圾回收并不是什么难事,家庭垃圾和企业垃圾可以高效地从民宅和办公室里收集。当垃圾被运到填埋场之后,问题才刚刚开始。由于人力成本高昂,没有拾荒者对垃圾中的可回收部分进行筛选。在这里,垃圾分类成了难题。易拉罐性质相同,因此处理难度较低;但塑料制品的种类多样、不能一同回收,而机器尚无法区分它们的不同。所以很多塑料都同那些无回收价值的垃圾一起被填埋或是焚烧了。现如今,中国骤然停止接受废塑料和废纸等低档洋垃圾,使得纽比岛上无法分类的混合垃圾无处可去。

Both processes—in the developed and the developing world—are part of a global system that has improved substantially in recent decades as patterns of consumption, and therefore waste disposal, have changed. But both are under strain, as the volume of rubbish has increased with economic growth and as the global garbage industry has changed.


The improvements at Bekasi are part of a broader trend of developing-world governments finally grasping that proper rubbish collection is more than just keeping your streets smelling nice. It is a vital part of public health. Stinting on rubbish means paying more for hospitals. Numerous studies have shown that life in areas with patchy collection increases the risk of diseases as well as neurological conditions. In 2016 consultants at McKinsey calculated that burning, dumping or discharging a tonne of rubbish into waterways cost south Asian economies $375 through pollution and disease, against $50-100 required for basic systems to dispose of that same tonne properly.



①stint: v.节省;限制

Eg:Don't stint the food.


②patchy: adj. 不完整的

Eg:The data on these differences are patchy, the study’s authors acknowledge.


③dispose: v.处理

Eg:The imposing man posed as a man of good disposition and disposed of the rubbish.


In the poorest countries, especially in Africa, rubbish is still just dumped anywhere, and management is limited. But there is also comparatively little of it. A typical citizen of Lesotho produces 110 grams a day, >Narendra Modi’s government has earmarked $9.5bn for solid-waste management in its $30bn Swachh Bharat (Clean India) Mission. Indonesia is ploughing $1bn into its plastic-clean-up campaign. Authorities in Morocco believe that $300m they have invested in new sanitary landfills has already averted $440m in environmental damage. Many projects enjoy backing from the World Bank and other multilateral lenders. Others are promoted by grassroots organisations and entrepreneurs.

在最穷的国家,特别是非洲,垃圾仍然还是随处倾倒,实施的管理措施也很有限。但是这些国家产生的垃圾量也相对较小。一名普通莱索托(Lesotho)市民每天产生110克垃圾,是一名普通冰岛市民的四十分之一(冰岛是人均垃圾产量最高的国家)。这是飞速发展的经济体所面临的挑战。它们当中有许多都在砸钱处理垃圾。纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)政府已在其投入300亿美元的“清洁印度”任务中辟出95亿美元专款,用于固体废物管理;印尼为“塑料清理”运动投入了10亿美元;摩洛哥当局认为,他们投资了3亿美元的新型填埋场已经避免了4.4亿美元的环境破坏损失。许多项目得到了世界银行和其他多边贷款方的支持,其他项目则由基层组织和企业家推动。

They are bearing fruit. Collection rates in low-income countries have nearly doubled to 39% between 2012 and 2016, even as the volume of waste rose by a third. In middle-income countries like China, they rose on average to 51%. Rates for industrial waste are also improving (in places that have industry), though they already tend to be high because factories produce large, predictable volumes of more homogeneous refuse that is often valuable (like metal scrap).


As collection has improved, so has the next stage. China has emulated its rich Asian neighbours and embraced incineration. The Chinese authorities scrapped plans for some plants in the face of protests by local residents worried about air pollution. But they see incinerators as essential to tackling what the World Bank predicts could be a 50% rise in China’s solid waste by 2050. They are trying to convince residents that incinerators are clean and safe (as modern ones are, in places like Taiwan) by, for instance, promoting school trips to facilities. The number of incinerators in China has shot up from 57 in 2010 to more than 400. They now consume one-fifth of the 220m tonnes of municipal refuse that the Chinese disgorge each year.




Eg:incineration of municipal refuse


Poorer countries (including Indonesia) continue to rely on landfills, but these have also been getting more sanitary. Bekasi, which receives 7,000 tonnes of rubbish a day, now covers trash heaps with black plastic that captures the methane gas and other pollutants. In 2008-2014 Morocco increased the proportion of rubbish deposited in sanitary landfills rather than open dumps from 10% to 53%. This is expected to rise to 80% once five additional facilities are completed.



sanitary: adj. 卫生的,清洁的

Eg:The sanitary conditions in this restaurant are abominable.


Many authorities enlist the private sector, while monitoring how it performs. Istanbul accelerated a switch to private providers in 2003 after discovering they were a third more efficient than the public sector. In Nepal operators are paid based on how many households get daily collection. Five Moroccan cities, home to a quarter of the kingdom’s people, use citizen report cards when deciding to renew contracts with providers. Collection rates in Lahore, Pakistan’s commercial capital, shot up from 51% to 88% once the city hired a private company to manage its rubbish. Lorries are monitored with GPS trackers to measure performance and ensure that unscrupulous trash collectors do not dump the stuff illegally rather than drive it to formal disposal sites.



citizen report cards:简便有效的一种评估政府公共服务的方式;给予公民参与公共服务管理的权利;发源于印度,后在一些国家中普及。

enlist: v. 谋取…的赞助或帮助

Eg: I didn't think you'd enlist backup.


Informal workers, or rag-pickers, remain an important part of the system. UN Habitat, the United Nations agency for human settlements, believes that such people can collect 50-100% of rubbish at no cost to municipalities. The World Bank estimates that they pick 20% of China’s municipal waste. “Waste-pickers know physics, chemistry, economics,” marvels Gonzalo Muñoz, founder and boss of TriCiclos, a Chilean waste-management company. “They don’t know they know—but they do.” That is just as well, for ordinary citizens lack this knowledge. In China, for instance, a new requirement for big cities to install colour-coded bins in public areas and buildings has shown mixed results, with few citizens knowing what to throw where.

无正式工作者和拾荒者仍是垃圾处理系统中的重要一环。联合国人居署(UN Habitat,),即联合国负责人类居住事宜的机构,认为这些人可以为城市无偿收集50%至100%的垃圾。世界银行估算他们拾走了中国20%的城市垃圾。智利废弃物回收公司TriCiclos的创始人兼老板贡萨洛·穆尼奥斯(Gonzalo Muñoz)惊叹道:“拾荒者们通晓物理、化学、经济学知识。他们不知道自己知道这么多,但他们确实知道。”这也是好事,毕竟一般的市民缺乏这方面的知识。例如,中国出台了一项新规定,即要求大城市在公共场所和大楼里配备不同颜色的垃圾桶。然而这项规定带来的效果并不是特别理想,因为很少有人完全明白如何对垃圾进行分类。

This explains why the Chinese authorities tolerate informal waste-pickers. Local governments in other countries actively embrace the sector, which is thought to include more than 15m people worldwide. A Brazilian law from 2010 recognised co-operatives of such catadores as service providers. This granted them access to benefits such as pensions. Their national union won the rights to clean up football stadiums during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Technology is making informal collection more efficient. Mobile apps to match scavengers with rubbish producers are proliferating. Last year a free mobile app called Cataki, which links those throwing stuff away with those collecting it, was launched in São Paulo. Indian raddiwallahs in Bengaluru have used a similar app called “I Got Garbage” since 2014.

这就解释了中国政府为何能够容忍以非常规方式存在的的拾荒者。该群体已经被其他国家的地方政府欣然接纳,人数在世界范围内已超过1500万。2010年的一项巴西法律承认了由拾荒者组成的合作社为服务提供商。这使他们能够享受到养老金等福利。这些拾荒者们的全国工会取得了在2014年巴西世界杯期间清理足球场的权利。科技正使得非正规形式的垃圾回收变得更加高效。能够匹配拾荒者与制造垃圾的人的手机APP大量增加。去年,圣保罗推出一款名为Cataki的免费手机APP,该软件能够在扔垃圾的人和回收垃圾的人之间建立特定联系。自2014年以来,班加罗尔的拾荒者就一直在使用一款类似的APP,名为“我有垃圾(I Got Garbage)”。


rag-picker, waste-picker, catadore, scavenger, raddiwallah 都有“拾荒者”的意思。

Americans talk trash


In rich countries like America, the absence of professional waste-pickers presents a problem. The general public is not very good at sorting rubbish. Households and businesses serviced by municipal waste-management providers may actually have got worse at sorting in the past 20 years, says Peter Keller of Republic Services, America’s second-biggest waste-management firm, which runs Newby Island in San Jose.

在富裕国家,如美国,缺乏专业拾荒者是个问题。普通大众并不擅长垃圾分类。美国第二大废品管理公司Republic Services位于圣何塞纽比岛,该公司的彼得·凯勒表示,过去20年间,由市政废品管理供应商服务的家庭和企业在垃圾分类上做的更差了。

Citizens of rich countries, where almost 100% of municipal waste gets collected, take such services for granted—unless the collectors go on strike, as happened in the Belgian city of Ghent in early August, leaving streets in a stink for days. In some industrialised nations, increasingly, residents are charged based on volume (known as “pay-as-you-throw”). To encourage sorting, such schemes often exempt recyclables. In Taipei, the binmen will only accept unsorted general waste in official bags, which come in different sizes at different prices. They inspect recyclables to weed out cheats. The recyclables then proceed to materials-recovery facilities (MRFs) for further triage. General waste is whisked to incinerators or (now rarely in Taiwan’s case) landfills.



①whisk: v. to take someone or something quickly away from a place将[某人或某物]急忙送离[某地]

Eg. The ambulance whisked him off to a hospital.救护车风驰电掣般地把他送往医院。

②weed out 清除;淘汰;除去

Eg: Developers should specify filtering rules to weed out data they do not want.


In many parts of Europe and America rubbish collection is generally paid for by municipal taxes and the garbage disappears to huge facilities like Newby Island. The plant’s operator, Republic Services, runs 91 MRFs nationwide, next door to landfills (of which it runs 191) or incinerators (of which it owns 114) which burn waste to produce electricity. It receives 156 trucks carrying 1,600 tonnes each day from as far afield as Fresno, 200km to the east. That is down from 2,200 tonnes a day a few years ago. The volume of recyclables has reached 1,400 tonnes a day, a lot by American standards, says Mr Keller.

在欧洲和美国的许多地方,垃圾收集费用一般由市政税收承担,而垃圾在纽比岛这样的大型设备中被处理干净。该工厂的运营商Republic Services在全国范围内设有毗邻垃圾填埋场(开设了191家)的91座垃圾回收厂,或是焚烧垃圾来发电的焚化炉(拥有114家)。每天有156辆卡车运载1600吨垃圾,从远达东部200公里处的弗雷斯诺运到纽比岛。相比于几年前的日均2200吨,该数值已有所下降。凯勒先生表示,日均可回收垃圾体积已达1400吨,按美国标准来看已经很多了。

That should come as no surprise. After all, inhabitants of the San Francisco Bay area pride themselves >More than 100 sorters try to pluck such items from the stream before that happens. Even so, a big plant like Newby experiences on average five such stoppages every day. Such disruptions cost the city of Phoenix in Arizona $1m a year in stalled equipment and repairs.


Scott Smithline, who oversees recycling at California’s Environmental Protection Agency, cites two possible reasons. The first is that many people do not know what is recyclable. Beer bottles and soft-drink cans are, he says. Egg cartons and glossy magazines are not, for there is no market for the materials of which they are made. Some things are recyclable on their own, but not when combined, such as “paper” cups lined with plastic film. It is hard to blame consumers for feeling increasingly baffled, he admits.

加州环境保护局负责回收工作的斯科特·史密斯莱恩(Scott Smithline)列举了两个可能的原因。首先,很多人不知道什么东西是可回收的。他表示,啤酒瓶和饮料罐都是可回收物。蛋盒和光纸印刷的杂志则不然,因为制作它们的原材料并没有市场。有些东西是可以单独回收的,但与其他东西混杂到一起后就不一样了,比如内衬塑料薄膜的纸杯。消费者愈发对此分类感到困惑,但他也承认,这不能怪罪于他们。

①glossy adj. 光洁的;光滑的

Eg:glossy magazine


②baffle v. 阻碍;使迷惑

Eg:an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone.


The other problem is that residents >It snapped up tonnes of imperfectly sorted Western waste, preferring it to the even more impure refuse available at home.


As the volume of recyclables swelled in America and Europe, the quality of recycled output declined because everything was mixed in together. This did not trouble MRF operators so long as they could offload their increasingly impure stock abroad. Then China announced it would not accept any plastics or cardboard, and American waste-management companies have been scrambling to find what to do with their poor-quality waste.


Efforts are springing up to teach residents how better to sort their rubbish. Some American and European cities now pick up different materials on alternate days.



①spring up 涌现

Eg:There's a lot of talk these days about startup springing up in Silicon Valley and New York and everywhere in between.


②on alternate days 隔天

Eg:He worked out every other day with weights, with some kind of running work on alternate days.


Reverse-vending machines, which accept empty drinks bottles and return money to users, are appearing in supermarkets. More cities are adopting pay-as-you-throw schemes. Consumer habits will take longer to change. Developing countries need to concentrate on getting binmen to the kerb of every residence and help stop people throwing trash into rivers. The developed world needs to relearn how to recycle. The Chinese ban has lent all of this a new urgency.


























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