


There is usually a history of injury, followed by inability to use the injured limb – but beware! The fracture is not always at the site of the injury: a blow to the knee may fracture the patella, femoral condyles, shaft of the femur or even acetabulum. The patient’s age and mechanism of injury are important. If a fracture occurs with trivial trauma, suspect a pathological lesion. Pain, bruising and swelling are common symptoms but they do not distinguish a fracture from a soft-tissue injury. Deformity is much more suggestive.

Always enquire about symptoms of associated injuries: pain and swelling elsewhere (it is a common mistake to get distracted by the main injury, particularly if it is severe), numbness or loss of movement, skin pallor or cyanosis, blood in the urine, abdominal pain, difficulty with breathing or transient loss of consciousness.

Once the acute emergency has been dealt with, ask about previous injuries, or any other musculoskeletal abnormality that might cause confusion when the x-ray is seen. Finally, a general medical history is important, in preparation for anaesthesia or operation.


Unless it is obvious from the history that the patient has sustained a localized and fairly modest injury, priority must be given to dealing with the general effects of trauma (see Chapter 22). Follow the ABCs: look for, and if necessary attend to, Airway obstruction, Breathing problems, Circulatory problems and Cervical spine injury. During the secondary survey it will also be necessary to exclude other previously unsuspected injuries and to be alert to any possible predisposing cause (such as Paget’s disease or a metastasis).


Injured tissues must be handled gently. To elicit crepitus or abnormal movement is unnecessarily painful; x-ray diagnosis is more reliable. Nevertheless the familiar headings of clinical examination should always be considered, or damage to arteries, nerves and ligaments may be overlooked. A systematic approach is always helpful:

· Examine the most obviously injured part.

· Test for artery and nerve damage.

· Look for associated injuries in the region.

· Look for associated injuries in distant parts.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P692-693


patella/pəˈtelə/n. [解剖] 髌骨

femoral condyles 股骨髁 /'kɑndəl/n. 骨节

acetabulum  /,æsə'tæbjʊləm/n. [解剖] 髋臼

trivial trauma微不足道的创伤

/ˈtrɪviəl/adj. 不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的

lesion /ˈliːʒn/n. 损害;身体上的伤害;机能障碍

bruising and swelling瘀青和肿胀

bruising /ˈbruːzɪŋ/n. 挫伤;擦伤

bruise  /bruːz/ v. 挫伤;擦伤

/ˈswelɪŋ/n. 肿胀,肿块;膨胀

Deformity is much more suggestive.畸形更能说明问题。/səˈdʒestɪv/adj. 暗示的;提示的;影射的

get distracted by the main injury被主要的伤害分散注意力

numbness/ˈnʌmnəs/n. 麻木;麻痹

skin pallor or cyanosis皮肤苍白或发绀

/ˈpælər/n. 苍白(尤指脸色);青白;灰白

/,saɪə'nosɪs/n. 【医学】发绀,青紫

transient loss of consciousness.短暂的意识丧失

/ˈtrænʃnt/n. 瞬变现象;过往旅客;候鸟adj. 短暂的;路过的

anaesthesia /ˌænəsˈθiːʒə/n. 麻醉;麻木;感觉缺失(等于anesthesia)

the patient has sustained a localized and fairly modest injury病人受的是局部的、相当轻微的伤

Airway obstruction,气道阻塞

Cervical spine injury.颈椎受伤。

During the secondary survey it will also be necessary to exclude other previously unsuspected injuries and to be alert to any possible predisposing cause 在再次评估阶段,还必须排除以前未被怀疑的其他伤害,并对任何可能的诱发原因保持警惕

predisposing  /,pridɪs'poz/v. 使倾向于;容易诱发

gently /ˈdʒentli/adv. 轻轻地;温柔地,温和地

To elicit crepitus or abnormal movement is unnecessarily painful引发骨擦音或异常运动是不必要的痛苦


overlooked. 忽略;不理会;宽恕















