兰江美-The Beauty of the Lanjiang【宋永进油画日记095-oil pain...



译文:The beauty of the Lanjiang River lies in the historical taste of the old city wall and ancient wharf along the coast, the graceful beauty of the orchid girl in the legend, the beauty in the step-by-step scene of the confluence of the three rivers, the pontoon bridge leading to Zhongzhou, the ancient charm, and the old-fashioned fishing boats that are more beautiful in the river. full of stories. When I came to paint by the riverside five years ago, both large and small ships could only dock outside the Lanjiang Bridge and the Nanmen Bridge. When I came to draw by the riverside two years ago, the pontoon bridge disappeared: in October this year, I came to create and sketch by the riverside again, and I found that all the big ships were gone. I'm afraid the small boats left behind won't be docked for long.Will also be deported.(Song Yongjin)


The Beauty of the Lanjiang

兰江美-1  80*80cm 2020年 宋永进

The Beauty of the Lanjiang River-1

80*80cm 2020 Song Yongjin

兰江美-2  80*80cm 2020年 宋永进

The Beauty of the Lanjiang River-2

80*80cm 2020 Song Yongjin

兰江美-3  80*80cm 2020年 宋永进

The Beauty of the Lanjiang River-3

80*80cm 2020 Song Yongjin

兰江美-4  80*80cm 2020年 宋永进

The Beauty of the Lanjiang River-4

80*80cm 2020 Song Yongjin

兰江美-5  80*80cm 2020年 宋永进

The Beauty of the Lanjiang River-5

80*80cm 2020 Song Yongjin

兰江美-6  60*60cm 2020年 宋永进

The Beauty of the Lanjiang River-6

80*80cm 2020 Song Yongjin

兰江美-7  70*60cm 2020年 宋永进

The Beauty of the Lanjiang River-7

80*80cm 2020 Song Yongjin


(Partial appreciation of the pictures)


Selected Comments on the Last Publication

---- 生活皆入画,入画思无遐,宋眼看世界,笔绘独一家。[强][强][强](陈三白)

---- 很喜欢宋老师的速写,有着一股浓浓的文人儒雅气息。(冯桂兰)
---- 宋老师作品非常独特,一直在学习[抱拳][抱拳][抱拳](杨健)

---- 线的魅力 (朱凇麟)

---- [强][强][强][玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]永哥乃指路明灯,文画皆精悍!!(赵康)
---- 淡化的精髓。(蓝问号)
---- 宋老师践行和持续着自己的“行为艺术”状态[强][强][强](肖潮)

---- 宋老师,您太有才了(王海燕)
---- 一直在关注宋老师的作品,很喜欢[强](杨化喜)
---- 宋老师这速写太棒了(石木)
---- 越来越多的艺术家在回归自我的同时却抛弃了生活的当下,远离了社会的周遭,反观宋老师的作品越来越亲近和关注生活的当下,当然还保有独立的自我,学习!(俞林)
---- 一股清流(kai kai)
---- 有思维的速写!(黄文忠)
---- 不画画之。很有新意,学习了!(夏相卿)
---- 我祖籍浙江上虞,对于d童年,我的回忆并不多,大部分已经忘却了,而对于故乡,老师您速写的轮廓勾勒出的老物件,特别亲切,让我意犹未尽。(虞芳)
---- 宋老师新作好赞(肖)
---- 老师的速写耐看艺术性高。[强][强][强](江雨江湧)
---- 看宋教授的速写我有一点感悟:很多人写生是慨念加概念,根本没有感觉而言。而宋教授的速写点点滴滴都流露真情实感,让人看了亲切、有味。(PHP)
---- 速写线描的感受力…趣味性…宋老师[强][强][强][强][强](边宁)
---- 简、繁——之间。宋教授速写[强][玫瑰](西海客)
---- 精彩啊!把生活中的普普通通的场景通过重新梳理,留下需要的,强化有意思的,做足大大小小的形形色色…画画就是这么好玩,有趣!让你对生活有自己更深层的理解[呲牙]这才是画画该有的意思(视觉极限)
---- 柱子上歪歪扭扭的图钉,凌乱缠绕的电线,别样捆绑的粽叶。道坦上随意丢置的塑料桶、柴草堆,这些细之又细的点滴一瞬之间就勾起了读者的共鸣和回味。作者必定是有过类似生活经历的,并且深知农村生活的真谛,清苦与乐趣都化作艺术创作的滋养。没错,感动别人的一定先感动自己,深刻又朴素!那排列的黛瓦,坚挺的房梁和池塘里圈点的波纹惆怅了所有人的思乡曲……件件精彩,件件喜欢[强][强][强](列车员)
---- 永哥速写真心牛的[强][强][强](沈雄伟)


Scenes of Drawing








