【火腿快新闻】2016 CQ WW竞赛你准备好了吗? | 日志处理系统换新服务器啦!

New servers for the CQ WW Log Processing

CQ WW日志处理换新服务器啦!

CQ WW Contest committee announce a new server infrastructure to fulfill to the always growing resource demand of log processing.

CQ WW竞赛委员会宣布将安装一台新的服务器以实现日益增长的比赛通联日志处理需求

With the help of Tzetzo LZ2FQ, we have been working to redesign the logcheck web page. This page allows you to upload your log, check it for proper formatting, and then submit to the robot. We are trying to make the page easier to use and to provide more guidance when we find an error. We urge everyone to submit their log using the web rather than email. Feel free to try it out with your 2014 log and let us know if you find a problem.

在Tzetzo LZ2FQ的帮助下,我们重新设计了日志检查网页。该网页可以上传日志,检查上传格式是否正确并提交给服务器。我们试图让页面运行顺畅,如果我们发现错误,我们能提供更多的指导。我们强烈要求参赛者用在线提交的方式提交日志,而不是使用电子邮件。你可以试试2014的日志在线提交,如果发现问题,请及时和我们联系。

Over the past few days, Dave KM3T has been in a data center in northern California working to install a new server for the CQ web sites and log checking. The 8+ year old server we had been using wasn’t keeping up with the increase in logs. We worked around the problem by doing log checking using a virtual server in the Amazon EC2 environment, but all of the file transfers were sometimes unreliable. The new server allows us to process the 5+ million QSOs from CQ WW CW 2014 in less than 6 minutes! This used to take over 45 minutes. Faster checking allows us to work more efficiently and do more testing of our software as we process the final results.

在过去的几天,Dave KM3T在北加利福尼亚州的数据中心为CQ网站和日志系统安装新的服务器。之前的已使用八年的旧服务器不能满足日益增长的日志需求。我们曾今尝试过用借用亚马逊的EC2环境虚拟服务器进行日志检索,但是经常这样进行文件传输并不显示。新的服务器使得我们可以在2014年CQ WW CW比赛中在少于六分钟的时间里处理500万条以上的的QSO信息。之前的旧服务器需要处理超过45分钟。快速检索使得我们工作效率提高,并可以使我们能够在处理最终数据的时候做更多的我们自己的软件测试。

ADIF to Cabrillo Converter

模拟数据交换格式(analog data interchange format)到文本格式转换

The new server was funded by a $4500 grant from the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (www.wwrof.org). The WWROF is a non-profit organization devoted to improving operating skills. They have been instrumental in funding the infrastructure that it takes to host this website, the log robot, the log checking software, and the contest awards. Please take a moment to give them a donation. They are providing critical support to all of the CQ contests.


CQ WW Contest Dates

CQ WW竞赛时间:

SSB: October 29-30, 2016


CW: November 26-27, 2016


Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday     Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday



Read more on CQ WW Web Site



