Sampling and datacollection时会用到的一些句子。部分小站君做了注释,大部分没有注释。更多内容敬请关注我们即将推出的SSCI系列课程。#1 Participants(in this study) were…330. members of____331. selected from____332. mostly of____ origin/background.333. selectedbased on ____334. assigned to acontrol group and a test group.335. randomlysampled from ____ 注释:重要学术语言方法部分用的多。336. randomlyselected based on ____#2 The targetpopulation was…337. composed of____338. drawn from____339. recruitedfrom ____340. restricted topeople (who) ____341. defined as____342. categorizedbased on ____#3 The sample forthis study…343. included ____344. consisted of____345. comprised____346. was takenfrom ____347. was randomlydrawn from ____348. was limitedto ____349. Each samplingunit consisted of ____350. A sample of[N] ____ was selected for analysis.351. The subjectsof this study consisted of ____352. A total of[N] subjects were divided based on ____353. Among the [N]eligible subjects, ____ participated in the study.354. Among theeligible subjects, [N] refused to participate.355. Eligiblesubjects were between the ages of ____ and ____356. [N] subjectswere randomly assigned to ____357. The control(N=x) and experimental groups (N=y) were composed of____358. The mean agewas ____359. Among thestudy cohort, [N] participants met our eligibility criteria.360. ____ was thesole criterion for selection. 注释:criteria复数,criterion单#4 The presentstudy employed a [qualitative/quantitative]361. approach thatinvolved ____362. approachcombining ____ and ____363. approach toinvestigate ____364. researchdesign to investigate ____365. researchmethodology exploring ____366. researchmethod to examine ____367. The researchdesign involved ____368. This studyused a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis tools.369. The datacollected were mostly qualitative/quantitative.370. Data werecollected through the use of ____371. The totalnumber of respondents was defined by ____注释:wasdefined 对象是The total number of372. A total of [N]responses were gathered from a sample of ____373. ____ was/wereascertained by means of ____374. Data werecollected by means of ____375. The data forthis study come from ____376. Additionaldata were gathered through ____377. Data on ____were not available.#5 For the purposeof this study…378. ____wasmeasured with ____379. ____ isdefined as follows: ____380. ____ wasdefined as ____381. ____ isdefined as ____ if ____382. ____ wasclassified as ____383. ____ and ____are not synonymous.384. we used adataset provided by ____385. [N] ____ wereasked to ____386. we will adopt____#6 The survey wasadministered to [N] participants, …387. all of whom____388. most of whom____389. some of whom____390. few of whom____391. half of whom____392. [N] of whom____393. [N] % of whom____394. of whom [N] %____#7 The surveyincluded…395. a variety ofquestions on ____396. a set ofquestions designed to ____397. a number ofopen-ended and multiple-choice questions.398. questions todetermine ____399. an inventoryof ____400. scales tomeasure ____401. questionstaken from ____402. [N]questions, split evenly between ____ and ____403. We conductedin-depth interviews with ____404. The interviewquestions to elicit ____ were of [N] kinds: ____, ____and ____405. The mainpurpose of the first type of questions was to ____#8 All interviews…406. rangedbetween ____ and ____ minutes/hours.407. took placebetween ____ and ____408. weredigitally recorded.409. wereaudio/video taped.410. weretranscribed verbatim.411. were codedand fully transcribed.All interviewswere conducted…412. between ____and ____413. in English(and ____)414. within thepremises of ____415. face-to-face.416. bytelephone/via Skype.#9 Participantscompleted a questionnaire…417. to determine____418. to elicit____419. that measured____420. thatattempted to gain insight into ____421. designed toprovide data on ____422. designed toevaluate/assess ____423. consisting of[N] discrete items.#10 Participantscompleted a questionnaire in which they…424. indicated(whether) ____425. were asked to____426. providedinformation about ____427. rated ____ interms of ____428. rated theimportance of ____ on a [N]-point scale.429. Allparticipants were asked to read and sign a consent form.430. From the [N]completed questionnaires, [N]% were fully usable.431. The overallresponse rate was [N]%.432. Self-reporteddata were gathered on gender, age and ____433. Theassociation between ____ and ____ was examined using ____, with significanceset at [N].434. Next, _____analyses were used to determine ____435. We examinedwhether ____. For this, we conducted two experiments in which ____436. I reviewedfindings from a number of recent studies that ____437. ____ wasbased on participants’ accounts of ____438. Fieldwork wasundertaken over a two-week period. 注释:two-week单数#11 Full-textcopies of ____ were accessed digitally/obtained from [source].439. potentiallyrelevant studies440. studies ofpossible relevance441. potentiallyeligible articles442. randomizedtrials443. relevantlegislation444. relevanttheses and dissertations 注释:Thesesis the plural of thesis. 还有一些如下:a. analyses(plural)/analysis (singular)b. hypotheses(plural)/hypothesis (singular)c. diagnoses(plural)/diagnosis (singular)