[xml] view plaincopyprint?
- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- <project basedir='.' default='run' name='BHO Video indexing'>
- <description>Buile the BHO video index</description>
- <!--Set the Global variable-->
- <property name='src' location='src' />
- <property name='build' location='bin'/>
- <!-- =================================
- 指定程序运行需要的classpath引用,一般不用更改
- ================================= -->
- <path id='classpath'>
- <pathelement location='bin' />
- <fileset dir='lib'>
- <include name='**/*.jar' />
- </fileset>
- </path>
- <!-- Clear the directories of the out -->
- <target name='clear'>
- <echo>Delete the target directories</echo>
- <delete dir='bin' />
- </target>
- <!-- =================================
- target: init
- ================================= -->
- <target name='init' depends='clear' description='Create the bin directory'>
- <echo>Create the bin directory</echo>
- <mkdir dir='${build}'/>
- </target>
- <!-- =================================
- target: compile
- ================================= -->
- <target name='compile' depends='init' description='Compile the project'>
- <javac srcdir='${src}'
- destdir='${build}'
- classpathref='classpath'
- />
- <copy todir='bin'>
- <fileset dir='src'>
- <include name='**/*.properties'/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </target>
- <!-- =================================
- target: run
- ================================= -->
- <target name='run' depends='compile' description='run the project'>
- <java classpathref='classpath' fork='true' classname='<span style='color:#ff0000;'></span>
- ' >
- <jvmarg value='-Xms400M' />
- <jvmarg value='-Xmx1024M' />
- </java>
- </target>
- </project>
[xml] view plaincopyprint?
- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- <project basedir='.' default='run' name='BHO Video indexing'>
- <description>Buile the BHO video index</description>
- <!--Set the Global variable-->
- <property name='src' location='src' />
- <property name='build' location='bin'/>
- <!-- =================================
- 指定程序运行需要的classpath引用,一般不用更改
- ================================= -->
- <path id='classpath'>
- <pathelement location='bin' />
- <fileset dir='lib'>
- <include name='**/*.jar' />
- </fileset>
- </path>
- <!-- Clear the directories of the out -->
- <target name='clear'>
- <echo>Delete the target directories</echo>
- <delete dir='bin' />
- </target>
- <!-- =================================
- target: init
- ================================= -->
- <target name='init' depends='clear' description='Create the bin directory'>
- <echo>Create the bin directory</echo>
- <mkdir dir='${build}'/>
- </target>
- <!-- =================================
- target: compile
- ================================= -->
- <target name='compile' depends='init' description='Compile the project'>
- <javac srcdir='${src}'
- destdir='${build}'
- classpathref='classpath'
- />
- <copy todir='bin'>
- <fileset dir='src'>
- <include name='**/*.properties'/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </target>
- <!-- =================================
- target: run
- ================================= -->
- <target name='run' depends='compile' description='run the project'>
- <java classpathref='classpath' fork='true' classname='<span style='color:#ff0000;'></span>
- ' >
- <jvmarg value='-Xms400M' />
- <jvmarg value='-Xmx1024M' />
- </java>
- </target>
- </project>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <project basedir='.' default='run' name='BHO Video indexing'> <description>Buile the BHO video index</description> <!--Set the Global variable--> <property name='src' location='src' /> <property name='build' location='bin'/> <!-- ================================= 指定程序运行需要的classpath引用,一般不用更改 ================================= --> <path id='classpath'> <pathelement location='bin' /> <fileset dir='lib'> <include name='**/*.jar' /> </fileset> </path> <!-- Clear the directories of the out --> <target name='clear'> <echo>Delete the target directories</echo> <delete dir='bin' /> </target> <!-- ================================= target: init ================================= --> <target name='init' depends='clear' description='Create the bin directory'> <echo>Create the bin directory</echo> <mkdir dir='${build}'/> </target> <!-- ================================= target: compile ================================= --> <target name='compile' depends='init' description='Compile the project'> <javac srcdir='${src}' destdir='${build}' classpathref='classpath' /> <copy todir='bin'> <fileset dir='src'> <include name='**/*.properties'/> </fileset> </copy> </target> <!-- ================================= target: run ================================= --> <target name='run' depends='compile' description='run the project'> <java classpathref='classpath' fork='true' classname=' ' > <jvmarg value='-Xms400M' /> <jvmarg value='-Xmx1024M' /> </java> </target> </project>
b)在命令行(终端)上输入ant run程序就可以启动,其中run是target的名称,请注意修改上面代码中标红的部分,这个事你打算运行程序相对于bin目录的包结构。其中run中的参数-Xms -Xmx可以省略,如果你的程序运行不会超过java虚拟机默认分配的内存。如果系统不能运行ant命令,请修改响应的环境变量(ANT_HOME).
2.1 windows平台上启动java(手动安装jdk)
@echo off set directory=E:\BenZhou\MIS\project\OpenJavaProg\ 替换成你程序的根目录 set jdkpath=D:\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\ 替换成你jdk的安装目录 set classp=%jdkpath%lib\dt.jar;%jdkpath%lib\tools.jar;%directory%bin;%directory%lib\commons-codec-1.3.jar;%directory%lib\commons-httpclient-3.1.jar;%directory%lib\commons-logging-1.1.jar;%directory%lib\commons-net-2.0.jar;%directory%lib\jaxen-core.jar;%directory%lib\jaxen-jdom.jar;%directory%lib\jdom.jar;%directory%lib\log4j-1.2.15.jar;%directory%lib\saxpath.jar 后面的jar部分请替换成你自己引用的jar,前面dt.jar tools.jar bin都是必须得 %jdkpath%\bin\java -classpath %classp% open.mis.uploader.MainEntrance
2.2 Linux平台上命令行启动java(手动安装jdk)
java -classpath /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_05/lib/dt.jar:/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_05/lib/tools.jar:/home/benzhou/OpenJavaProg/bin open.mis.test.GetLocalIPAddress
2.3 Linux平台上shell脚本启动
#!/bin/bash #program: # This program is used to insert the info log to the database # The project is Controlled Short Video #history #2008/11/04 benzhou First Release #export the environment JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/ export JAVA_HOME export LANG=zh_CN.GB18030 #print the timestamp echo `date` ' begin to build the white site' #run the program CLASSPATH=/program/bhocenter/bin:$JAVA_HOME/lib/rt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar for jar in `ls /program/bhocenter/lib/*.jar` do CLASSPATH='$CLASSPATH':'$jar' done /usr/local/java/bin/java -classpath $CLASSPATH center.database.DownloadWhiteSite echo `date` ' process complete'
赞 (0)