

https://www.python.org/downloads /



添加环境变量:鼠标右键此电脑  -> 属性 -> 点击高级系统设置 -> 点击环境变量 -> 点击PATH -> 在最后面加上Python的安装路径 -> 点击确定。




python setup.py install

安装好之后,直接在命令行输入pip,同样会显示'pip’不是内部命令,也不是可运行的程序。需添加环境变量:D:Program Filespython3.6.5Scripts


pip install jupyter

jupyter notebook



F12 控制台

Command Mode (press Esc to enable)

Edit Mode (press Enter to enable)

F: find and replace

Tab: code completion or indent

Ctrl-Shift-F: open the command palette

Shift-Tab: tooltip

Ctrl-Shift-P: open the command palette

Ctrl-]: indent

Enter: enter edit mode

Ctrl-[: dedent

P: open the command palette

Ctrl-A: select all

Shift-Enter: run cell, select below

Ctrl-Z: undo

Ctrl-Enter: run selected cells

Ctrl-/: comment

Alt-Enter: run cell and insert below

Ctrl-D: delete whole line

Y: change cell to code

Ctrl-U: undo selection

M: change cell to markdown

Insert: toggle overwrite flag

R: change cell to raw

Ctrl-Home: go to cell start

1: change cell to heading 1

Ctrl-Up: go to cell start

2: change cell to heading 2

Ctrl-End: go to cell end

3: change cell to heading 3

Ctrl-Down: go to cell end

4: change cell to heading 4

Ctrl-Left: go one word left

5: change cell to heading 5

Ctrl-Right: go one word right

6: change cell to heading 6

Ctrl-Backspace: delete word before

K: select cell above

Ctrl-Delete: delete word after

Up: select cell above

Ctrl-Y: redo

Down: select cell below

Alt-U: redo selection

J: select cell below

Ctrl-M: enter command mode

Shift-Up: extend selected cells above

Ctrl-Shift-F: open the command palette

Shift-Down: extend selected cells below

Ctrl-Shift-P: open the command palette

Shift-J: extend selected cells below

Esc: enter command mode

A: insert cell above

Shift-Enter: run cell, select below

B: insert cell below

Ctrl-Enter: run selected cells

X: cut selected cells

Alt-Enter: run cell and insert below

C: copy selected cells

Ctrl-Shift-Minus: split cell at cursor

Shift-V: paste cells above

Ctrl-S: Save and Checkpoint

V: paste cells below

Down: move cursor down

Z: undo cell deletion

Up: move cursor up



