muse /mjuːz/
One exception is on social media such as WeChat, where drivers share tips about bad traffic, good food and clean guesthouses. Some lorry drivers, including some of the roughly one in 25 who are women, have built followings on Kuaishou, a video-Sharing app. Mr Liu does not fear self-driving lorries taking jobs. 'Maybe for smaller cars,' he muses. But for big lorries like his, hauling a tank of sulphuric acid plastered with warning signs, 'you're going to need a guy.'
微信等社交媒体是个例外,在这里司机们分享关于交通堵塞、美食和干净宾馆的小建议。一些卡车司机,包括大概1/25的女性司机,已经在快手app上积累起了粉丝。刘先生没有害怕自动驾驶的卡车会抢走他的工作。“也许自动驾驶只适合小型汽车,”他沉思道,对于像他这样的大卡车,车上拖着一个装满硫酸并涂有警示标识的大罐,“你就得需要人来操作。”muse: If you muse on something, you think about it, usually saying or writing what you are thinking at the same time.缪斯(希腊语:Μουσαι;拉丁语:Musae;英语:Muses)是希腊神话里的女神,共有9位。她们分别是艺术、文学、音乐、诗歌等领域的灵感源泉。Museum的本意就是“缪斯们所居住的神庙”(a temple or shrine of the Muses).古希腊很多的诗人和文学创作者,都曾求助于缪斯以获得灵感,传说荷马在创作《伊里亚特》和《奥德赛》这两部史诗时,都请求缪斯女神赐予他灵感。直到今天,Muse仍然代表着艺术与灵感的源泉。如果一个男人夸一个女人是他的Muse女神,不仅仅是在称赞她的外表,更重要的是这位女神为他的艺术创作提供了源源不断的灵感。
All I could think about was Daliya. Every drawing, every poem, every historical novel I wrote was for her. She was my muse.我脑子里想的都是达丽娅。每幅画,每首诗,每一部历史小说,我都是为她而作。她是我的女神。