

1.播音员一开始用幽默的说法评价Tom Hanks,说他是 a positve kind of guy, not a guy you test positive,这里的两个positive意思不一样,前者指 ” 乐观积极的“,后者指 “ 阳性的”,意思是说积极阳光的汤姆汉克斯绝不会是一个病毒成阳性的人。

2. 引用了“阿甘正传”的台词:Life was like a box of chocolates,  you never know what you're gonna get.(生活就是一盒巧克力,你永远无法知道你会得到什么)。然后调侃的说,他得到了新冠。

3. 汤姆汉克斯发了Instagram(美国一知名社交网站),说他们夫妇俩感觉疲劳,好像得了感冒一般,身体也感到了疼痛(We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches.)。随后,他们的儿子(纹身的那个)也出来证实。

4. TJ出来表示对夫妇俩的担心, 还是Bhodi比较乐观,说Hanks已经三次大难不死了(stranded on an island指影片 cast away 荒岛余生,Vietnam应该是指阿甘正传,failed moon landing指更早一些的阿波罗十三号,这三部都是Hanks的经典之作,推荐哦!!!),这次一定也没事。

5. 接下是说他们夫妇俩所在的澳大利亚医院,条件非常好,那个地方是汤姆汉克斯拍摄电影猫王的地方(他在片中扮演成就猫王的派克上校)。

6. 然后是美国著名脱口秀主持人艾伦的推特,祝愿他早日康复。另一个Allen则是和Hanks一起在玩具总动员里配音的演员,Allen配音巴斯光年,Hanks配伍迪,所以他对他说:伍迪,我真该把我(防病毒的)太空服借给你倆穿,祝你们早日康复!

7. 医院的员工给汉克斯一个排球,陪伴他度过孤独的隔离期,而这个排球恰是他在电影cast away里的伙伴Wilson,然后有人把这个排球恶搞成病毒。

8. 结尾是汉克斯的较晚的一部片子--萨利机长,impact一词也是一语双关,既有飞机冲撞的意思,又有病毒影响之意。

CNN 4月20日的新闻:

Tom Hanks recounts his exhaustion and wife Rita Wilson's nausea during coronavirus 

( recount:讲述  exhaution:筋疲力竭 nausea:恶心    coronavirus:新冠病毒 )


(CNN)Tom Hanks is getting personal about the coronavirus battle that he and his wife Rita Wilson experienced.

The actor says although he didn't have symptoms as bad as Wilson, he felt "wiped" while in isolation at a hospital in Queensland, Australia, last month.

1. get personal about:对...发表个人意见

2. battle:战斗,此处指与病毒作斗争。

3. experience:经历

4. symptom:症状

5. wiped:疲惫的,常用短语wipe / wear out(使疲惫),wiped为被动式形容词,相当于tired,exhausted

6. in isolation:隔离/孤立中(确诊后被隔离在澳大利亚的昆士兰)


"I was wiped after 12 minutes [of exercising]. I laid down in my hospital bed and just slept," Hanks told National Defense Radio Show.

He recalled telling a medical professional who was treating him at the time, "'I just had the weirdest thing. I just tried to do basic stretches and exercises on the floor and I couldn't even get halfway through.' And she looked at me through her glasses like she was talking to the dumbest human being. And she said, 'You have Covid-19.'"

1. lie down:躺下

2. recall:回忆

3. professional:专业人士, medical professional即医生。

4. weirdest:最奇怪的,weird的最高级形式。

5. stretch:伸展(运动)

6. exercise:运动

7. get through:完成

8. halfway:一半

9. dumb:笨的


Hanks said that his wife had such bad nausea from the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, that at times she couldn't even walk.

1. anti-malaria drug:抗疟药物,anti前缀表示“ 抗,反”

2. hydroxychloroquine:(药物名)


"Rita went through a tougher time than I did," Hanks went on to say. "She had a much higher fever and she had some other symptoms. She lost her sense of taste and smell. She got absolutely no joy from food for a better part of three weeks ... She was so nauseous she had to crawl on the floor from the bed to the facilities."

Wilson recently spoke about her experience with Covid-19 to "CBS This Morning."

"I felt extremely achy, uncomfortable, didn't want to be touched, and then the fever started," Wilson told Gayle King. She also discussed having a temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit and "chills like I never had before."

After recovering, the couple returned home to Los Angeles in late March.

1. go through:经历

2. tough:困难的,相当于difficult。

3. go on to:继续

4. fever:高烧

5. lost her sense of taste and smell:失去了味觉

6. absolutely:完全地,相当于definitely,老美日常使用频率超高的单词。

7. a better part of:多半,还可以写成a best part of

8. nauseous:恶心的,nausea的形容词形式。

9. crawl:爬

10. facilities:设备,器械。

11. extremely:极短地

12. achy:疼痛的,ache的形容词。

13. uncomfortable:不舒服的

14. temperature:温度,体温

15. chill:寒意

16. recover:恢复,名词形式是recovery。

17. late March:三月下旬

P.S. Tom Hanks的几部经典电影:


文:Chloe Melas


